Mineral points to Martian water suitable for life


Bluuuue Rajah

Mineral points to Martian water suitable for life

Thu Dec 18, 6:41 pm ET


Reuters ? An artist's conception shows what NASA's Mars Reconnaissance

Orbiter has revealed, vast Martian glaciers ? [photo]

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) ? Mineral evidence for a water environment

capable of supporting life has been discovered on Mars, scientists said


Deposits of carbonate, formed in neutral or alkaline water, were spotted

by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the scientists told a meeting of

the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

"Obviously this is very exciting," said John Mustard of Brown University

in Rhode Island. "It's white -- it's a bulbous, crusty material."

Carbonate is formed when water and carbon dioxide mix with calcium, iron

or magnesium. It dissolves quickly in acid, so its discovery counters

the theory that all water on Mars was at one time acidic.

"It would have been a pretty clement, benign environment for early

Martian life," said Bethany Ehlmann, a graduate student at Brown

University who led the study published in the journal Science.

"It preserves a record of a particular type of habitat, a neutral to

alkaline water environment."

Carbonates on Earth like chalk or limestone sometimes preserve organic

material, but scientists have found no such evidence on Mars.

The 3.6 billion-year-old carbonate was discovered in bedrock at the edge

of a 930-mile-wide (1,490-km-wide) crater.

Carbonate previously had been found in minuscule amounts in soil samples

provided by the Phoenix Mars Lander, Martian dust and Martian meteorites

on Earth. But this is the first time scientists have found a site where

carbonate formed.

The deposits are about the size of football fields and are visible in

images taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The deposits appear to be limited, but the neutral or alkaline water

environment may once have been more widespread, said Scott Murchie, a

scientist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Phyllosilicates, which form under similar conditions to carbonate but do

not dissolve in acidic environments, are abundant on Mars.

"There were these different water environments in early Mars history,

(which) increases the possibilities that life started," said Richard

Zurek of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

(Editing by Maggie Fox and Xavier Briand)



On 21 Dec, 01:06, Bluuuue Rajah <Bluuuuue@Rajah.> wrote:

> Mineral points to Martian water suitable for life


> Thu Dec 18, 6:41 pm ET




> Reuters ? An artist's conception shows what NASA's Mars Reconnaissance

> Orbiter has revealed, vast Martian glaciers ? [photo]


> SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) ? Mineral evidence for a water environment

> capable of supporting life has been discovered on Mars, scientists said

> Thursday.


> Deposits of carbonate, formed in neutral or alkaline water, were spotted

> by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the scientists told a meeting of

> the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.


> "Obviously this is very exciting," said John Mustard of Brown University

> in Rhode Island. "It's white -- it's a bulbous, crusty material."


> Carbonate is formed when water and carbon dioxide mix with calcium, iron

> or magnesium. It dissolves quickly in acid, so its discovery counters

> the theory that all water on Mars was at one time acidic.


> "It would have been a pretty clement, benign environment for early

> Martian life," said Bethany Ehlmann, a graduate student at Brown

> University who led the study published in the journal Science.


> "It preserves a record of a particular type of habitat, a neutral to

> alkaline water environment."


> Carbonates on Earth like chalk or limestone sometimes preserve organic

> material, but scientists have found no such evidence on Mars.


> The 3.6 billion-year-old carbonate was discovered in bedrock at the edge

> of a 930-mile-wide (1,490-km-wide) crater.


> Carbonate previously had been found in minuscule amounts in soil samples

> provided by the Phoenix Mars Lander, Martian dust and Martian meteorites

> on Earth. But this is the first time scientists have found a site where

> carbonate formed.


> The deposits are about the size of football fields and are visible in

> images taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.


> The deposits appear to be limited, but the neutral or alkaline water

> environment may once have been more widespread, said Scott Murchie, a

> scientist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.


> Phyllosilicates, which form under similar conditions to carbonate but do

> not dissolve in acidic environments, are abundant on Mars.


> "There were these different water environments in early Mars history,

> (which) increases the possibilities that life started," said Richard

> Zurek of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.


> (Editing by Maggie Fox and Xavier Briand)

Why keep Cydonia suppressed? Read Hoagland and Bara.



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