Minutes To Midnight - A Band ??

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alright, so i decided to type http://www.minutestomidnight.com in my address bar to see what i'd get and i ended up on some band's site. the band indeed is named "minutes to midnight" .. once i was redirected to their myspace page i saw a blog post from one of their members talking about lp's new album. he seems to be pretty bummed about it...

The other day on there I saw that Linkin Park have officially announced that their new album due in April is going to be titled, "Minutes to Midnight." This gives me a mix of feelings.


The other guys in the band don't care too much, and I don't either except that
I worry that now when people ask our band name and I answer, "Minutes to Midnight," they will be like, "Oh, like the Linkin Park CD?" I know that this is a petty complaint, but still one that I have.

lol i can just picture several a*holes asking them just to **** him off.

here's the link to the blog post:


you can also check out the mix of reactions they got(mostly it's against LP,and some bastards even sayin to sue LP :D ). LOL !!



New member
I told them not to worry unless he gets a record deal. And reminded him that LP where forced to change their name in the begining.
Yeah that was the first thing i was thinking about, when they wanted the band to be named HT, it couldn't because another band was called Hybrid1 (if i'm right?), i hope they won't have to change the album name, because i really like it!



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lol im gonna **** myself laughing if like KoRN or something sings a song called Minutes To Midnight!


Active Members
I think it's good promotion for the band...

but it's also gonna be annoying for them if people always gonna ask this question



New member
thats always the downside to these things, mind you minutes to midnight is somethign actual,not some random name they came up with, so i dont think anything will come of it, cause im pretty sure Warner woulda copyrighted it or if it did come from that book(mentioned ages ago) or wherever mike got the name,im sure he woulda got permission or something


New member

That shouldn't interfere with anything.

That band Hybrid didn't complain after they named the CD "Hybrid Theory"

Minutes to Midnight is no exception.



New member
Am I the only person who thinks of Iron Maiden when they hear Minutes to Midnight? Anyway, I think the band is pretty good. Definitely better then a lot of the bands some people swoon over. 8P


New member
If anything its good publicity for those guys... and besides their band name is unoriginal, it was bound to show up other places. This isnt the first time bands have used it for stuff.

"sue the bastards!" - The words of a nooby. Maybe once the band comes up with an original name and then actually gets signed, MAYBE we could talk about suing people who start using that name, but until then, how about we keep our 5 year old comments to ourselves. Shall we?

(Also, band name, album name, two different things.)


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