Miracle! Pope creates a saint in Brazil

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Miracle! Pope creates a saint in Brazil

Via NY Transfer News Collective All the News that Doesn't Fit

BBC - May 11, 2007

Pope creates Brazil's first saint

Pope Benedict XVI has canonised Brazil's first native-born saint, Friar
Galvao, to the cheers of up to a million faithful gathered in Sao Paulo.

The Pope announced the sainthood from a throne flanked by bishops and
choirs, and overlooked by a giant wooden cross.

The Church has attributed two miracles to Friar Galvao, an 18th Century
monk who is still seen as influential.

The open-air Mass marks the highlight of the Pope's five-day visit to
the world's most populous Catholic nation.

Hundreds of thousands of believers from across Latin America cheered
and waved flags at Sao Paulo's Campo de Marte airfield. Many had spent
the night there.

The BBC's Gary Duffy in Sao Paulo says the Catholic Church in Brazil is
hoping that the Pope's visit and the canonisation will help
reinvigorate the local church, which has lost millions of faithful in
recent years to evangelical churches.

During the Mass, the 80-year-old pontiff encouraged his listeners to
follow the example of the new saint by helping the needy "in an age so
full of hedonism".

He lauded Friar Galvao as a model of rectitude and humility, and went
on to criticise the elements of the media that ridiculed the sanctity
of marriage and virginity before marriage.

After canonising Friar Galvao, the Pope also hugged Sandra Grossi de
Almeida and her seven-year-old son, Enzo.

She is one of two Brazilian females who the Church says are evidence of
divinely inspired miracles that justify Friar Galvao's sainthood.

Friar Galvao is remembered for producing Latin prayers written on tiny
balls of paper that, when swallowed, had the apparent effect of curing
a range of ailments.

After taking one of these pills, Ms Almeida, who had a uterine
malformation that should have made it impossible for her to carry a
child for more than four months, gave birth to Enzo.

Friar Galvao is also certified by the Church as healing a four-year-old
girl said to have been considered incurable by doctors.

Following the Mass, the Pope was due to meet some 430 Brazilian bishops
at a Sao Paulo cathedral.

Another highlight of the Pope's trip comes on Sunday, when a crowd of
at least 350,000 people is expected to celebrate Mass in Aparecida,
where the Pope will also take part in a conference of Latin American

The forum, the first for 15 years, will bring together nearly 200
bishops and cardinals from Latin America and the Caribbean to set out
the Church's agenda and future policies in the region.

'Sheep without a shepherd'

On Thursday, the Pope received a rapturous reception from an audience
of tens of thousands of young people gathered at a Sao Paulo stadium.

His address focused on what he called the "snares of evil" -
pre-marital sex, drug use, corruption, violence and the temptations of
wealth and power.

He urged the young to avoid these and asked them to "be promoters of
life, from its beginning to its natural end".

The Pope sparked controversy as soon as he arrived in Brazil on
Wednesday by stressing his strong opposition to abortion, the subject
of intense debate in the country, where some Brazilians are pushing for
the legalisation of terminations.

The World Health Organisation estimates that illegal abortions numbered
more than a million in Brazil last year alone.


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