Misleading Trade Deficit Figures



The headlines are that "Trade Deficit Sets Another Record" and has this

The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that the gap between what America
sells abroad and what it imports rose to a record $763.6 billion last year,
a 6.5 percent increase from the previous record of $716.7 billion set in
2005. For December, the deficit rose a bigger-than-expected 5.3 percent to
$61.2 billion.

The numbers are misleading and here's why. Suppose, in 2005, we exported $50
worth of goods and imported $100 worth of goods. That's a $50 deficit.
Now, if inflation was everywhere at 100%/yr and all goods imported and
exported didn't change, then in 2006 there would be $100 worth exported and
$200 worth imported. That's a $100 deficit -- an increase of 100%!!! Yet,
everything remained that same from 2005 and 2006.