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Romney Hopes to Halt McCain Wave of Momentum
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John McCain's wave of political momentum is building as he comes off a major
win in the winner-take-all Florida presidential primary and prepares to
receive the endorsement Wednesday of one-time Republican national
frontrunner Rudy Giuliani.

Wednesday night, the Arizona Republican will come face-to-face with former
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in what has been narrowed to basically a
two-man race between the two. Romney came in a close second place in Florida's

The dwindling field of GOP contenders will travel coast-to-coast Wednesday,
leaving The Sunshine State to debate in California, the biggest state on
next week's Super Tuesday primary battle royale of more than 20 contests.

Both men are predicting they'll come out on top after next week's voting.

"My friends, in one week we will have as close to a national primary as we've
ever had in this country. I intend to win it and be the nominee of our
party," McCain told supporters Tuesday night.

Romney, appearing on FOX News Wednesday morning, said the choice for voters
is either for McCain, "or do they want to vote for me - who does his best to
bring together the Republican coalition that Ronald Reagan built.

"I think I stand a good chance in that contest," Romney said.

Giuliani, who placed a disappointing third place Tuesday even after staking
his entire political fortune on the state, told reporters Tuesday he would
be heading to California, but did not say he would specifically attend the
debate - an early sign the campaign wouldn't exist by debate time Tuesday.

And sources confirm to FOX News that the endorsement is sealed up, with only
the McCain campaign to dictate when the event will happen later Wednesday.

Tuesday night, McCain praised Giuliani's efforts in the campaign.

"I want to thank my dear friend, my dear friend, Rudy Giuliani, who invested
his heart and soul in this primary and who conducted himself with all the
qualities of the exceptional American leader he truly. . Thank you, Rudy,
for all you have added to this race and for being an inspiration to me and
millions of Americans," McCain said.

Giuliani and the traveling press corps were set to depart Orlando, Fla., at
9:15 a.m. in a chartered 727 with a planned refueling stop in Texas en route
to California, where a press conference is scheduled at about 3 p.m. PT (6
p.m. ET) at the Reagan Presidential Library, although Giuliani's press aides
say McCain's staff will finalize the details.

Giuliani looked upbeat this morning and just grabbed a coffee on the way to
his parked car at the hotel.

California - The Golden State - could prove to be another state of fortune
for McCain as the popular and famous Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
appears to be nearing a McCain endorsement.

In an interview this week with The San Francisco Chronicle, Schwarzenegger
reportedly tiptoed around a McCain endorsement, praising him for his ability
to work across party lines while facing a torrent of criticism from

"I think that you should never worry about being hammered," Schwarzenegger
told the Chronicle. "If you want to lead, there will always be people
against it. I hear this kind of stuff all the time."

And Tuesday, Schwarzenegger praised McCain's work on the environment,
according to a local ABC News report.

Part of the credit to McCain's win in Florida has been given to a late
endorsement by Gov. Charlie Crist, who upon giving the endorsement offered
his state political machine to get out the vote on behalf of McCain.

All this means a steeper battle Romney. Romney also has grabbed wins along
the way in Wyoming and Nevada, giving him the second-most Republican
delegates even after losing all of Florida's 57 available delegates to
McCain Tuesday night.

For his part, Romney is dismissing suggestions that Florida is pointing to a
McCain mandate, with a campaign staffer telling FOX News, "There are two
horses coming out of Florida."

Also expected at the debate Wednesday night at the Reagan Presidential
Library in Simi Valley, Calif., is former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Huckabee finished behind Giuliani Tuesday night, but promised to press on
citing his expected strength among evangelical Christians in southern states
like Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia and other southern states.