Mitt Promises NOT to Embarass America Like the Clinton Crime Family Did in The White House


Patriot Games


Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct in
the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."

In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at recent
house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not embarrass the
nation in the White House. He is campaigning for Thursday's Republican
presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary Rodham Clinton is campaigning
on the Democratic side.

"We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our whole
family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best to uphold
and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think people expect from
our leaders."

Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
values that people expect of a White House couple."

The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated by a
scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern Monica

The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.
Patriot Games wrote:
> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
> in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
> In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
> recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
> embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
> Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
> Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
> "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
> because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
> failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
> years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
> culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our
> whole family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best
> to uphold and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think
> people expect from our leaders."
> Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
> referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
> values that people expect of a White House couple."
> The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated
> by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern
> Monica Lewinsky.
> The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
> grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
> wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.

It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
a pass to the current occupants.
"SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
| Patriot Games wrote:
| >
| >
| > Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
| >
| > Wednesday, January 2, 2008
| >
| > WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
| > president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
| > in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
| >
| > In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
| > recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
| > embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
| > Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
| > Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
| >
| > "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
| > because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
| > failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
| > years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
| > culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our
| > whole family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best
| > to uphold and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think
| > people expect from our leaders."
| >
| > Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
| > referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
| > values that people expect of a White House couple."
| >
| > The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated
| > by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern
| > Monica Lewinsky.
| >
| > The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
| > grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
| > wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.
| >
| It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
| for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
| a pass to the current occupants.

Bring us up to date on the current occupants, of whom I'm certainly no fan.
But, I don't recall them engaging in such juvenille behavior as Bill Clinton
did in the most sacred place in our government. So, let's see it, if you got

The very first thing they teach freshmen
politicians is that a politician's main job
is to make people worry about something
so the government can fix it and tax it.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

JC wrote:
> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
>> Patriot Games wrote:
>>> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>>> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>>> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>>> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their
>>> conduct in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
>>> In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
>>> recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
>>> embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
>>> Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
>>> Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
>>> "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our
>>> kids because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there
>>> have been failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back
>>> to the Clinton years and recognize that _ that I think had an
>>> enormous impact on the culture of our country," Romney said. "And
>>> we'll do our very best, our whole family will to _ well, if we
>>> can't be perfect, we'll do our best to uphold and to be a good
>>> example for the kinds of values I think people expect from our
>>> leaders."
>>> Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to
>>> anybody, referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold
>>> the kind of values that people expect of a White House couple."
>>> The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was
>>> dominated by a scandal involving his relationship with former White
>>> House intern Monica Lewinsky.
>>> The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
>>> grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
>>> wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.

>> It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
>> for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently
>> give a pass to the current occupants.

> Bring us up to date on the current occupants, of whom I'm certainly
> no fan. But, I don't recall them engaging in such juvenille behavior
> as Bill Clinton did in the most sacred place in our government. So,
> let's see it, if you got it.

Republican candidates are so ashamed of the incompetence of the current
Republican administration that they barely acknowledge that it exists.

"Sacred"? The White House is not a church.
JC wrote:

> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> | Patriot Games wrote:
> | >
> | >
> | > Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
> | >
> | > Wednesday, January 2, 2008
> | >
> | > WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
> | > president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
> | > in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
> | >
> | > In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
> | > recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
> | > embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
> | > Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
> | > Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
> | >
> | > "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
> | > because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
> | > failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
> | > years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
> | > culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our
> | > whole family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best
> | > to uphold and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think
> | > people expect from our leaders."
> | >
> | > Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
> | > referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
> | > values that people expect of a White House couple."
> | >
> | > The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated
> | > by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern
> | > Monica Lewinsky.
> | >
> | > The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
> | > grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
> | > wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.
> | >
> |
> | It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
> | for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
> | a pass to the current occupants.
> Bring us up to date on the current occupants, of whom I'm certainly no fan.
> But, I don't recall them engaging in such juvenille behavior as Bill Clinton
> did in the most sacred place in our government. So, let's see it, if you got
> it.

The White House is a piece of real estate owned by the American people.
It was not intended to have been run as a Motel 6 as the Clintons are
alleged to have done. But to me that was not so much because of the
symbolic value of the WH, but because you shouldn't use the people's
property for personal gain. And the Monica thing meant nothing to me.
As a matter of fact, I was a bit jealous of Bubba. I was not a big fan
of his, but I have to admit that Clinton was one of the best
right-of-center presidents we ever had.

Now about that coma you must've been in these past seven years, here's
how you can bring yourself "up to date with the current occupants." Do
a search for "Bush war crimes" and focus on such things as the invasion
and subsequent occupation of a sovereign country (that posed no threat),
torture of prisoners, kidnapping and renditions (for a real Keystone
Cops incident read about the kidnapping of an Imam in Rome and the
warrants outstanding against 22 or so CIA agents - hilarious!), secret
trials, and Guantanamo. Also take a look at the firing of those who
spoke the truth and the shredding of international treaties like the
Geneva convention.

Next check out "Bush domestic crimes" and look at signing statements,
illegal orders to government employees, cooked up intelligence,
eavesdropping and other means of spying on citizens. To break the
monotony check out "borrow and spend" and look at a graph showing the
value of the dollar over the past five years. Oh, and don't forget the
National Debt and tax cuts for billionaires. When you're done with
that, report back and you'll get further assignments dealing with
election theft, US attorney firings, appointments - some of the recess
variety - of wolves to hen houses, and benefit cuts to veterans and
"SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
>> in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."

> It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons for
> their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give a pass
> to the current occupants.

It sure does.
Patriot Games wrote:
> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
> in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."

I remember another candidate in 2000 promised to "bring honor and
dignity back to the White House." (Which was code language for "I'm not
going to cheat on my wife like the incumbent is doing.")

From this, I think that most Americans other than the Christian
evangelicals have learned that marital faithfulness does not correlate
with professional performance on the job.

Steven L.
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.
SgtMinor wrote:
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their
>> conduct in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."

> It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
> for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
> a pass to the current occupants.

Actually, it speaks volumes about the GOP primary process:

Giuliani infuriated the Christian evangelical bloc with his three
divorces. In my discussions with these folks, they have said that they
would never trust someone in business or government who could not be
trusted to remain faithful to his wife. If you cheat on your wife,
after having sworn marriage vows before God, then what else are you
being dishonest about?

In 2000, candidate Bush had scored with these evangelical voters, when
he promised to not cheat on his wife the way Clinton did. (That was the
meaning of his code language "I will restore honor and dignity to the
White House.") Romney is basically taking the same pledge.

Those are some of the priorities that Republican voters are weighing as
they go to vote in the caucuses and primaries.

Steven L.
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.
"SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
| JC wrote:
| > "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
| >
| > | Patriot Games wrote:
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
| > | >
| > | > Wednesday, January 2, 2008
| > | >
| > | > WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
| > | > president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their
| > | > in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
| > | >
| > | > In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
| > | > recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
| > | > embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
| > | > Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
| > | > Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
| > | >
| > | > "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our
| > | > because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have
| > | > failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the
| > | > years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on
| > | > culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best,
| > | > whole family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our
| > | > to uphold and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think
| > | > people expect from our leaders."
| > | >
| > | > Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to
| > | > referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind
| > | > values that people expect of a White House couple."
| > | >
| > | > The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was
| > | > by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House
| > | > Monica Lewinsky.
| > | >
| > | > The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
| > | > grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
| > | > wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.
| > | >
| > |
| > | It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
| > | for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently
| > | a pass to the current occupants.
| >
| > Bring us up to date on the current occupants, of whom I'm certainly no
| > But, I don't recall them engaging in such juvenille behavior as Bill
| > did in the most sacred place in our government. So, let's see it, if you
| > it.
| >
| >
| The White House is a piece of real estate owned by the American people.
| It was not intended to have been run as a Motel 6 as the Clintons are
| alleged to have done. But to me that was not so much because of the
| symbolic value of the WH, but because you shouldn't use the people's
| property for personal gain. And the Monica thing meant nothing to me.
| As a matter of fact, I was a bit jealous of Bubba. I was not a big fan
| of his, but I have to admit that Clinton was one of the best
| right-of-center presidents we ever had.
| Now about that coma you must've been in these past seven years, here's
| how you can bring yourself "up to date with the current occupants." Do
| a search for "Bush war crimes"

I know about all I want to know about Bush. But that was not what Romney AND
you were trolling for now, was it?

The very first thing they teach freshmen
politicians is that a politician's main job
is to make people worry about something
so the government can fix it and tax it.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

He's right. The president and other high ranking officials should be a cut above.
Bill Clinton has the morals of an alley cat and he made a mockery of the presidency
when he was in office.....AAC

On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 16:36:00 -0500, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:

>Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct in
>the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
>In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at recent
>house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not embarrass the
>nation in the White House. He is campaigning for Thursday's Republican
>presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary Rodham Clinton is campaigning
>on the Democratic side.
>"We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
>because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
>failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
>years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
>culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our whole
>family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best to uphold
>and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think people expect from
>our leaders."
>Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
>referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
>values that people expect of a White House couple."
>The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated by a
>scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern Monica
>The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
>grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
>wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.
On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 16:44:21 -0500, SgtMinor <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid>

>Patriot Games wrote:
>> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
>> in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
>> In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
>> recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
>> embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
>> Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
>> Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
>> "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
>> because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
>> failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
>> years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
>> culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our
>> whole family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best
>> to uphold and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think
>> people expect from our leaders."
>> Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
>> referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
>> values that people expect of a White House couple."
>> The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated
>> by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern
>> Monica Lewinsky.
>> The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
>> grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
>> wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.

>It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
>for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
>a pass to the current occupants.

The current occupants have personally conducted themselves as most people would
expect from high government officials. Bill Clinton is a sexual pervert who set the
country on its ear with all the Clinton scandals before and during his time in
office. He's an embarrassment. Disagree with George Bush if you like, but he is a
very moral man.....AAC
"AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 16:44:21 -0500, SgtMinor
> <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid>
> wrote:

>>> Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
>>> referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
>>> values that people expect of a White House couple."
>>> The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated
>>> by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern
>>> Monica Lewinsky.
>>> The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
>>> grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
>>> wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.

>>It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
>>for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
>>a pass to the current occupants.

> The current occupants have personally conducted themselves as most people
> would
> expect from high government officials. Bill Clinton is a sexual pervert
> who set the
> country on its ear with all the Clinton scandals before and during his
> time in
> office. He's an embarrassment. Disagree with George Bush if you like,
> but he is a
> very moral man.....AAC

It's just like a mormon to indict someone for immorality and say, as a
patent falsehood, that his remarks aren't referring to anyone.

So is morality nothing more or less than keeping your pants on?

"We are being told that a competent, trustworthy president is someone
who brandishes his religion like a neon sign, loads a gun and goes out
hunting for beautiful winged creatures, and tries to imitate a past
president who, by the way, never shot a bird or felt the need to imitate

~~ Patti Davis Is Not Flattered by GOP Candidates' Pale Imitations of
Her Father

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In News,, AnAmericanCitizen at, typed this:

> He's right. The president and other high ranking officials should be
> a cut above. Bill Clinton has the morals of an alley cat and he made
> a mockery of the presidency when he was in office.....AAC

But even through all of that, Clinton was still a better president than Bush
or Romney can ever hope to be.

> On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 16:36:00 -0500, "Patriot Games"
> <> wrote:
>> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their
>> conduct in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
>> In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
>> recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
>> embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
>> Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
>> Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
>> "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our
>> kids because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there
>> have been failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back
>> to the Clinton years and recognize that _ that I think had an
>> enormous impact on the culture of our country," Romney said. "And
>> we'll do our very best, our whole family will to _ well, if we can't
>> be perfect, we'll do our best to uphold and to be a good example for
>> the kinds of values I think people expect from our leaders."
>> Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to
>> anybody, referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold
>> the kind of values that people expect of a White House couple."
>> The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was
>> dominated by a scandal involving his relationship with former White
>> House intern Monica Lewinsky.
>> The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
>> grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
>> wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong
enough to take away everything you have."

Thomas Jefferson
AnAmericanCitizen wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 16:44:21 -0500, SgtMinor <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid>
> wrote:
>>Patriot Games wrote:
>>>Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>>>Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>>>WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>>>president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
>>>in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
>>>In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
>>>recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
>>>embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
>>>Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
>>>Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
>>>"We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
>>>because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
>>>failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
>>>years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
>>>culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our
>>>whole family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best
>>>to uphold and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think
>>>people expect from our leaders."
>>>Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
>>>referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
>>>values that people expect of a White House couple."
>>>The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated
>>>by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern
>>>Monica Lewinsky.
>>>The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
>>>grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
>>>wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.

>>It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
>>for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
>>a pass to the current occupants.

> The current occupants have personally conducted themselves as most people would
> expect from high government officials. Bill Clinton is a sexual pervert who set the
> country on its ear with all the Clinton scandals before and during his time in
> office. He's an embarrassment. Disagree with George Bush if you like, but he is a
> very moral man.....AAC

What exactly made Clinton a "sexual pervert?" Was he coming on to boy
pages or exhibiting a wide stance in airport bathrooms?

And how exactly is someone who lies the country into an illegal war, and
has the blood of thousands of innocents on his hands, a "very moral man?"
"Steven L." <> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
>> in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."

> I remember another candidate in 2000 promised to "bring honor and dignity
> back to the White House." (Which was code language for "I'm not going to
> cheat on my wife like the incumbent is doing.")


> From this, I think that most Americans other than the Christian
> evangelicals have learned that marital faithfulness does not correlate
> with professional performance on the job.

No, but its a nice-to-have quality in a President.

Did Clinton run the Taliban out of power in Afghanistan? No. Bush did.

Did Clinton destroy all the Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan? No.
Bush did.

Did Clinton perform "marital faithfulness" as the President? No. Bush did.

See? Its like icing on the cake...
"AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> He's right. The president and other high ranking officials should be a
> cut above.
> Bill Clinton has the morals of an alley cat and he made a mockery of the
> presidency
> when he was in office.....AAC

I think so too. The notion that the President of the United States of
America is just some other guy doing just some other job is bullshit.

Nobody's perfect, and we'd be silly to require that.

But like you say we do expect "a cut above."

Clinton was even less than a cut below, he was just scraps.

The title of this post inludes "NOT to Embarass America Like the
Clinton Crime Family ", but I have to tell you the rest of the world
liked Bill Clinton.

When that whole Sex scandal thing was going on, from the way our news
reported things, we just couldnt believe it, not the fact that he did
something with someone he worked with, but the Puritan way the
republicans went after him, talk about over reacting, we thought you
lot were going to start burning witches again and wearing white hoods
at one stage.

In fact now if you ask people outside of America who their favorite
president was I will bet it was Bill Clinton, it was the republicans
that embarassed America while he was in office not the other way

On Jan 2, 2:36 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct in
> the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
> In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at recent
> house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not embarrass the
> nation in the White House.

Until he appears in his magic underwear!

Will he really explain his religion to "the kids"???

The Plates and all that other mumbo jumbo?

"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
> Wednesday, January 2, 2008
> WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
> president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct

> the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
> In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at recent
> house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not embarrass the
> nation in the White House. He is campaigning for Thursday's Republican
> presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary Rodham Clinton is campaigning
> on the Democratic side.
> "We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
> because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
> failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
> years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
> culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our

> family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best to uphold
> and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think people expect

> our leaders."
> Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
> referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
> values that people expect of a White House couple."
> The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated by

> scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern Monica
> Lewinsky.
> The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
> grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
> wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.
On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:41:14 -0500, SgtMinor <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid>

>AnAmericanCitizen wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 16:44:21 -0500, SgtMinor <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid>
>> wrote:
>>>Patriot Games wrote:
>>>>Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton Years
>>>>Wednesday, January 2, 2008
>>>>WASHINGTON -- Republican Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if elected
>>>>president he and his wife will not embarrass the nation by their conduct
>>>>in the White House as happened in "the Clinton years."
>>>>In an interview on CNN, Romney was asked about comments he made at
>>>>recent house parties in Iowa that he and his wife, Ann, would not
>>>>embarrass the nation in the White House. He is campaigning for
>>>>Thursday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa, while Hillary
>>>>Rodham Clinton is campaigning on the Democratic side.
>>>>"We'll try and represent ourselves and our nation well also to our kids
>>>>because I think, I think kids watch the White House and there have been
>>>>failures in the past in the White House _ if you go back to the Clinton
>>>>years and recognize that _ that I think had an enormous impact on the
>>>>culture of our country," Romney said. "And we'll do our very best, our
>>>>whole family will to _ well, if we can't be perfect, we'll do our best
>>>>to uphold and to be a good example for the kinds of values I think
>>>>people expect from our leaders."
>>>>Romney also said that in his comments he was "not referring to anybody,
>>>>referring to ourselves. We will do our very best to uphold the kind of
>>>>values that people expect of a White House couple."
>>>>The last part of Bill Clinton's second presidential term was dominated
>>>>by a scandal involving his relationship with former White House intern
>>>>Monica Lewinsky.
>>>>The Romneys have been married 38 years and have five sons and 11
>>>>grandchildren. The former Massachusetts governor has featured his
>>>>wholesome-looking family prominently in his presidential campaign.
>>>It speaks volumes about Romney that he should single out the Clintons
>>>for their "failures in the past in the White House" and apparently give
>>>a pass to the current occupants.

>> The current occupants have personally conducted themselves as most people would
>> expect from high government officials. Bill Clinton is a sexual pervert who set the
>> country on its ear with all the Clinton scandals before and during his time in
>> office. He's an embarrassment. Disagree with George Bush if you like, but he is a
>> very moral man.....AAC

>What exactly made Clinton a "sexual pervert?" Was he coming on to boy
>pages or exhibiting a wide stance in airport bathrooms?

It seems as governor (and most likely as president), he had young girls and women
that caught his fancy brought to him. He seemed to have gained quite a reputation
for exposing himself, groping women, rape and entertaining members of the opposite
sex in the Oval Office. One of the jokes making the rounds these days is "if Hillary
becomes president, it will seem strange to have a woman in the oval office at the
desk instead of under it." It's not really funny though, is it? He made a mockery
of the Oval Office, using it as his own private playroom. So you think sexual
predator fits him better than sexual pervert?

>And how exactly is someone who lies the country into an illegal war, and
>has the blood of thousands of innocents on his hands, a "very moral man?"

Just because you and others like you bought into the liberal media's smears and the
ultra liberal groups such as Move On and Media Matters it's never been proven without
a doubt that there were no WMDs. Whatever the case, we went to war on information
believed to be true. One of the world's tyrants was dispatched and peace is slowly
but surely coming to two countries in that part of the world.

Yes, George Bush is a very moral man.....AAC

Why not some balanced ideas about the fact that we are safe fighting
terrorists where they live, what is basically a strong economy and the
good things we enjoy and give even just a little credit to the leadership
that brought us here...Skip Bowling