mmc has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it



Hi all
As you can see I have a problem with Event viewer and Task Scheduler. I am unable to load event viewer with following error

I get following error with couple of options

<span style="color:Red">1 Report this to Microsoft and shut down MMC
2 Unload the sanp in and continue running

After I choose second option I get another screen with following error


Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Exception type
Exception Stack trace

at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.FormView.InternalInitialize()
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.HandleInitializationRequest(IRequestStatus requestStatus)
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.ProcessRequest(Request request)
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.ViewMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request request)
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.IMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request request)
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.RequestStatus.BeginRequest(IMessageClient messageClient, RequestInfo requestInfo)
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.SnapInRequestOperation.ProcessRequest()
at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.Operation.OnThreadTransfer(SimpleOperationCallback callback) </span>

And also with Task Scheduler but wtih the different FX error
<span style="color:Red">FX:{c7b8fb06-bfe1-4c2e-9217-7a69a95bbac4} </span>

Now I have run scfscannow and no error found.... I tried to to re-register .dll files by using note pad and command C:\users\admninistrator\registeradminpak.cmd and that did not work.

Repair install or repair computer is my last option but I am not sure if that will work because everything else works fine....I don't know when it stopped working because I haven't been checking event viewer for a long time. Reason form wanting to check is that 3rd party side bar application worked fine one and day and next it decided not to.

Can you please help or repair computer from a vista DVD is my last option. IF I do it, what will it do to my updates?

Download and reinstall NET Framework 3.51

Are you using Disk Keeper?

Update your Video Driver (actually go to maker's site, DO NOT run
Device Manager - Check for Updates)

There is also a system policy setting that can cause this issue.

"ACDCFAN" <ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local> wrote in message
news:ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local...<span style="color:blue">
> Hi all
> As you can see I have a problem with Event viewer and Task Scheduler. I
> am unable to load event viewer with following error
> I get following error with couple of options
> -1 Report this to Microsoft and shut down MMC
> 2 Unload the sanp in and continue running
> After I choose second option I get another screen with following error
> FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}
> Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
> Exception type
> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
> Exception Stack trace
> at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean
> publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle&
> ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
> at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
> fillCache)
> at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
> skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
> at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
> at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.FormView.InternalInitialize()
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.HandleInitializationRequest(IRequestStatus
> requestStatus)
> at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.ProcessRequest(Request request)
> at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.ViewMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request
> request)
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.IMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request
> request)
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.RequestStatus.BeginRequest(IMessageClient
> messageClient, RequestInfo requestInfo)
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.SnapInRequestOperation.ProcessRequest()
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.Operation.OnThreadTransfer(SimpleOperationCallback
> callback) -
> And also with Task Scheduler but wtih the different FX error
> -FX:{c7b8fb06-bfe1-4c2e-9217-7a69a95bbac4} -
> Now I have run scfscannow and no error found.... I tried to to
> re-register .dll files by using note pad and command
> C:usersadmninistratorregisteradminpak.cmd and that did not work.
> Repair install or repair computer is my last option but I am not sure
> if that will work because everything else works fine....I don't know
> when it stopped working because I haven't been checking event viewer for
> a long time. Reason form wanting to check is that 3rd party side bar
> application worked fine one and day and next it decided not to.
> Can you please help or repair computer from a vista DVD is my last
> option. IF I do it, what will it do to my updates?
> Thanks
> --
> Posted via Forum to Usenet gateway
> </span>
<div class='quotetop'>(Spirit;1083346) <div class='quotemain'>Download and reinstall NET Framework 3.51

Download details: .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1

Are you using Disk Keeper?

Update your Video Driver (actually go to maker's site, DO NOT run
Device Manager - Check for Updates)

There is also a system policy setting that can cause this issue.

Information About The Registry Key 'FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}'

"ACDCFAN" <ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local> wrote in message
news:ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local...<span style="color:blue">
> Hi all
> As you can see I have a problem with Event viewer and Task Scheduler. I
> am unable to load event viewer with following error
> I get following error with couple of options
> -1 Report this to Microsoft and shut down MMC
> 2 Unload the sanp in and continue running
> After I choose second option I get another screen with following error
> FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}
> Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
> Exception type
> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
> Exception Stack trace
> at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean
> publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle&
> ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
> at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
> fillCache)
> at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
> skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
> at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
> at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.FormView.InternalInitialize()
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.HandleInitializationRequest(IRequestStatus
> requestStatus)
> at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.ProcessRequest(Request request)
> at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.ViewMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request
> request)
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.IMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request
> request)
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.RequestStatus.BeginRequest(IMessageClient
> messageClient, RequestInfo requestInfo)
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.SnapInRequestOperation.ProcessRequest()
> at
> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.Operation.OnThreadTransfer(SimpleOperationCallback
> callback) -
> And also with Task Scheduler but wtih the different FX error
> -FX:{c7b8fb06-bfe1-4c2e-9217-7a69a95bbac4} -
> Now I have run scfscannow and no error found.... I tried to to
> re-register .dll files by using note pad and command
> C:usersadmninistratorregisteradminpak.cmd and that did not work.
> Repair install or repair computer is my last option but I am not sure
> if that will work because everything else works fine....I don't know
> when it stopped working because I haven't been checking event viewer for
> a long time. Reason form wanting to check is that 3rd party side bar
> application worked fine one and day and next it decided not to.
> Can you please help or repair computer from a vista DVD is my last
> option. IF I do it, what will it do to my updates?
> Thanks
> --
> Posted via Forum to Usenet gateway
> </span>

Do I need to uninstall existing one and clean anything leftover? I have which 3.5 SP1
I tried installing over the existing one, but it only cam up with repair or uninstall.....
I don't use disc keeper at all.....

And there are no entries, MMC , under the hex key explained by the link provided

"ACDCFAN" <ACDCFAN.3up7za@news.home.local> wrote in message
news:ACDCFAN.3up7za@news.home.local...<span style="color:blue">
> Spirit;1083346 Wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> Download and reinstall NET Framework 3.51
>> 'Download details: .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1'
>> (
>> Are you using Disk Keeper?
>> Update your Video Driver (actually go to maker's site, DO NOT run
>> Device Manager - Check for Updates)
>> There is also a system policy setting that can cause this issue.
>> 'Information About The Registry Key
>> 'FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}''
>> (
>> "ACDCFAN" <ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local> wrote in message
>> news:ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local...<span style="color:darkred">
>> >
>> > Hi all
>> > As you can see I have a problem with Event viewer and Task Scheduler.</span>
>> I<span style="color:darkred">
>> > am unable to load event viewer with following error
>> >
>> > I get following error with couple of options
>> >
>> > -1 Report this to Microsoft and shut down MMC
>> > 2 Unload the sanp in and continue running
>> >
>> > After I choose second option I get another screen with following</span>
>> error<span style="color:darkred">
>> >
>> > FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}
>> >
>> > Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
>> >
>> > Exception type
>> > System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
>> > Exception Stack trace
>> >
>> > at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean
>> > publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached,</span>
>> RuntimeMethodHandle&<span style="color:darkred">
>> > ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
>> > at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
>> > fillCache)
>> > at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
>> > skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
>> > at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
>> > at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.FormView.InternalInitialize()
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.HandleInitializationRequest(IRequestStatus<span style="color:darkred">
>> > requestStatus)
>> > at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.ProcessRequest(Request request)
>> > at</span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.ViewMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request<span style="color:darkred">
>> > request)
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.IMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request<span style="color:darkred">
>> > request)
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.RequestStatus.BeginRequest(IMessageClient<span style="color:darkred">
>> > messageClient, RequestInfo requestInfo)
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.SnapInRequestOperation.ProcessRequest()<span style="color:darkred">
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.Operation.OnThreadTransfer(SimpleOperationCallback<span style="color:darkred">
>> > callback) -
>> >
>> > And also with Task Scheduler but wtih the different FX error
>> > -FX:{c7b8fb06-bfe1-4c2e-9217-7a69a95bbac4} -
>> >
>> > Now I have run scfscannow and no error found.... I tried to to
>> > re-register .dll files by using note pad and command
>> > C:usersadmninistratorregisteradminpak.cmd and that did not work.
>> >
>> > Repair install or repair computer is my last option but I am not</span>
>> sure<span style="color:darkred">
>> > if that will work because everything else works fine....I don't know
>> > when it stopped working because I haven't been checking event viewer</span>
>> for<span style="color:darkred">
>> > a long time. Reason form wanting to check is that 3rd party side bar
>> > application worked fine one and day and next it decided not to.
>> >
>> > Can you please help or repair computer from a vista DVD is my last
>> > option. IF I do it, what will it do to my updates?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Posted via Forum to Usenet gateway
>> ></span></span>
> Do I need to uninstall existing one and clean anything leftover? I
> have which 3.5 SP1
> I tried installing over the existing one, but it only cam up with
> repair or uninstall.....
> I don't use disc keeper at all.....
> And there are no entries, MMC , under the hex key explained by the link
> provided
> --
> Posted via Forum to Usenet gateway
> </span>
<div class='quotetop'>(Spirit;1083607) <div class='quotemain'>REPAIR it

"ACDCFAN" <ACDCFAN.3up7za@news.home.local> wrote in message
news:ACDCFAN.3up7za@news.home.local...<span style="color:blue">
> Spirit;1083346 Wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> Download and reinstall NET Framework 3.51
>> 'Download details: .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1'
>> (Download details: .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1)
>> Are you using Disk Keeper?
>> Update your Video Driver (actually go to maker's site, DO NOT run
>> Device Manager - Check for Updates)
>> There is also a system policy setting that can cause this issue.
>> 'Information About The Registry Key
>> 'FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}''
>> (Information About The Registry Key 'FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}')
>> "ACDCFAN" <ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local> wrote in message
>> news:ACDCFAN.3uowvb@news.home.local...<span style="color:darkred">
>> >
>> > Hi all
>> > As you can see I have a problem with Event viewer and Task Scheduler.</span>
>> I<span style="color:darkred">
>> > am unable to load event viewer with following error
>> >
>> > I get following error with couple of options
>> >
>> > -1 Report this to Microsoft and shut down MMC
>> > 2 Unload the sanp in and continue running
>> >
>> > After I choose second option I get another screen with following</span>
>> error<span style="color:darkred">
>> >
>> > FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}
>> >
>> > Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
>> >
>> > Exception type
>> > System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
>> > Exception Stack trace
>> >
>> > at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean
>> > publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached,</span>
>> RuntimeMethodHandle&<span style="color:darkred">
>> > ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
>> > at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
>> > fillCache)
>> > at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean
>> > skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
>> > at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
>> > at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.FormView.InternalInitialize()
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.HandleInitializationRequest(IRequestStatus<span style="color:darkred">
>> > requestStatus)
>> > at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.View.ProcessRequest(Request request)
>> > at</span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.ViewMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request<span style="color:darkred">
>> > request)
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.IMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request<span style="color:darkred">
>> > request)
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.RequestStatus.BeginRequest(IMessageClient<span style="color:darkred">
>> > messageClient, RequestInfo requestInfo)
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.SnapInRequestOperation.ProcessRequest()<span style="color:darkred">
>> > at
>> ></span>
>> Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.Operation.OnThreadTransfer(SimpleOperationCallback<span style="color:darkred">
>> > callback) -
>> >
>> > And also with Task Scheduler but wtih the different FX error
>> > -FX:{c7b8fb06-bfe1-4c2e-9217-7a69a95bbac4} -
>> >
>> > Now I have run scfscannow and no error found.... I tried to to
>> > re-register .dll files by using note pad and command
>> > C:usersadmninistratorregisteradminpak.cmd and that did not work.
>> >
>> > Repair install or repair computer is my last option but I am not</span>
>> sure<span style="color:darkred">
>> > if that will work because everything else works fine....I don't know
>> > when it stopped working because I haven't been checking event viewer</span>
>> for<span style="color:darkred">
>> > a long time. Reason form wanting to check is that 3rd party side bar
>> > application worked fine one and day and next it decided not to.
>> >
>> > Can you please help or repair computer from a vista DVD is my last
>> > option. IF I do it, what will it do to my updates?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Posted via Forum to Usenet gateway
>> ></span></span>
> Do I need to uninstall existing one and clean anything leftover? I
> have which 3.5 SP1
> I tried installing over the existing one, but it only cam up with
> repair or uninstall.....
> I don't use disc keeper at all.....
> And there are no entries, MMC , under the hex key explained by the link
> provided
> --
> Posted via Forum to Usenet gateway
> </span>

Tried it....
No go....
Still getting same error.
I even faced the same issue after installing Vista SP2.
Uninstalled it, then MMC started working absolutely fine.
Before that, i tried so many other things like uninstallin .net
framework, renaming its .config file. Checking if the registry key is
corrupt etc. But no luck!

<div class='quotetop'>(undisclosed;1106198) <div class='quotemain'>I even faced the same issue after installing Vista SP2.
Uninstalled it, then MMC started working absolutely fine.
Before that, i tried so many other things like uninstallin .net
framework, renaming its .config file. Checking if the registry key is
corrupt etc. But no luck!


I ended up reinstalling Vista