

John Winston

Subject: Did We Shoot Down Some UFOs? April 23, 2008.

This discusses the meeting of Ike with the space
people. Some of the claims made about the number of
space ships shot down by us may be exaggerated quite
a bit.



It has been claimed now that the end to the cold w-r
has come about so the Russians and Americans can 'team
up' to fight the menace from space. Al B-elek has said
that the US now has their own particle beam weapons,
putting out 1 x 10 to the 25th power joules - more
power than a h-drogen bomb. These are fired into space
to shoot down UFO's. Americans, when systems were
operational, were shooting down 5-7 a week. The
Russians are now doing the same with their particle
beam weapons, filling football fields 50 feet
thick with crashed ships.
Al claims they were shooting down 30 a week and
this included any spaceships within 250 miles
above Russia, and known hostile ships even further
out. They also shoot down 'friendly' Pleiadian
ships. The "One who knows" claims that Soviets
have worked for years perfecting laser weapons
and now have one capable of shooting 1000 miles,
without the beam spreading more than 5 feet. James
van Z-eland writes that weapons now are even
more deadly - EM transmissions come from ground
based antenna. There's an older version of
similar Tx/Rx site near E-mouth, Western
Australia and one on the South Pole, too. Scalar
wave EM transmissions are very different to
particle beam. Particle beams are directed
energy weapons where masses, photons, or
particles travel through space to contact
the target. In scalar EM weapons, the
electromagnetic field energy is turned into
gravitational field energy and back again.
The exchange can be localized to specific
areas, making it possible to focus the
effects through space-time itself; the
weapon need not travel to its target; energy
simply bursts out of "hyperspace" at the
target location. The basic method uses two
ground sites to transmit waves that create the
effect where they intersect and interfere.
It has many applications; metal softening,
Anti-ICBM / Bomber / cruise missile systems
and energy bombs. Scalar EM weapons can be
used to induce biological effects such as
heart seizure, emotional upset, disease, and
even introjection of thoughts, emotions, and
ideas. More information here.
and in
by Harry M-son in the article Bright Skies on
testing Tesla invented weaponry in Australia.


"The One Who Knows" claims that various
factions such as the CI-, KG-, the N-zis,
C-mmunists, FB- etc. are fighting each other,
yet working towards the same goal, because
B-itish and E-ropean royalty, and aristocrats
(together - the B-lderbergers) make all the
global decisions and p-licies for the world to
unite into one w-rld go-ernment. This is
covered excellently in Dr. John C-leman's
C-nspirator's Hierarchy - The Story of the
C-mmittee of 300. From other sources it is
written that the Bil-erbergers have an
alien alliance as does U- and the F-eemasons.
There is a common belief system that is
followed from Fr-emasonry, to the Na-is,
various n-wage groups and think tanks and -N
in that they follow T-eosophical teachings
and Alice B-iley, formerly of the
The-sophical Society. In particular they
follow the belief that this age will pass
away and a new r-ce will be created which
will supersede all others. This is supposedly
the 6th A-yan r-ce. Alice Ba-ley has further
influenced her followers into believing that
the world will 'ascend' into a higher frequency
and that a 'new group of world servers' will
be left to herald the new a-e to obey the
'Masters of Wisdom' who will be arriving
from elsewhere in the -niverse. All other
inferior ra-es won't be necessary any more.
Werner von B-aun stated in 1959 that he
was entering into closer contact with
E-s. The German space pioneer Herman Oberth
said they couldn't take credit for their
record advancement in certain scientific
fields, that people from other worlds helped.


In the book The Ultimate D-ception by
Commander X it tells of how USA started creating
their own spaceships from back engineering the
UFO that crashed at Roswell in 1947. There
have been many other crashes also around the
globe including many in China, with Germany
receiving theirs in 1939. Americans sent their
crashed UFOs to Wright P-tterson Ai-force Base
at Dayton, Ohio. Some of the lethal death
weapons developed came from alien technology.
President Eisenhower met with aliens on 20
Feb. 1954 at Edwards Air-orce Base. ( )?
This was reported by Lord C_ancarty a Br-tish
member of p-rliament, who was told this by
a former top US test pilot, one of 6 people
at the visitation. He'd been called in as
technical advisor.
These aliens spoke English, looked a little
like humans, but misshapen and wanted an
education program about themselves for USA
and eventually the earth.
They showed him their ability to make
themselves invisible and demonstrated their
spacecraft. The invisibility, but knowing
they were there, caused Ei-enhower a lot of
discomfort and he said the world wasn't
ready yet for them.
Dr. Richard B-ylan (JW I attended and talked
with Mr. Bo-lan's lecture in Sacramento, Calif.
He had a male steward with him who served on
Air For-e One during the time of that John
K-nnedy was pre-ident. The steward was on a
plane that had c-ngressmen high m-litary and
VIPs on it. They were taken to a remote
airport where they talked to odd space people
and saw their space ship.) was told by a
former-N-A informant about an ET base on earth,
sanctioned by officials since 1954. In May
1954 after meeting with the ETs Eisen-ower along
with C-A director, Walter Bedell S-ith, Prince
B-rnhard of the Netherlands, David R-ckefeller and
other top world financiers, later Se-retary of
State Dean R-sk, later-Bri-ish Minister of
De-ense Denis H-aly and other Western power
leaders convened as the Bilde-berg Group. A
Western collective management of the world
o-der. One of the first items discussed was ET
They collaborated with the C-uncil for Foreign
Relations. (C-R) Both these groups decided to
enter into an arrangement with the ETs whom
were given an island in F-ench Polynesia as a

Dr B-ylan's informant said that these ETs, the
diplomatic corps, will be introduced to
earthlings, saying that they are from the
Pleiades, who by the way have been here since
the beginning of time. These ET scientists
consultants assisted American scientists in
developing the computer chip, fibre optics,
lasers, gene-splicing therapy, cloning,
nightvision equipment, super-tenacity fibres,
aerospace ceramics, Stealth technology,
particle beam devices and gravity-control
flight. NSC's Dr. Michael W-lf as part of US
govt.. duties shared living quarters with
aliens while doing research at underground
laboratories. He said the grays worked
underground and he also worked with human
appearing aliens dubbed Semitics from Altair
4 and 5 and Nordics from the Pleiades.
UFO crashes first occurred in 1941, 1946,
Roswell and 2 other crashes in 1947. William
Cooper said people who work at these bases
don't come forward because they sign a contract
agreeing to the erasure of their memory, with
hypnotics, hypnotic d-ugs and suggestion after
you leave that you don't remember what you did
that day. And that after the whole job and
their contract over they do a chemical erasure
of their entire memory of the thing.


Al Bi-lek, physicist and Philadelphia
Experiment survivor, said that for the Eise-hower
treaty in 1954 with the aliens as part of
non-interference, radar used had to change from
435 MHz as they said it knocks out their
navigation systems, hence the crashes. This is
apparently the frequency for the universe and
is used to create time/space tunnels. Radar
now goes from 8-10 GHz, ten times the frequency,
to make no interference to spaceships. Al also
said that R-osevelt had already met with 2
groups of aliens in 1934 during the depression
and had elected to work with the blue grays.
They arranged to swap technology in exchange
for allowing people to be abducted. He'd
already met with Pleiadians, but they wouldn't
give him weapon technology so they went over
to the Germans.
Nikola Tesla is said to have developed
anti-gravity technology early this century,
and claims to have spoken daily with ETs.
The world's most advanced mathematician
R-manujan says he was in contact with a
"g-ddess" and also the physicist Walter
R-ssell with a "cosmic messenger".


In The Ultimate Deception by Commander X ,
Frank S-ranges, a man who was friends with
one of 3 Venusians dealing with the Pe-tagon,
has this to say of the meeting: During this
meeting of Pres. Eisenh-wer with the aliens
in 1954 3 UFO's landed on the runway. The
Presi-ent had with him several members of
the joint c-iefs of staff, several members of
the National S-curity Council, a representative
from Ro-kefeller's office and a representative
from the Rot-schilds. They viewed a UFO about
30 feet in diameter. The UFO dematerialized
in front of their eyes. They have pictures of
this and apparently the UFO is still at
Edwards Air-orce Base in Ca. They say it was
the direct cause of Pres. Eisenho-er's first
heart attack. To this day nobody has been able
to crack into the UFO, lasers didn't even
warm up on the surface. Every Pre-ident has
been to see this spaceship. One of the
Venusians at the Penta-on called Val Thor,
apparently still on earth and not even aged,
looks exactly like a human. This story is
covered in the Ultimate Deception where there
is a photo of Val Thor. Nordic aliens from
the Pleiades and other places also look
exactly like us, and claim that the
Scandinavians are their descendants. It has
been said that the Na-is down in Antarctica
are in league with renegade Pleiadians. Hitler
has also said to have been in touch with
Pleiadians. Al Bi-lek also writes this.


In the book Extra Terrestrial Friends and Foes
by George C A-drews it tells of Hitler's alien
alliance. George says, in his opinion, that in the
ceremonial b-ack ma-ic practiced by the e-ite
core of the Naz-s, the Bl-ck Order ( now the
innermost core of the C-A, that was created from
former N-zis that came to U-A), contact was
established with the grays. The Bavarian serpent
worship Illu-inati also established contact with
reptoids is covered in Cult of the Serpent by

Part 1.

John Winston.
Subject: Did We Shoot Down Some UFOs. Part 2 of 2.
April 24, 2008.

This mentions Mt. Shasta.


Aliens were giving technology to both sides of the
Al B-elek says that with the deal with aliens and
Pres. E-senhower in 1954 for technology, 75 underground
bases were created for the grays, with construction
starting in 1959. (Apparently R-nd Corporation did the
work.) The grays returned in one ship and many smaller
shuttles at Edwards A-rforce Base. He claims there are
now over 1 million grays on earth today. After the
Philadelphia Experiment on 12 Aug. 1943 created a rift
in time to Aug 12 1983 by opening a vortex between the
2 dates, large spaceships have been able to enter our
world, using time travel to get here. It was set up
by the aliens, he says, and they started to arrive in
even greater numbers after the time rift. Big ships
would park in orbit and they literally started
i-vading earth en masse.


Continuing with The Ultimate Deception - The
first "official" communication between the
intelligence officers of the US govt.. and
the occupants of 3 alien saucers took place on
April 30 1964 at H-lloman Airforce base in New
Mexico. Once again s-cret deals were made to
exchange technology for allowing aliens to
abduct humans and to ignore cattle mutilations.
Aliens are still working together with US
scientists in underground bases on anti-grav
technology and genetically engineering hybrids.
This is being done at Pine Gap also. However
it has been found that abductees were not
'just' being medically examined but implanted
with transmitting devices. John L-ar is an
ace pilot, whose father built the Lear Aircraft
company. He claims that aliens have seized
control of underground faculties on m-litary
bases in Nevada and New Mexico. The aliens are
putting together a Frankenstein army, part
alien and part human. (They first impregnate
abducted women, for about 6 or so weeks, then
the woman is then reabducted and the fetus
removed to grow in a tank. ) John Le-r says
that the mi-itary has tried to fight back but
has been repeatedly overpowered and some 65
C-A agents were shot to d-ath by the grays
in one battle.


B-anton writes that alien vehicles are being
tested at the alien physical technology center
at S-4 at the Nevada Test Site and are being
replicated at K-rkland AFB & Sandia
Laboratories. He states also that
M-Donnell-Douglas, L-ckheed and N-rthrup Corps.
are now involved with the replication of alien
hardware for the Mi-itary-Industrial
establishment. Tim S-artz has covered a lot of
this information in this in his 2 books E-il
Agenda of the Se-ret Go-ernment - Exposing
Project Paperclip and the Underground UFO Bases
of Hitler's E-ite Scientific Corps and in Sec-et
B-ack Projects of the N-O: Anti-Gravity UFOs,
Bl-ck Helicopters and Mysterious Flying Triangles.
From other sources it is stated that former Nazi
scientists began work on the hypersonic aircraft
called Aurora at Area 51 in Nevada, where they
back-engineered crashed UFOs. Aurora aircraft
can fly at 8,000 miles an hour, more than 6
times the speed of sound and have been traced
coming from Pine Gap in Australia, and flying
past southern California to Area 51 at night,
leaving behind sonic quakes. These Aurora
aircraft have also been seen landing at night
at RAF M-chrihanish, Scotland to refuel. They
then go over the North Pole back to Area 51.
They also stop at an atoll in the Pacific. The
speed makes it invulnerable to missiles. They
refuel with liquid methane in mid-air. The craft
is triangular with a diamond shaped set of 4
lights. The Aurora research has moved to Pine
Gap and it has been also said that a new area
for Area 51 has been located in Utah.



In the book Cosmic Conspiracy by Stan D-yo, he
writes that Pine Gap is 12 miles from the dead
center of Australia and has been drilled down 5.3
miles. This bore could be used as an underground
antenna for VLF electricity broadcasts. He says
as it is supposed to be involved in both upper
atmospheric sub-surface research, the 'bore
antenna' could be used to tune a gigantic
'standing wave' field around the entire planet.
This system could be tuned to set up a resonating
electric field around the planet to an altitude of
250 miles. The book says that there are rumors
saying that Pine Gap has a very large n-clear
facility used to power its enormous 'transceiver'.
More rumors say also high-voltage high-energy
plasma accelerators possibly for power generation,
a 'death ray' or plasma cannon. Dr.. Jean
Francois Gille writes that the US base at West
Cape, near Exmouth Gulf in Western Australia has
an older type of the transceiver used at Pine
Gap which is used to send electric current to
submerged US submarines who trail a wire antenna.
It is known that electric currents transmitted
in this way are referred to as plasmo-dynamic
cells. Stan De-o continues that a 1973 press
release said that Pine Gap and its sister
station in Guam (Micronesia in the Pacific)
supported photographic satellites. Each weighed
11 tons, was 50 feet long by 10 feet wide which
could scan the entire surface of the earth
every 24 hours, varying its altitude from 100-200
miles for 'close-ups'. The pictures were so sharp
they could show an object 12 inches wide. They
could also use infra-red sensors.


Bill Chalker wrote for the Australasian UFOLogist
that "William Martin" a major NSA defector revealed
that US has been carrying out continuous research
into electromagnetic propulsion at Pine Gap since
1966. This was originally started in US after the
war. It was necessary to move this to more remote
spots. Security aspects have included hypnotic and
post hypnotic keys planted in personnel prior
into acceptance into the project. Apparently 2 Pine
Gap employees visiting Perth spoke of
electromagnetic devices manifesting as UFOs and
even alien beings at Pine Gap. Also 3 witnesses
saw a camouflaged door open up within Pine Gap
and a circular metallic craft rose vertically and
silently, before taking off at high speed. This
collaborates what we were told in the Fortress
Australia article. Billy Dee was sent a post
about a man who claimed his father worked on
UFOs at Pine Gap. He worked for the FAA most of
his life and also worked at the Traffic Control
Center in Seymour CA in 1970 fixing the
programming of mainframe computers. he was one
of only 2 or 3 in the US who knew whatever
program they were installing. During the late
70's he made several trips to Washington DC,
Atlantic City and Australia. He wasn't allowed
to talk to his wife about what he did, saying
it was beyond his control. She would get mad
at his long trips to Australia. When the parents
came to visit on one of their usual 'sudden'
arrivals and departures, the man noticed a
locked briefcase that was chained to him. They
were followed by 2 men everywhere in a car. They
too, became under constant surveillance and
their phone was tapped. The son noticed vans
with govt.. license plates following him
everywhere too and started getting threatening
phone calls. After confronting his father he
confessed that he was working on a flying
saucer, involved with anti-gravity propulsion,
melding the computer elements together for
the guidance or stability part of it,
underground at Pine Gap. He said that he could
get ANY information on his son to prove what
he said was true. The next day he called and
revealed all his personal business and told
him to be quiet and not make waves or they
would not be around.

Br-nton writes that the Rand symposium held
on Deep Underground Construction indicated during
the 50's plans were made to build underground
bases, laboratories and city-complexes linked by
a stupendous network of tunnels to preserve and
protect the ongoing se-ret interests of the secr-t
societies. These secre- societies made a pact with
alien entities in order to further motives of
domination. But THEY are now being dominated by
the aliens who think the humans inferior.


The Dulce Book by Bra-ton describes the Mt.
Shasta California underground city, Telos, a
branch of a subterranean kingdom of Agharti
under Mongolia. Apparently 2 opposing factions
from there supported different sides of the
WW2. The technologists sided with the Allied
Forces and the O-cultists with the Axis Forces.
An oc-ult order called Melchizedek is based
in Telos and in Sirius. Sirian cultists believe
one world go-ernment is for world peace and
to raise this planet into 4th dimensional
frequency. People in ancient Bavarian-Roman
cults (sec-et societies) promoting the
formation of global gov-rnment, are being
manipulated by reptilians to annex this
planet to their L-ciferian interstellar

Part 2.

John Winston.
Subject: Phoenix Lights May Be A Hoax.
April 24, 2008.

First of all let me say that I believe the Pheonix
Lights that were seen about 11 years ago were of
alien spacecrafts.

It appears that the lights seen just a few days ago
may have been a hoax. A person who chose to remain
anonymous said that he did it. He said he attached
a fare by fishing string to a ballon fired with
helium, lite the flare and let it go. He did this
with serveral more flares and ballons releasing them
at one minute intervals. This would make them look
like they were in a straight line. A plane went near
the ballons causing the air to be disturbed thus making
them look not to be in a straight line.

So this explanation may be true or it may be a hoax
explanation of a hoax. It may still be an actual
sighting of several spacecraft traveling in a straight

John Winston.
Subject: This Was Just Sent To Me A Few Minutes
Ago. April 25, 2008.

Please join in this effort.


Subject: [DrRichB-ylanReports] reminder: Tomorrow
is the follow-on Joint P-ychic Exercise to
finish off remaining ChemTrail stockpiles

A reminder: Tomorrow, Friday, is the
follow-on Joint Ps-chic = Exercise to finish
off remaining ChemTrail stockpiles.
During this Joint Psy-hic Exercise, all
lightworkers are asked to focus on using
t-lekinesis, and sending intentional energy,
to reverse the mixing-together of chemicals
that created the C-bal's ChemTrail mix.
Since the ChemTrail formula is an
advanced-technology mixing of chemicals in
sequence, by your reversing the sequence,
the mix is reduced to just ordinary inert
chemicals and no longer works.
We will, by intention and te-ekinesis,
reach out ps-chically to all remaining
stores of ChemTrails mix, whether in
storehouses or loaded aboard Ca-al air
tankers or antigravity craft, and
separate out the mixture into its
constituent basic, harmless, inert
chemical components.
The time for you to join in with us
in this Joint Psy-hic Exercise, is this
Friday, April 25 as follows, (Daylight
Saving Time where applicable).
Devote about 15 minutes to this; (more
if you have the time).

Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am, Friday

Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am

Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver,
BC (PDT): 8 am

Denver/Calgary (MST): 9 am

Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10 am

New York/Washington, DC/San Juan,
Puerto Rico/Bogot, Columbia (EDT):
11 am

Halifax, Nova Scotia/Caracas,
Venezuela: 12:00 noon

Pao Paulo, Brazil: 12 noon

Universal Coordinated Time
(UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 3 p.m.
/15:00 hrs.

London/Dakar: 4 pm

Paris/Algiers/Rome/Berlin: 5 pm

Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pm

Moscow/Riyadh: 7 pm

Dubai: 7 pm

New Delhi: 8:30 pm

11:00 pm

Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight,

Adelaide, AU: 12:30 am Saturday

Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Saturday

Canberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am Saturday

Auckland, NZ: 3 am Saturday

Kamchatka, Russia: 4 am Saturday

If you absolutely cannot make this
time, join us as soon as you can,
and time-jump by intention back-in-time
or forward-in-time, so your efforts
coincide with ours.

Thank you.

in the light,

Richard Bo-lan, Ph.D.

John Winston.