More 9/11 conspiracies shot down


Go Mavs

Yeah, let me guess. Mohammed is a planted CIA perp trying to mislead the
world? This will by far be the argument of those who are hopeful for a
conspiracy. For those of us with logic, here is the story... He wanted to
assasinate Carter and Clinton... how odd...
9/11 mastermind confesses in Guantanamo hearing

08:57 PM CDT on Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept.
11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a
military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released
Wednesday by the Pentagon.

"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a
statement read during the session, which was held last Saturday.

The transcripts also refer to a claim by Mohammed that he was tortured by
the CIA, although he said he was not under duress when confessed to his role
in the attacks.

In a chilling list of attacks - some of which were carried out, some not -
Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing and training others
for plots ranging from the 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center to
the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to blow up a trans-Atlantic
flight with explosives hidden in his shoes.

He said he was involved in planning the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort
frequented by Israelis and the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger
jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya. He also said he was responsible
for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia. In 2002, 202 were killed
when two Bali nightclubs were bombed.

Other plots he said he was responsible for included planned attacks against
the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building and New York Stock
Exchange, the Panama Canal and Big Ben and Heathrow Airport in London - none
of which occurred.

He also said he was involved in planning assassination attempts against
former Presidents Carter and Clinton, attacks on U.S. nuclear power plants
and suspension bridges in New York, the destruction of American and Israeli
embassies in Asia and Australia, attacks on American naval vessels and oil
tankers around the world and an attempt to destroy an oil company he said
was owned by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Sumatra,

In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual attacks.
The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the Pentagon,
which blacked out some of his remarks.

Mohammed also claimed he was tortured by the CIA after his capture in 2003,
according to an exchange he had with the military colonel who heads the
three-member panel that heard his case.

"Is any statement that you made, was it because of this treatment, to use
your word, you claim torture," the colonel asked. "Do you make any
statements because of that?"

Portions of Mohammed's response were deleted from the transcript, and his
immediate answer was unclear. He later said his confession read at the
hearing to the long list of attacks was given without any pressure, threats
or duress.

The colonel said that Mohammed's torture allegations would be "reported for
any investigation that may be appropriate" and also would be taken into
account in consideration of his enemy combatant status.

The Pentagon also released transcripts of the hearings of Abu Faraj al-Libi
and Ramzi Binalshibh, though Binalshibh refused to attend his session.

Binalshibh, a Yemeni, is suspected of helping Mohammed with the Sept. 11,
2001, attack plan and is also linked to a foiled plot to crash aircraft into
London's Heathrow Airport. Al-Libi is a Libyan who reportedly masterminded
two bombings 11 days apart in Pakistan in December 2003 that targeted
President Pervez Musharraf for his support of the U.S.-led war on terror.

The hearings, which began last Friday, are being conducted in secret by the
military as it tries to determine whether 14 alleged terrorist leaders
should be declared "enemy combatants" who can be held indefinitely and
prosecuted by military tribunals.

Hearings for six of the 14 have already been held. The military is not
allowing reporters to attend the sessions and is limiting the information it
provides about them, arguing that it wants to prevent sensitive information
from being disclosed.

The 14 were moved in September from a secret CIA prison network to the
prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, where about 385 men are
being held on suspicion of links to al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the U.S. military who is
serving as his personal representative. It also claimed he shared
responsibility for three other attacks, including assassination attempts
against Pope John Paul II and Musharraf.

The transcripts also lay out evidence against Mohammed, saying that a
computer seized during his capture included detailed information about the
Sept. 11 plot - ranging from names and photos of the hijackers to photos of
hijacker Mohammad Atta's pilot's license and even letters from al-Qaeda
leader Osama bin Laden.

Al-Libi, who did not attend his hearing, also made a statement through his
personal representative largely claiming that the hearing process is unfair
and that he will not attend unless it is corrected.

"The detainee is in a lose-lose situation," his statement said.

Binalshibh declined to participate in the process and the hearing was
conducted in his absence. Military officials expected some of the 14
suspects not to participate.

Legal experts have criticized the U.S. decision to bar independent observers
from the hearings from the high-value targets. The Associated Press filed a
letter of protest, arguing that it would be "an unconstitutional mistake to
close the proceedings in their entirety."

Mark Denbeaux, a Seton Hall University law professor who represents two
Tunisians held at Guantanamo, said that based on the transcripts, Mohammed
might be the only detainee who would qualify as an enemy combatant.

"The government has finally brought someone into Gitmo who apparently admits
to being someone who could be called an enemy combatant," Denbeaux, a critic
of most of the detentions, said in a telephone interview from London. "None
of the others rise to this level. The government has now got one."

The military held 558 combatant status review tribunals between July 2004
and March 2005 and the panels concluded that all but 38 detainees were enemy
combatants who should be held. Those 38 were eventually released from
"Rita Refugee" <Rita oneword> wrote in news:TR2Kh.14295

> I don't find that odd. Many many people want to see Clinton dead. I
> plan to throw a huge party the day Clinton assumes room temperature.
> And while Carter is a doofus, I will feel no glee or sorrow when he
> assumes room temperature.

"Compassionate Conservatism" in action.................
"Go Mavs" <> wrote in message
> Yeah, let me guess. Mohammed is a planted CIA perp trying to mislead the
> world? This will by far be the argument of those who are hopeful for a
> conspiracy. For those of us with logic, here is the story... He wanted to
> assasinate Carter and Clinton... how odd...

I don't find that odd. Many many people want to see Clinton dead. I
plan to throw a huge party the day Clinton assumes room temperature.

And while Carter is a doofus, I will feel no glee or sorrow when he
assumes room temperature.
On Mar 14, 6:30 pm, "Go Mavs" <> wrote:
> Yeah, let me guess. Mohammed is a planted CIA perp trying to mislead the
> world? This will by far be the argument of those who are hopeful for a
> conspiracy. For those of us with logic, here is the story... He wanted to
> assasinate Carter and Clinton... how odd...
> 9/11 mastermind confesses in Guantanamo hearing
> 08:57 PM CDT on Wednesday, March 14, 2007
> Associated Press
> WASHINGTON - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept.
> 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a
> military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released
> Wednesday by the Pentagon.
> "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a
> statement read during the session, which was held last Saturday.
> The transcripts also refer to a claim by Mohammed that he was tortured by
> the CIA, although he said he was not under duress when confessed to his role
> in the attacks.
> In a chilling list of attacks - some of which were carried out, some not -
> Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing and training others
> for plots ranging from the 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center to
> the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to blow up a trans-Atlantic
> flight with explosives hidden in his shoes.
> He said he was involved in planning the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort
> frequented by Israelis and the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger
> jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya. He also said he was responsible
> for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia. In 2002, 202 were killed
> when two Bali nightclubs were bombed.
> Other plots he said he was responsible for included planned attacks against
> the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building and New York Stock
> Exchange, the Panama Canal and Big Ben and Heathrow Airport in London - none
> of which occurred.
> He also said he was involved in planning assassination attempts against
> former Presidents Carter and Clinton, attacks on U.S. nuclear power plants
> and suspension bridges in New York, the destruction of American and Israeli
> embassies in Asia and Australia, attacks on American naval vessels and oil
> tankers around the world and an attempt to destroy an oil company he said
> was owned by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Sumatra,
> Indonesia.
> In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual attacks.
> The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the Pentagon,
> which blacked out some of his remarks.
> Mohammed also claimed he was tortured by the CIA after his capture in 2003,
> according to an exchange he had with the military colonel who heads the
> three-member panel that heard his case.
> "Is any statement that you made, was it because of this treatment, to use
> your word, you claim torture," the colonel asked. "Do you make any
> statements because of that?"
> Portions of Mohammed's response were deleted from the transcript, and his
> immediate answer was unclear. He later said his confession read at the
> hearing to the long list of attacks was given without any pressure, threats
> or duress.
> The colonel said that Mohammed's torture allegations would be "reported for
> any investigation that may be appropriate" and also would be taken into
> account in consideration of his enemy combatant status.
> The Pentagon also released transcripts of the hearings of Abu Faraj al-Libi
> and Ramzi Binalshibh, though Binalshibh refused to attend his session.
> Binalshibh, a Yemeni, is suspected of helping Mohammed with the Sept. 11,
> 2001, attack plan and is also linked to a foiled plot to crash aircraft into
> London's Heathrow Airport. Al-Libi is a Libyan who reportedly masterminded
> two bombings 11 days apart in Pakistan in December 2003 that targeted
> President Pervez Musharraf for his support of the U.S.-led war on terror.
> The hearings, which began last Friday, are being conducted in secret by the
> military as it tries to determine whether 14 alleged terrorist leaders
> should be declared "enemy combatants" who can be held indefinitely and
> prosecuted by military tribunals.
> Hearings for six of the 14 have already been held. The military is not
> allowing reporters to attend the sessions and is limiting the information it
> provides about them, arguing that it wants to prevent sensitive information
> from being disclosed.
> The 14 were moved in September from a secret CIA prison network to the
> prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, where about 385 men are
> being held on suspicion of links to al-Qaeda or the Taliban.
> Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the U.S. military who is
> serving as his personal representative. It also claimed he shared
> responsibility for three other attacks, including assassination attempts
> against Pope John Paul II and Musharraf.
> The transcripts also lay out evidence against Mohammed, saying that a
> computer seized during his capture included detailed information about the
> Sept. 11 plot - ranging from names and photos of the hijackers to photos of
> hijacker Mohammad Atta's pilot's license and even letters from al-Qaeda
> leader Osama bin Laden.
> Al-Libi, who did not attend his hearing, also made a statement through his
> personal representative largely claiming that the hearing process is unfair
> and that he will not attend unless it is corrected.
> "The detainee is in a lose-lose situation," his statement said.
> Binalshibh declined to participate in the process and the hearing was
> conducted in his absence. Military officials expected some of the 14
> suspects not to participate.
> Legal experts have criticized the U.S. decision to bar independent observers
> from the hearings from the high-value targets. The Associated Press filed a
> letter of protest, arguing that it would be "an unconstitutional mistake to
> close the proceedings in their entirety."
> Mark Denbeaux, a Seton Hall University law professor who represents two
> Tunisians held at Guantanamo, said that based on the transcripts, Mohammed
> might be the only detainee who would qualify as an enemy combatant.
> "The government has finally brought someone into Gitmo who apparently admits
> to being someone who could be called an enemy combatant," Denbeaux, a critic
> of most of the detentions, said in a telephone interview from London. "None
> of the others rise to this level. The government has now got one."
> The military held 558 combatant status review tribunals between July 2004
> and March 2005 and the panels concluded that all but 38 detainees were enemy
> combatants who should be held. Those 38 were eventually released from
> Guantanamo.

"In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual
The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the
which blacked out some of his remarks."

Aha! Still no evidence, though, of tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden
has yet been admitted to..

...according to a censored transcript released Wednesday by the
Pentagon after "Mohammed claimed that he was tortured by the CIA...
although he said he was not under duress when confessed".

I am convinced.. how about you all?
"Mitchell Holman" <> wrote in message
> "Rita Refugee" <Rita oneword> wrote in news:TR2Kh.14295
> $
>> I don't find that odd. Many many people want to see Clinton dead. I
>> plan to throw a huge party the day Clinton assumes room temperature.
>> And while Carter is a doofus, I will feel no glee or sorrow when he
>> assumes room temperature.

> "Compassionate Conservatism" in action.................

Bzzzt! I am not a conservative. And "Compassionate Conservatism" was
a term coined by the Bush. Since I have never voted for any Bush for
President, I have no association with that term.
Good news, Terrorist conffessed to planning 9/11. Just in time to
save Bush's ass

Oh and he wanted to assasinate Carter and Clinton too?


Why didn't he want to target Reagan, and H. Bush as well?

That's right,, you don't bite the hand that feeds :)
<> wrote in message
> Good news, Terrorist conffessed to planning 9/11. Just in time to
> save Bush's ass
> Oh and he wanted to assasinate Carter and Clinton too?
> Wow!
> Why didn't he want to target Reagan, and H. Bush as well?
> That's right,, you don't bite the hand that feeds :)

Just a guess but it is too obvious of why he would want to kill Reagan and
Bush... but not that he would want to do that to Carter and Clinton.
Therefore he put emphasis on that. Honestly I couldnt tell you why he wanted
to kill them when they never did anything about terrorism.
<> wrote in message
> "In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual
> attacks.
> The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the
> Pentagon,
> which blacked out some of his remarks."
> Aha! Still no evidence, though, of tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden
> has yet been admitted to..
> ..according to a censored transcript released Wednesday by the
> Pentagon after "Mohammed claimed that he was tortured by the CIA...
> although he said he was not under duress when confessed".
> Wow!
> I am convinced.. how about you all?

your attempt to jade the facts echo my first comments
On Mar 14, 9:13 pm, "Rita Refugee" <Rita oneword>
> "Go Mavs" <> wrote in message
> news:Uc2Kh.3252$I56.2460@trnddc06...
> > Yeah, let me guess. Mohammed is a planted CIA perp trying to mislead the
> > world? This will by far be the argument of those who are hopeful for a
> > conspiracy. For those of us with logic, here is the story... He wanted to
> > assasinate Carter and Clinton... how odd...

> I don't find that odd. Many many people want to see Clinton dead. I
> plan to throw a huge party the day Clinton assumes room temperature.
> And while Carter is a doofus, I will feel no glee or sorrow when he
> assumes room temperature.

Bu$h is no better you know.
<> wrote in message
> Good news, Terrorist conffessed to planning 9/11. Just in time to
> save Bush's ass
> Oh and he wanted to assasinate Carter and Clinton too?
> Wow!

Just goes to show that supporting Muslim fundies doesn't gain you any favor
with them.

> Why didn't he want to target Reagan, and H. Bush as well?

Do you bother looking up anything before you post? Mohammed was age 15-27
during those years, not exactly in his prime for leading a terrorist
organization yet. He worked for an electronics company until 1992, and his
pressing causes at that time were fighting the imperial Soviet and the
Serbian communist forces.

> That's right,, you don't bite the hand that feeds :)

Didn't you already mention that he tried to kill Carter and Clinton? The
former basically handed Iran to Muslim fundies and the latter joined NATO to
fight for them in Kosovo.
As for Reagan and Bush, it really chaps your left-wing ass that conservative
presidents helped beat down the Soviets, doesn't it? There isn't a murderous
leftist totalitarian utopia that a left-winger won't support.

Have a nice day,
> > Why didn't he want to target Reagan, and H. Bush as well?
> Do you bother looking up anything before you post? Mohammed was age 15-27
> during those years, not exactly in his prime for leading a terrorist
> organization yet. He worked for an electronics company until 1992, and his
> pressing causes at that time were fighting the imperial Soviet and the
> Serbian communist forces.

What? you claim that He was "Too young" to consider targeting Reagan
or to be taken seriously but Carter (The president before Reagan) was
a perfect target? Then while he was working at an electronics company
I guess he had no opinions for H.Bush but when Clinton came around he
wanted to assasinate?

> > That's right,, you don't bite the hand that feeds :)

> Didn't you already mention that he tried to kill Carter and Clinton? The
> former basically handed Iran to Muslim fundies and the latter joined NATO to
> fight for them in Kosovo.
> As for Reagan and Bush, it really chaps your left-wing ass that conservative
> presidents helped beat down the Soviets, doesn't it? There isn't a murderous
> leftist totalitarian utopia that a left-winger won't support.

^--- yea Reagan and Bush helped beat down the soviets. Soviets were in
Afghanastan and these two helped train Osama Bin Laden and crew to
become Fighters. Thus perhaps the reason why Mohammed didn't target
the last 2 Republican Presidents. (or admit to)
On Mar 14, 8:30 pm, "Go Mavs" <> wrote:
> Yeah, let me guess. Mohammed is a planted CIA perp trying to mislead the
> world? This will by far be the argument of those who are hopeful for a
> conspiracy. For those of us with logic, here is the story... He wanted to

Bin Laden already confessed...The government really thinks the people
are stupid, don't they?

9/11 was an inside job, get over it, gubment kool-aid drinkers. We,
The people, are getting TOTALLY SICK of your ****ing lies, liars!

To hell with the North American Union traitors. Duhmericans, like Mavs
Man, better WAKE UP.

I am OUTRAGED that the gubment would INSULT OUR INTELLIGENCE..over and
over and over again.

r u?
On Mar 14, 10:30 pm, "Go Mavs" <> wrote:
> Yeah, let me guess. Mohammed is a planted CIA perp trying to mislead the
> world? This will by far be the argument of those who are hopeful for a
> conspiracy. For those of us with logic, here is the story... He wanted to
> assasinate Carter and Clinton... how odd...
> 9/11 mastermind confesses in Guantanamo hearing
> 08:57 PM CDT on Wednesday, March 14, 2007
> Associated Press
> WASHINGTON - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept.
> 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a
> military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released
> Wednesday by the Pentagon.
> "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a
> statement read during the session, which was held last Saturday.
> The transcripts also refer to a claim by Mohammed that he was tortured by
> the CIA, although he said he was not under duress when confessed to his role
> in the attacks.
> In a chilling list of attacks - some of which were carried out, some not -
> Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing and training others
> for plots ranging from the 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center to
> the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to blow up a trans-Atlantic
> flight with explosives hidden in his shoes.
> He said he was involved in planning the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort
> frequented by Israelis and the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger
> jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya. He also said he was responsible
> for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia. In 2002, 202 were killed
> when two Bali nightclubs were bombed.
> Other plots he said he was responsible for included planned attacks against
> the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building and New York Stock
> Exchange, the Panama Canal and Big Ben and Heathrow Airport in London - none
> of which occurred.
> He also said he was involved in planning assassination attempts against
> former Presidents Carter and Clinton, attacks on U.S. nuclear power plants
> and suspension bridges in New York, the destruction of American and Israeli
> embassies in Asia and Australia, attacks on American naval vessels and oil
> tankers around the world and an attempt to destroy an oil company he said
> was owned by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Sumatra,
> Indonesia.
> In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual attacks.
> The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the Pentagon,
> which blacked out some of his remarks.
> Mohammed also claimed he was tortured by the CIA after his capture in 2003,
> according to an exchange he had with the military colonel who heads the
> three-member panel that heard his case.
> "Is any statement that you made, was it because of this treatment, to use
> your word, you claim torture," the colonel asked. "Do you make any
> statements because of that?"
> Portions of Mohammed's response were deleted from the transcript, and his
> immediate answer was unclear. He later said his confession read at the
> hearing to the long list of attacks was given without any pressure, threats
> or duress.
> The colonel said that Mohammed's torture allegations would be "reported for
> any investigation that may be appropriate" and also would be taken into
> account in consideration of his enemy combatant status.
> The Pentagon also released transcripts of the hearings of Abu Faraj al-Libi
> and Ramzi Binalshibh, though Binalshibh refused to attend his session.
> Binalshibh, a Yemeni, is suspected of helping Mohammed with the Sept. 11,
> 2001, attack plan and is also linked to a foiled plot to crash aircraft into
> London's Heathrow Airport. Al-Libi is a Libyan who reportedly masterminded
> two bombings 11 days apart in Pakistan in December 2003 that targeted
> President Pervez Musharraf for his support of the U.S.-led war on terror.
> The hearings, which began last Friday, are being conducted in secret by the
> military as it tries to determine whether 14 alleged terrorist leaders
> should be declared "enemy combatants" who can be held indefinitely and
> prosecuted by military tribunals.
> Hearings for six of the 14 have already been held. The military is not
> allowing reporters to attend the sessions and is limiting the information it
> provides about them, arguing that it wants to prevent sensitive information
> from being disclosed.
> The 14 were moved in September from a secret CIA prison network to the
> prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, where about 385 men are
> being held on suspicion of links to al-Qaeda or the Taliban.
> Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the U.S. military who is
> serving as his personal representative. It also claimed he shared
> responsibility for three other attacks, including assassination attempts
> against Pope John Paul II and Musharraf.
> The transcripts also lay out evidence against Mohammed, saying that a
> computer seized during his capture included detailed information about the
> Sept. 11 plot - ranging from names and photos of the hijackers to photos of
> hijacker Mohammad Atta's pilot's license and even letters from al-Qaeda
> leader Osama bin Laden.
> Al-Libi, who did not attend his hearing, also made a statement through his
> personal representative largely claiming that the hearing process is unfair
> and that he will not attend unless it is corrected.
> "The detainee is in a lose-lose situation," his statement said.
> Binalshibh declined to participate in the process and the hearing was
> conducted in his absence. Military officials expected some of the 14
> suspects not to participate.
> Legal experts have criticized the U.S. decision to bar independent observers
> from the hearings from the high-value targets. The Associated Press filed a
> letter of protest, arguing that it would be "an unconstitutional mistake to
> close the proceedings in their entirety."
> Mark Denbeaux, a Seton Hall University law professor who represents two
> Tunisians held at Guantanamo, said that based on the transcripts, Mohammed
> might be the only detainee who would qualify as an enemy combatant.
> "The government has finally brought someone into Gitmo who apparently admits
> to being someone who could be called an enemy combatant," Denbeaux, a critic
> of most of the detentions, said in a telephone interview from London. "None
> of the others rise to this level. The government has now got one."
> The military held 558 combatant status review tribunals between July 2004
> and March 2005 and the panels concluded that all but 38 detainees were enemy
> combatants who should be held. Those 38 were eventually released from
> Guantanamo.

>How interesting..everything that is important to the US he wanted to destroy..

And we are to believe this for what reason...
Rita Refugee wrote:
> "Mitchell Holman" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns98F3E81583F81ta2eene2@
>> "Rita Refugee" <Rita oneword> wrote in
>> news:TR2Kh.14295 $
>>> I don't find that odd. Many many people want to see Clinton
>>> dead. I plan to throw a huge party the day Clinton assumes room
>>> temperature. And while Carter is a doofus, I will feel no glee or sorrow
>>> when he assumes room temperature.

>> "Compassionate Conservatism" in action.................

> Bzzzt! I am not a conservative. And "Compassionate
> Conservatism" was a term coined by the Bush. Since I have never
> voted for any Bush for President, I have no association with that
> term.

So, you're an independent stupid asshole. Gotcha...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
Go Mavs wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>> "In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual
>> attacks.
>> The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the
>> Pentagon,
>> which blacked out some of his remarks."
>> Aha! Still no evidence, though, of tempting Eve in the Garden of
>> Eden has yet been admitted to..
>> ..according to a censored transcript released Wednesday by the
>> Pentagon after "Mohammed claimed that he was tortured by the CIA...
>> although he said he was not under duress when confessed".
>> Wow!
>> I am convinced.. how about you all?

> your attempt to jade the facts echo my first comments

FYI, you incredible imbecile, there are, indeed, many well founded doubts
about KSM's story. Witness, moron:


Can KSM's Confession Be Believed?

Thursday, Mar. 15, 2007 By ADAM ZAGORIN/WASHINGTON

Are Mohammed's claims to be believed? He has long been described - notably
in The 9/11 Commission Report - as prone to exaggeration and
self-aggrandizement, fond of portraying himself as a "superterrorist." The
notes to the Commission's conclusions mention the possibility of Mohammed
"inflating his own role." He may also be attempting to defend his part in
the 9/11 planning against the testimony of other terror suspects. The
Commission's notes indicate that, according to another terror chieftain, Abu
Zubaydah, Mohammed originally offered Osama bin Laden a more modest proposal
for attacking the U.S., but that bin Laden reportedly berated him, saying
"Why do you use an ax when you can use a bulldozer?" What's more, Mohammed
has also used disinformation in the past. He admitted under previous
interrogation that a list of 30 supposed U.S. targets, which he circulated
shortly after 9/11, was a lie to exaggerate the scale of al-Qaeda's

So, do tell, moron, what is it your stupid ass thinks it knows that the 9/11
Commission missed?

<tap, tap, tap>

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
<> wrote in message
>> > Why didn't he want to target Reagan, and H. Bush as well?

>> Do you bother looking up anything before you post? Mohammed was age 15-27
>> during those years, not exactly in his prime for leading a terrorist
>> organization yet. He worked for an electronics company until 1992, and
>> his
>> pressing causes at that time were fighting the imperial Soviet and the
>> Serbian communist forces.

> What? you claim that He was "Too young" to consider targeting Reagan
> or to be taken seriously but Carter (The president before Reagan) was
> a perfect target?

You assume he would only target them while they were serving the office of
president, which is stupid.

> Then while he was working at an electronics company
> I guess he had no opinions for H.Bush but when Clinton came around he
> wanted to assasinate?

See above.

>> > That's right,, you don't bite the hand that feeds :)

>> Didn't you already mention that he tried to kill Carter and Clinton? The
>> former basically handed Iran to Muslim fundies and the latter joined NATO
>> to
>> fight for them in Kosovo.
>> As for Reagan and Bush, it really chaps your left-wing ass that
>> conservative
>> presidents helped beat down the Soviets, doesn't it? There isn't a
>> murderous
>> leftist totalitarian utopia that a left-winger won't support.

> ^--- yea Reagan and Bush helped beat down the soviets. Soviets were in
> Afghanastan and these two helped train Osama Bin Laden and crew to
> become Fighters. Thus perhaps the reason why Mohammed didn't target
> the last 2 Republican Presidents. (or admit to)

Typical hypocrisy of the left claiming Republicans were supposed to be
psychic in determining bin Laden would later become the world's worst
international terrorist and resisted using him as a tool against the
Soviets, but FDR cozying up to Stalin, murderer of tens of millions, to
defeat the Nazis was the best thing ever. This left-wing non sequitur old
saw doesn't work with me.

Have a nice day,
"mike3" <> wrote in message
> On Mar 14, 9:13 pm, "Rita Refugee" <Rita oneword>
> wrote:
>> "Go Mavs" <> wrote in message
>> news:Uc2Kh.3252$I56.2460@trnddc06...
>> > Yeah, let me guess. Mohammed is a planted CIA perp trying to mislead
>> > the
>> > world? This will by far be the argument of those who are hopeful for a
>> > conspiracy. For those of us with logic, here is the story... He wanted
>> > to
>> > assasinate Carter and Clinton... how odd...

>> I don't find that odd. Many many people want to see Clinton dead. I
>> plan to throw a huge party the day Clinton assumes room temperature.
>> And while Carter is a doofus, I will feel no glee or sorrow when he
>> assumes room temperature.

> Bu$h is no better you know.

I have never said he was.