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In 2007, retired Bucknell University biology professor Jack E.

Harclerode was accused of inappropriately touching a 10-year-old

Lancaster County boy the year before.

The investigation that ensued turned up child *********** on

Harclerode's laptop and a portable hard drive.

On Monday, a Union County judge found Harclerode guilty in a non-jury

trial of 20 felony counts of possessing child ***********.

Each charge carries a maximum seven-year prison term, so the 73-year-

old professor could face up to 140 years in prison.

Judge Louise O. Knight told Harclerode she didn't believe he was

surprised by the conviction.

Harclerode was accused of molesting the 10-year-old in June 2006 at a

campground near Elysburg in Columbia County.

Police were tipped off by Jolee Djaraher, one of Harclerode's

daughters, who found e-mail correspondence between her father and the


Harclerode pleaded guilty to first-degree indecent sexual assault in

January in Columbia County Court. He is scheduled to be sentenced Dec.

18, and is free on $75,000 bail until then.

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In connection with the case, state police searched Harclerode's home

at 1225 Supplee Mill Road in East Buffalo Township outside Lewisburg

in March 2007. There, they found a laptop computer, a portable hard

drive and other items inside a locked metal filing cabinet.

Williamsport-based defense attorney Peter Campana argued that

Harclerode did not know the children depicted in the 245 pornographic

images found on the laptop and hard drive were under 18, and thought

they could be computer-generated.

That was implausible, the judge said, given Harclerode's background in


According to state Trooper Kenneth Houck, while the search was taking

place, Harclerode was seen trying to remove the items from the file


Harclerode remains free on $100,000 bail until he is sentenced, which

is to happen within three months. He may have no contact with minors

except ? under supervision ? his grandchildren.

Harclerode is also charged with sexually abusing a boy from Milton

repeatedly between 1992 and 1995. A hearing in that case is set for


Information in this story was drawn from the Sunbury Daily Item and

The Associated Press.

Sentencing is delayed for a former Atlantic Beach cop who says he's

fighting an addiction to child ***********.

26-year-old Christopher Crews walked from a Duval County courtroom on

Thursday with his fate still unknown for storing and sharing 19 sexual

images of young children on his home computer. Crews was arrested in

November 2007 when a Brevard County investigator found the images of

boys and girls between the ages of two and nine.

The former cop was scheduled to be sentenced on Thursday, but that's

being delayed because of the judge's concerns for Crews' well-being.

Judge Charles Arnold wonders how safe a former cop would be behind

bars with other, more violent criminals - fearing they may target

Crews because he was an officer.

Crews could spend between ten years to life in prison, but Arnold is

delaying Crews' sentencing until December 29th. He wants to hear about

special accomodations that would be made at the prison for a former

officer and if it would be legally possible to allow Crews to serve a

prison sentence that's shorter than the minimum ten years.

Crews was sworn into the Atlantic Beach Police Department in December


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