More Holocaust Nonsense



Since there is so much nonsense and hate speech against the German people,
how can we be sure that any part of it is true and not more lies?

Especially since the (Zionist)powers that be have made it illegal to
question, much less fund a forensic inquiry into the supposed mass graves
and mass extermination sites.

Oh and all those horrifying dead bodies? They could be Germans, the
allies massacred them after the war, then the al lies said, "Wow look what
the evil Germans did to the poor Jews." Remember the fact that the
Zionists wanted lots of suffering Jews to add to their cause.

But you don't need to know that.

If you have a functioning mind, all you need to know is that TRUTH NEEDS NO

See, questioning, reasoning and debate is the basis of our democratic,
enlightened worldview which certain mideastern sects don't seem to

are so many survivors anyway?)

If we lose our logic and reason and let ourselves be brow-beaten and
guilted out we are unleashing a new dark ages.

With AIPAC, the Walt & Mearschiemer essay, Harper's Israel grovelling and
of course the genocidal wars for Zionists underway RIGHT NOW KILLING REAL
PEOPLE, we are witnessing the birth of this very dark age.

Because we are afraid to question Zionists, the blood of A MILLION PEOPLE
killed in these Zionist wars is on our hands.

Well, I guess we deserve the dark times then, because we chose to suspend
our reasoning because we didn't want to be called RACIST or ANTISEMITIC as
semitic people are killed by the thousands for Greater Israel.

Remarkable Nonsense about the Holocaust

Because the Holocaust has become in many ways a secular religion -- even
for those who are not Jewish -- one is not permitted to say anything that
can in any way be construed as less than fawning about the plight of the
Jews in Europe. Likewise, one is permitted to say just about anything that
supports the popular view of the Holocaust, no matter how erroneous or
wrong-headed. Here are some passages that contain remarkable nonsense about
the Holocaust.
File Directory

Killing with sand (8/11/1942) (7281 bytes)
Majdanek death toll: 1.5 million (8/30/1944)
Pits of Boiling Human Fat (5/24/1945) (9968 bytes)
Electrocutions at Belzec (1946) (7213 bytes)
Making soap from human cadavers (1946) (8089 bytes)
The Case of the Obvious Autopsies (1/14/1946) (7497 bytes)
Pedal-actuated brain-bashing machine at Sachsenhausen (2/13/1946)
(9646 bytes)
Portable bone-grinding machines (2/14/1946) (9645 bytes)
Shooting orchestra members (2/14/1946) (12312 bytes)
Tormenting prisoners in Norway (2/14/1946) (9144 bytes)
More bone grinders (2/18/1946) (9948 bytes)
Magically efficient crematorymobiles (2/19/1946) (7927 bytes)
Mass electrocutions at Belsen (2/19/1946) (7843 bytes)
Extermination by pruning at Syretzk (2/19/1946) (7385 bytes)
Nazi use of atomic weapons to kill Jews at Auschwitz (6/21/1946)
(7684 bytes)
Eyewitness 'testimony' of an Auschwitz gas chamber survivor (1949)
(8993 bytes)
Geysers of blood at Babi Yar (1972) (6847 bytes)
Details about a human soap factory (1978) (8941 bytes)
Magically efficient Nazi pneumonia (1979) (7456 bytes)
Death by eagle at Buchenwald (11/10/1988) (69132 bytes)
The ordinary Auschwitz tourist (1989) (7088 bytes)
'Instantaneous' Two-Day-Long Gassings (6/1/1989) (7490 bytes)
Never show a swastika to a Nazi (1990) (6924 bytes)
Making human soap (1990) (16900 bytes)
Communist 'Holocaust denial' (11/26/1991) (7614 bytes)
The river that runs red with the ashes of Jews (7/13/1992) (7342
Gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen (8/5/1993) (9883 bytes)
A Jew who survived six gassings (8/5/1993) (7125 bytes)
Soap for sale (4/3/1995) (8529 bytes)
Human thumb light switches (4/10/1995) (7482 bytes)
Human soap Tells an Unforgettable Story (6/8/1997) (8134 bytes)
Definition of 'Holocaust Survivors' (8/13/1997) (9444 bytes)
USHMM Recommends Wilkomirski (9/10/1997) (11978 bytes)
Mourning the liar Ada Bimko (Hadassah Rosensaft) (10/17/1997) (9553
Animal lover (11/12/1997)
'I saw millions of people go directly to the gas chambers'
(12/11/1997) (7336 bytes)
The Nazis might be coming! (1998) (8607 bytes)
Rosenbaum's extended family (6/26/1998) (7202 bytes)
Wealthy Deniers (6/28/1998) (7376 bytes)
Millions of deaths at Auschwitz (7/10/1998) (7293 bytes)
A Discussion to Limit Holocaust 'Denial' (7/30/1998) (9163 bytes)
Jewish children burned alive at site of Auschwitz crosses (7/31/1998)
(11443 bytes)
Auschwitz ashes (8/18/1998) (8608 bytes)
Toward a Revisionist International (10/26/1998) (9097 bytes)
Superman Didn't Help the Jews (10/31/1998) (7421 bytes)
Horror Stories from the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz (11/1998) (11286
Tearing Babies in Half (11/1998) (8043 bytes)
Invented 'Memories' Praised (11/3/1998) (13236 bytes)
Learning Hate (11/5/1998) (8013 bytes)
Music soothes the savage beast (11/6/1998) (8482 bytes)
Miracle Ashes (11/7/1998) (7786 bytes)
The Murderer as Artist (12/1/1998) (10256 bytes)
Gerhart Riegner Recalls Attempts to Alert World to Holocaust
(1/11/1999) (10777 bytes)
Fighting Republicans like fighting Nazis (1/25/1999) (6989 bytes)
FEB EXECS AZA/BBG Joint Meeting Minutes (2/1999) (9378 bytes)
Henry Kissinger's Relatives were made into soap (2/13/1999) (7270
Nazi Animal Control (2/19/1999) (7722 bytes)
Nazis were NOT fashion-forward (2/22/1999) (7982 bytes)
Death by Denier (3/6/1999) (11209 bytes)
Non-white, Nazi, Gestapo-like park rangers (3/16/1999) (7722 bytes)
Annihilation through Catholicism (3/17/1999) (7442 bytes)
Smoking Crematories (3/24/1999) (8370 bytes)
Netanyahu links Nazi genocide to recognition of a Palestinian State
(3/26/1999) (7710 bytes)
French Jews see restitution differently (3/29/1999) (12125 bytes)
Mass executions at Buchenwald (4/18/1999) (7927 bytes)
Crimes of the Holocaustologians (4/21/1999) (12496 bytes)
I'll never forget the (non-existent) gas chambers at Dachau
(4/28/1999) (8580 bytes)
It's Lucky They Weren't Electrocuted (5/5/1999) (8841 bytes)
Fat-Free Soap (5/6/1999) (7213 bytes)
My Five Years in the Death Camps, and How They Grew (6/12/1999) (7124
I Just Made it Up -- How Could I Forget It? (7/26/1999) (7470 bytes)
Court Reporter Still Haunted (7/30/1999) (10236 bytes)
Suicide Drama To Be Staged Posthumously In London (9/21/1999) (7657
No 'Mein Kampf' But Adolf Cartoon Fine (10/15/1999) (7755 bytes)
Israel takes stand in Judaism debate (11/23/1999) (10331 bytes)
LA Times gets it wrong (1/14/2000) (8140 bytes)
'You could smell the bodies burning ..." (1/18/2000) (8357 bytes)
Gas chambers and target practice at Mauthausen (1/20/2000) (7672
No gas today! (2/10/2000) (6933 bytes)
Too old to be gassed (2/21/2000) (7853 bytes)
Trucks to Camouflage the Noise of Gassing (2/29/2000) (6881 bytes)
Michael Shermer: Liar or idiot -- you decide! (3/12/2000) (8855
No breakfast for breakfast (3/29/2000) (8593 bytes)
Jewish Groups Lament anti-Semitism (4/5/2000) (10247 bytes)
Speech by Yossi Sarid (5/2/2000) (11179 bytes)
Nazi Eye Drops (5/25/2000) (11187 bytes)
He knows his soap (7/17/2000) (9020 bytes)
Death by quicklime (7/31/2000) (7598 bytes)
Rabbi's Inflammatory Holocaust Remarks Spark Controversy (8/6/2000)
(10386 bytes)
A Preserved Mound of Ashes at Majdanek (8/23/2000) (9598 bytes)
Slippery Soap (9/25/2000) (8554 bytes)
First the Holocaust, Now This (11/10/2000) (7477 bytes)
Bergen-Belsen gas chambers (1/14/2000) (8665 bytes)
Holocaust Education and Awareness Act of 2001 (2/6/2001) (11767
Ban the Shamrock (2/18/2001) (11235 bytes)
X-rated pseudo-history (3/17/2001) (1911 bytes)
HR 1620 Holocaust Education Assistance Act (4/26/2001) (16725 bytes)
Extermination at Wannsee Conference (5/10/2001) (7199 bytes)
Flawlessly efficient gas chamber fails (5/24/2001) (7788 bytes)
Human-skin lampshades and human soap (6/24/2001) (9769 bytes)
Proof of Holocaust claims -- again -- finally (7/1/2001) (8804 bytes)
Outrage at Wagner (7/9/2001) (7612 bytes)
Another Jewish Life Cut Tragically Short by the Nazis (7/23/2001)
(9195 bytes)
The pool that's not really a pool (spotted 8/1/2001) (30972 bytes)
Israel Today is Like Nazi Germany (8/26/2001) (7885 bytes)
Jewish annihilation planned at Wannsee Conference (8/27/2001) (6994
Claude Lanzmann's Geese (10/1/2001) (7013 bytes)
Europe Moving Toward Ban on Internet Hate Speech (11/10/2001)
More Jewish Soap (12/28/2001) (7353 bytes)
A Subtle Form of Holocaust Denial (1/16/2002) (9811 bytes)
Fined for Stating a Fact about Dachau (7958 bytes)
A New Way of Remembering the Shoah (7470 bytes)
Assembly Bill AB 2003 (23760 bytes)
Eyewitness Dr. Professor Survivor Sir, Esq. (5/5/2003) (9955 bytes)
Just Say the Holocaust Never Happened at All (9/5/2003) (8334 bytes)
Magazine accused of aiding Holocaust (10/31/2003) (10561 bytes)
Magical tattoos from a man who 'saw it all' (12/19/2003) (12075
Kids love the Holocaust (1/30/2004) (7618 bytes)
Leuchter worse than McNamara (2/4/2004) (8699 bytes)
Gassings at Dachau (3/26/2004) (7545 bytes)
Arab Anti-Semitism in Europe is Integral to European Culture
(3/30/2004) (8446 bytes)
Nazi euthanasia to create a master race (4/1/2004) (7994 bytes)
Brain-wash a child for Israel (4/2/2004) (7141 bytes)
Gas Showers at Auschwitz (4/5/2004) (9158 bytes)
Nobody Cares about the Holocaust (4/5/2004) (7861 bytes)
'Holocaust survivor' succumbs to real Holocaust (4/6/2004) (6992
Holocaust on Your Plate (4/7/2004) (7337 bytes)
Yet Another Witness (4/9/2004) (8701 bytes)
Revisionism equals outright denial (4/12/2004) (6947 bytes)
Inside View of the Holocaust (4/16/2004) (7778 bytes)
Another Miracle Sighet Survivor (4/20/2004) (8914 bytes)
More Jewish Soap (4/21/2004) (8854 bytes)
Gas showers at Auschwitz (5/6/2004) (7452 bytes)
Smelly crematories (5/11/2004) (7171 bytes)
NOW we have the proof (5/13/2004) (8502 bytes)
Gas chambers at Terezienstadt (5/22/2004) (7268 bytes)
He Remembers the Screams (5/25/2004) (7182 bytes)
Surviving in a Mass Grave (5/30/2004) (7180 bytes)
Teacher jailed for making revisionist film (6/10/2004) (8277 bytes)
People Who Say I'm Lying Are Dangerous (6/24/2004) (52256 bytes)
Multigassing Miracle (7/3/2004) (7210 bytes)
Out of Gas (7/3/2003) (7337 bytes)
Best Evidence (7/7/2004) (8845 bytes)
Nazi Swine Teaching (Pig?) Latin (7/19/2004) (7018 bytes)
Israel Will Get You if You Don't Watch Out (7/20/2004) (7628 bytes)
He Knows Nazis (8/4/2004) (7493 bytes)
Still smelling gas at Dachau (8/8/2004) (8099 bytes)
Shocked by Anti-Semitism at Auschwitz (8/13/2004) (7589 bytes)
Crematory Stench (8/9/2004) (7359 bytes)
Death by Water Barrel (8/10/2004) (7497 bytes)
Gas Chambers at Buchenwald (8/20/2004) (7986 bytes)
Flames and a terrible smell (8/28/2004) (7118 bytes)
Peace, hope, love, and lies about Germans (10/1/2004) (8959 bytes)
Beware of the 'shower houses' (10/1/2004) (8455 bytes)
The Holocaust was everywhere (10/6/2004) (7665 bytes)
Nazis planned to move Auschwitz to Austria (10/10/2004) (7117 bytes)
Jews still fear bathing (10/12/2004) (8364 bytes)
Nazi target practice (10/12/2004) (7335 bytes)
Nazis Hated Hair (10/14/2004) (9184 bytes)
The horror of loneliness (10/20/2004) (7366 bytes)
Gassed at Stutthof (10/30/04) (7159 bytes)
Gas chambers in Denmark (11/16/2004) (7701 bytes)
Been everywhere, done everything (11/17/2004) (10103 bytes)
Another breakdown in the magically efficient Nazi extermination
machinery (12/9/2004) (7265 bytes)
It's easy to be a Holocaust denier (12/24/2004) (7141 bytes)
Keep off the concrete (1/7/2005)
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! (1/10/2005)
Aunt's story (1/16/2005) (8595 bytes)
Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State (1/17/2005) (9502 bytes)
Stench from oderless crematories (1/17/2005) (8287 bytes)
Auschwitz water park (1/21/2005) (7661 bytes)
More miraculous survivals (1/25/2005)
The Eternal Holocaust (formerly known as WWII) (1/26/2005) (8616
The Nazi memory expert (1/29/2005) (7839 bytes)
More great eyewitness stories of Auschwitz (1/29/2005) (8611 bytes)
Where are these records now? (2/2/2005) (7295 bytes)
Vivid memories of unseen gas showers at Auschwitz (2/2/2005) (8730
Free speech in the land of liberty, brotherhood, and equality
(2/4/2005) (8715 bytes)
Smoke from smokeless crematories (2/5/2005) (7143 bytes)
Jewish soap found in Israel (2/10/2005) (8674 bytes)
Shaved on arrival (2/18/2005) (7540 bytes)
A glimpse inside look an 'extermination camp' (4/2/2005)
The idea behind WWII was to kill the Jews (5/12/2005)
It's all about the Holocaust (5/14/2005)
No pimples allowed at Auschwitz (6/10/2005)
No gas available (6/25/2005)
Baby survives 'Nazi gas shower' (9/14/2005)
Six new volumes, still no proof (9/16/2005)
Spared from non-existent 'gas chambers' (9/17/2005)
Imagine that! (10/30/2005)
You have the freedom to say what is permitted (11/19/2005)
Cannabalism at Dachau (12/6/2005)
Liar Leon Bass says, 'believe the lie' (12/18/2005)
Gassing to Irving Berlin (12/20/2005)
Newspaper ad attacks Art Butz (2/13/2006)
Mass cremations at Thereisenstadt (5/10/2006)
Heroic Jew helped gas other Jews (5/12/2006)
Holocaust victim dies only 38 years after Mengele experiments
Target Practice at Plaszow (5/21/2006)
This'll show 'im (5/22/2006)
She left out 'everybody knows' (10/29/2006)
Is it because shoes have tongues? (11/1/2006)
How do you say 'the quarry of death' in German? (11/9/2006)
New math (11/9/2006)
No hyperbole here (11/10/2006)
She should know (11/10/2006)
Bayonetting babies (11/11/2006)
Yet more human soap (11/13/2006)
Head count for head lice (11/19/2006)
Revisionists refuted again (1/14/2007)
On Apr 24, 9:21 am, Anarchore <anarch...@youhoe.seeeh> wrote:
> Since there is so much nonsense and hate speech against the German people,
> how can we be sure that any part of it is true and not more lies?

The evidence for the Holocaust is overwhelming - only a stupid neo-
nazi would deny reality on this issue.
But then, to say "nazi" and "stupid" is redundant.

Balin the Wise

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