More information about my upcoming book...


New member
I'm writing a book called "The Light at the End of the Tunnel" and I thought I would let you all know about it. It's about everything that I have been through in the past year. Good and Bad. Yet, mostly bad. It's not too long, although when I tell you how many words it is at the moment, you'll beg to differ. It's about 20100 words as of now. I'm expecting to make it at least novel length. If you're interested in reading it before I try to get it published, send me an email: with your first name, your LPF username, and your email address.

I have put a lot of effort into this project and it means a lot to me. Writing this has brought back many memories, and has even made me cry. I find what I have written so far very touching. By writing all of this, I have been able to vent a lot of my feelings and get a lot of things off of my chest. Hopefully when you read this, you will understand better how I felt through all this. If you have read my journal, you have already gotten a feel for most of my book. Some of the text is taken directly from my journal. It is mostly about Abby, but also about two of my grandparents passing away. As well as some other major events that have taken place in the past year.


Here is a preview paragraph from the book:

So basically I felt like ****…I couldn’t control myself. I stole some of my mom’s aspirin. I took apart a razor. I took one of the blades, and without even thinking, I started to cut myself. Before I knew it, Abby’s initials were carved into my wrist. I was bleeding. I was in not only emotional, but physical pain. Then I took the bottle of aspirin and popped three of them into my mouth thinking that would stop the physical pain. It helped a little bit. But I still felt so miserable. I couldn’t think straight. For the first time in my life, I wanted to die.


I will send this story to any elite member, if you're interested, because you are all very trustworthy and I beleive that you would most likely understand all of it.

If you send me the requested information, I will email a pre-release copy when I finish it. Notice that it is just the pre-release copy, and once I get it published (hoping I can) it will be a little bit different.

Thank you for your interest!

-Brad Singer




New member
just from that paragraph i got a little interested. Good luck with it! If I have the time, maybe I'll email you so i can read some of it. :thumbsup:


New member
thanks guys! Just email me if you're interested, and I'll add you to the list of people to email it to. I expect to have it done no sooner than may 20th, and no later than june 5th.
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