More name calling


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Harry Reid decided to again turn to name calling by trying to connect those who do not agree with "his" vision of the healthcare debate with being racist.

"Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is, 'slow down, stop everything, let's start over.' If you think you've heard these same excuses before, you're right," Reid said Monday. "When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said 'slow down, it's too early, things aren't bad enough.'"


"When women spoke up for the right to speak up, they wanted to vote, some insisted they simply, slow down, there will be a better day to do that, today isn't quite right."



"When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today."

Of course the guy who threatened to filibuster the civil rights act of 1957 was Sen. Strom Thurmond, a Democrat..........

Oh, and it was Republicans who led the Nation against slavery.

If this guy is too stupid to even know the facts about the insults he is trying (and failing) to toss around, how can we trust his legislation? This guy is truly an idiot, and we should be slowing down, being careful, this is a lot of money being spent on things we don't even know how it will work yet.

The people don't even get any services until Obama is out of office so why get in a hurry when there is no way people can benefit from the legislation for 5 years?

The only reason Reid and company want this thing rammed through is they know it will not stand the test of scrutiney, there are major problems he wants swept under the rug.



New member
The sad part is the stupidity coming from the mouths of our politicians simply reflect the ignorance of most Americans.


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Well I have always thought those who believe redistribution of wealth by force is logical to be a tad off.........but some seem to take their lunacy a little further than other people.

Even the voters of his own district look to be rejecting him right now so that is the best question to ask all of these idiots.

Why are they not doing what we want?

We elect them, they are supposed to represent us, not their own twisted agendas to turn America into a daycare center. I would hate it but if they at least had a majority of America who wanted the Government to take over everything then at least we could say they were only doing what they were being pressured to do from the public.

Yes, we all want health care reform, but that can be accomplished for a few hundred million dollars, it does not require America to completely rip everything apart and rebuild it, even if it is rebuilt well (I have reasons to doubt the Government's ability to do that) we still have this massive cost we can't possibly pay for.

Tort reform and eliminating state line restraints against competition will reduce costs more than anything the Liberals are proposing.



New member
The reform needed is less government involvement in healthcare, not more. The present proposed reforms simply fuel escalation of healthcare costs and government deficits.


Active Members
The reform needed is less government involvement in healthcare, not more. The present proposed reforms simply fuel escalation of healthcare costs and government deficits.
You could say that about everything Hugo.

The average price of a new home has 30% government mandated costs. Everything from impact fees to red tape just to pull a permit has caused massive increases to the average cost of a home.

Most States have opted out of it but the most recent universal code meeting voted in the requirement for all single family dwelling homes to have fire sprinklers added to them.

If you give that some thought you might see just how stupid something like that is.

Consider that the average residntial area does not have large enough taps to support a 2 inch line to every residence and maintain the required pressures to operate a sprinkler system so to make up for this large reserve storage tanks with pumps will have to be added to every home to power the sprinklers. Combined together your talking about $15,000.

Then of course they have to be checked once every year or two years depending on your local State laws.

BuildingOnline eUpdate News: International Code Council Votes To Keep Residential Fire Sprinklers

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