More on Big Oil in Republican bribery scandal


Harry Hope

From Reuters, 10/10/07:

Alaska lawmakers query Big Oil in bribery scandal

By Yereth Rosen

ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Oct 10 (Reuters) -

Alaska lawmakers are questioning major oil companies over their role
in a bribery scheme that has netted the criminal convictions of a
former legislator and two former executives from VECO Corp, once the
state's largest oil-service company.

BP, ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil have denied involvement in the
ongoing political corruption scandal in which the VECO officials used
bribes to push for a favorable outcome in an oil-tax overhaul.

State Sen. Hollis French and state Rep. Les Gara, both Anchorage
Democrats, sent letters to the top Alaska oil executives asking what
they knew of VECO Corp's illegal acts and how much they coordinated
with the company during last year's tax debate.

The letters come after the trial of former House Speaker Pete Kott, a
Republican convicted of bribery, extortion and conspiracy concerning
the overhaul of the state's oil-tax system.

Another former lawmaker is due to go on trial later this month on
similar bribery charges.

The Kott trial unearthed a tape-recorded telephone conversation
between Bill Allen, former chief executive of VECO, and ConocoPhillips
Alaska President Jim Bowles concerning attempts to squelch a version
of the tax they disliked.


So what's new?
