More Than 100 Arrests at US Anti-War Rallies ( t r u t h o u t )



White House is looking for a replacement for Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales; Fitzgerald received the same ranking from Justice Department
as other prosecutors who were fired; Senate expected to pass
legislation today stripping President Bush's authority to appoint
interim US attorneys; more than 100 are arrested in anti-war protests;
documents released reveal White House edited climate reports to
support oil industry; Washington state pipeline companies withhold
information about potentially explosive lines; Tim Costello, Jeremy
Brecher and Brendan Smith on the need for immigration discourse and a
new program; and more ... Browse our continually updating front page

t r u t h o u t | 03.20

White House Seeking Gonzales Replacement
Republican officials operating at the behest of the White House have
begun seeking a possible successor to Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales, whose support among GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill has

Bush Administration Ranked Fitzgerald During Leak Case
US Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald was ranked among prosecutors who had
"not distinguished themselves" on a Justice Department chart sent to
the White House in March 2005, when he was in the midst of leading the
CIA leak investigation that resulted in the perjury conviction of a
vice presidential aide. The chart was drawn up to identify US
attorneys who should be removed. Two prosecutors who received the same
ranking as Fitzgerald were later fired.

Senate to Pass Prosecutor Bill
The Senate is poised to pass legislation today stripping President
Bush's authority to appoint interim US attorneys. Aides in both camps
said neither party sees an advantage in slow-walking the US attorneys
bill and predicted it will pass the Senate with a bulk of lawmakers in
both parties supporting it.

More Than 100 Arrests at US Anti-War Rallies
Police arrested more than 100 Iraq war protesters in San Francisco and
New York City on Monday as the nation marked the fourth anniversary of
the US invasion of Iraq.

Tim Costello, Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith | Si Es Verdad
Tim Costello, Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith write: "The story of
the New Bedford raid is still unfolding, but it could have a real
impact on the current immigration debate. Many advocates of
immigration reform see the increase in the number of raids by the Bush
administration as a move to satisfy both the hard-line anti-immigrant
wing of the Republican Party and the corporate wing that wants access
to cheap immigrant labor through a guest worker program. By creating a
crisis, the Bush administration hopes to push through an immigration
reform bill that it likes. It's unclear whether the strategy will be

Material Shows White House Weakened Climate Reports
A House committee released documents Monday that showed hundreds of
instances in which a White House official who was previously an oil
industry lobbyist edited government climate reports to either play up
uncertainty of a human role in global warming or play down evidence of
such a role.

Washington Companies Withhold Info on Oil and Gas Pipelines
Claiming that the release of detailed information on oil and gas
pipelines could aid terrorists or troublemakers, pipeline companies in
Washington state are appealing a judge's order that they disclose to
the public specifics about their potentially explosive lines.
Meanwhile, the companies are asking the Legislature to change the
Washington Public Records Act to allow the information to be kept
secret - while simultaneously claiming in court that the law already
shields the records from disclosure.
