"More Than 3 Billion People in the World Are Being Condemned to a Premature Death ..." (Castro)


Barry Schier

March 28, 2007


Reflections from the Commander-in-Chief


It is not an exaggeration; this is rather a conservative figure. I
have meditated for quite a long time on that after the meeting held
by President Bush with the US automakers.

The sinister idea of turning foodstuffs into fuel was definitely
established as the economic strategy of the US foreign policy on
Monday, March 26th last.

A wire service issued by the AP, a US information agency with
world-wide coverage, literally reads:

WASHINGTON (AP), March 26 - President Bush touted the benefits of
"flexible fuel" vehicles running on ethanol and biodiesel on Monday,
meeting with automakers to boost support for his energy plans. Bush
said a commitment by the leaders of the domestic auto industry to
double their production of flex-fuel vehicles could help motorists
shift away from gasoline and reduce the nation's reliance on imported

"That's a major technological breakthrough for the country," Bush
said after inspecting three alternative vehicles. If the nation wants
to reduce gasoline use, he said "the consumer has got to be in a
position to make a rational choice."

The president urged Congress to "move expeditiously" on legislation
the administration recently proposed to require the use of 35 billion
gallons of alternative fuels by 2017 and seek higher fuel economy
standards for automobiles.

Bush met with General Motors Corp. chairman and chief executive Rick
Wagoner, Ford Motor Co. chief executive Alan Mulally and
DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group chief executive Tom LaSorda. They
discussed support for flex-fuel vehicles, attempts to develop ethanol
from alternative sources like switchgrass and wood chips and the
administration's proposal to reduce gas consumption by 20 percent in
10 years.

The discussions came amid rising gasoline prices. The latest Lundberg
Survey found the nationwide average for gasoline has risen 6 cents
per gallon in the past two weeks to $2.61. I think that reducing and
recycling all fuel and electricity operated engines is an urgent and
elemental necessity of all humanity. The dilemma is not in the
reduction of energy costs, but in the idea of turning foodstuffs into

Today we know with accurate precision that one ton of corn can only
render as an average 413 liters of ethanol (109 gallons), a figure
that may vary according to the latter's density. The average price of
corn in US ports has reached 167 dollars per ton. The production of
35 billion gallons of ethanol requires 320 million tons of corn.
According to FAO, US corn production in 2005 reached 280.2 million

Even if the President is speaking about producing fuel out of
switchgrass or wood chips, any person could understand that these
phrases are far from realistic. Listen well: 35 billion gallons, 35
followed by nine zeros!

Beautiful examples of the productivity of men per hectare achieved by
the experienced and well organized US farmers will come next: corn
will be turned into ethanol; corn wastes will be turned into animal
fodder, with a 26 percent of proteins; cattle manure will be used as
raw material for the production of gas. Of course, all of this will
happen after a great number of investments, which could only be
afforded by the most powerful companies whose operations are based on
the consumption of electricity and fuel. Let this formula be applied
to the Third World countries, and the world will see how many hungry
people on this planet will cease to consume corn. What is worse, let
the poor countries receive some financing to produce ethanol from
corn or any other foodstuff and very soon not a single tree will be
left standing to protect humanity from climate change.

Other rich countries have planned to use not only corn but also
wheat, sunflower seeds, rapeseed and other foodstuffs to produce
fuel. For Europeans, for example, it would be a good business to
import the entire soybean production of the world to reduce the cost
of fuel for their automobiles and feed their animals with the wastes
of that legume, which has a high content of all kinds of essential
amino acids.

In Cuba, alcohol was produced as a sugar cane by-product, after three
extractions of sugarcane juice. Climate change is already affecting
our sugar production. Severe droughts alternate with record rainfall
values, which hardly allow our country to produce any sugar during a
period of 100 days with adequate yields during our very mild winter.
So, in Cuba, we are either producing less sugar per every ton of
sugarcane, or the number of tons of cane per hectare has been reduced
due to the long lasting droughts in the plantation and harvest

I understand that Venezuela would not export alcohol; it will use it
to improve the environmental safety of its own fuel. Therefore,
despite the excellent technology designed by Brazil to produce
alcohol, its use in Cuba to produce alcohol from sugarcane juice is
nothing but a dream, the ravings of those who entertain such ideas.
In our country, the land which would otherwise be devoted solely to
the production of alcohol could be better used to produce foodstuffs
for the people and protect the environment.

All countries of the world without exception, whether rich or poor,
could save trillions of dollars in investments and fuel if they only
replace all incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs, which is what
Cuba has done in all the residential areas of the country. This would
be a palliative that will enable us to cope with climate change
without killing the poor people in this planet with hunger.

As can be seen, I am not using adjectives to describe either the
system or those who have become the owners of this world. That task
will be brilliantly accomplished by the information experts, the many
honest socio-economic and political scientists in this world who
continuously delve into the present and the future of our species. A
computer and the increasing number of Internet networks will just be
enough to do that.

For the first time a truly globalized economy exists and a dominant
power in the economic, political, and military spheres that is in no
way similar to the ancient Rome ruled by emperors. Some people may
wonder why I am speaking about hunger and thirst. And I will answer:
this is not about the other side of a coin, but of the many different
sides of quite another object, maybe a six-sided dice or a polyhedron
which has many more sides.

This time I will quote an official news agency, founded in 1945,
which is in general very familiar with the economic and social
problems of the world: TELAM. It literally said:

"Within hardly 18 years, nearly 2 billion people will inhabit
countries and regions where water might seem a far away memory. Two
thirds of the world population could live in places where the lack of
water could bring about social and economic tensions that could lead
peoples to go to war over the precious "blue gold".

In the course of the last 100 years, water consumption has grown at a
pace which is more than twice the population growth rate.

"According to the World Water Council (WWC), the number of persons
affected by this serious situation will increase to 3.5 billion by
the year 2015.

On March 23, the United Nations Organization observed the World Water
Day, urging all member countries to cope with the international water
shortage as of that day, under the auspices of FAO, with the aim of
emphasizing the increasing importance of water shortage in the world
and the need for greater integration and cooperation to ensure a
sustainable and efficient management of water resources.

"Many regions in this planet suffer from severe water shortage, where
the annual rate of cubic meters per person is less than 500. Every
time there are more and more regions suffering from a chronic
shortage of this vital resource.

"An insufficient amount of the precious fluid necessary to produce
foodstuffs, the impaired development of industry, urban areas and
tourism, and the emergence of health problems are some of the
consequences that derive from water shortage." So much for the TELAM
wire service.

I have not mentioned other important facts, such as the ice that is
melting down in Greenland and the Antarctic, the damages caused to the
ozone layer and the ever higher titers of mercury found in many fish
species which are part of the regular people's diet.

Other topics could be addressed, but in these few lines I simply
intend to make some comments about the meeting held by President Bush
with the chief executives of US automakers.

March 28, 2007.

Fidel Castro

{Thanks to Walter Lippmann for bringing this to my attention -- Barry
On Mar 30, 9:50 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> and in Cuba 773,000 need WFP food aid while others face unger.
> See:www.wfp.org

Just to keep things in perspective, this aid, if distributed across
the entire population, would amount to no more than a few cents (USD)
per person per YEAR. This is NOT the massive aid you would us believe.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at
"Dan Christensen" <dchris@netcom.ca> wrote in message
> On Mar 30, 9:50 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
>> and in Cuba 773,000 need WFP food aid while others face unger.
>> See:www.wfp.org

> Just to keep things in perspective, this aid, if distributed across
> the entire population, would amount to no more than a few cents


The real perspective; tons of beans, rice, ... in a program that has run for
at least 5 years.

While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older) light
bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
That is the real "perspective".

Important energy-saving initiative
published: Saturday | May 27, 2006

These bulbs which, ironically, are gifts from Cuba, manufactured in
China by a U.S. company, have an estimated retail value of over $2

( the data is in Jamaican dollar $2Bn Jamaican is about U$ 30 million.)

Note that while Castro hands out light bulbs to people that have them (older
ones) and food while the WFP programs to feed 773,000 people in Cuba were

Kinds of says what his priorities are, no?
On the WFP aid:

(a) Drought continues persist in the eastern provinces, including the
Province of Camag
On Mar 30, 11:25 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> "Dan Christensen" <dch...@netcom.ca> wrote in message
> news:1175266912.845200.230710@r56g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...> On Mar 30, 9:50 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> >> and in Cuba 773,000 need WFP food aid while others face unger.
> >> See:www.wfp.org

> > Just to keep things in perspective, this aid, if distributed across
> > the entire population, would amount to no more than a few cents

> (snip)
> The real perspective; tons of beans, rice, ... in a program that has run for
> at least 5 years.

We are STILL waiting for your proof that this aid amounts to more than
a few cents per person per YEAR.

> While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older) light
> bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
> programs.


It seems not even your mafia pals have bought into this wacky little
conspiracy theory of yours, Mr. Lobbyist. That's gotta hurt!

Maybe it's because you still have no proof to support your outrageous
claims. Remember, we are STILL waiting for your proof that these light
bulbs, manufactured in China and also distributed free of cost to
Cuban households, actually cost the Cuban government anything at all.
It has been almost a year now. What seems to be the problem, Mr.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at
"Dan Christensen" <dchris@netcom.ca> wrote in message
> On Mar 30, 11:25 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
>> "Dan Christensen" <dch...@netcom.ca> wrote in message
>> news:1175266912.845200.230710@r56g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...> On Mar 30,
>> 9:50 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
>> >> and in Cuba 773,000 need WFP food aid while others face unger.
>> >> See:www.wfp.org

>> > Just to keep things in perspective, this aid, if distributed across
>> > the entire population, would amount to no more than a few cents

>> (snip)
>> The real perspective; tons of beans, rice, ... in a program that has run
>> for
>> at least 5 years.

> We are STILL waiting for your proof that this aid amounts to more than
> a few cents per person per YEAR.

It amounts to the diffrence between hunger and being fed comrade Dan.
It amounts to the difference between diesease and decent life comrade Danj.
The WFP only steps in in case of need.
According to Granma over 3 million Cubans have received WFP aid over the

>> While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older)
>> light
>> bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
>> programs.

> [snip]
> It seems not even your mafia pals have bought into this wacky little
> conspiracy theory


No conspiracy theory comrade Dan.
A fact reported in the press and snipped by desperate Dan.


While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older) light
bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
That is the real "perspective".

Important energy-saving initiative
published: Saturday | May 27, 2006

These bulbs which, ironically, are gifts from Cuba, manufactured in
China by a U.S. company, have an estimated retail value of over $2

( the data is in Jamaican dollar $2Bn Jamaican is about U$ 30 million.)

Note that while Castro hands out light bulbs to people that have them (older
ones) and food while the WFP programs to feed 773,000 people in Cuba were

Kinds of says what his priorities are, no?
On the WFP aid:

On the need of the Cuban people and the tons of food that had to be

(a) Drought continues persist in the eastern provinces, including the
Province of Camag
On Mar 30, 11:20 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> "Dan Christensen" <dch...@netcom.ca> wrote in message
> news:1175275364.231132.73800@n59g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
> > On Mar 30, 11:25 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> >> "Dan Christensen" <dch...@netcom.ca> wrote in message

> >>news:1175266912.845200.230710@r56g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...> On Mar 30,
> >> 9:50 am, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> >> >> and in Cuba 773,000 need WFP food aid while others face unger.
> >> >> See:www.wfp.org

> >> > Just to keep things in perspective, this aid, if distributed across
> >> > the entire population, would amount to no more than a few cents

> >> (snip)

> >> The real perspective; tons of beans, rice, ... in a program that has run
> >> for
> >> at least 5 years.

> > We are STILL waiting for your proof that this aid amounts to more than
> > a few cents per person per YEAR.

> It amounts to the diffrence between hunger and being fed comrade Dan.
> It amounts to the difference between diesease and decent life comrade Danj.
> The WFP only steps in in case of need.
> According to Granma over 3 million Cubans have received WFP aid over the
> years.
> >> While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older)
> >> light
> >> bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
> >> programs.

> > [snip]

> > It seems not even your mafia pals have bought into this wacky little
> > conspiracy theory

> (snip)
> No conspiracy theory comrade Dan.
> A fact reported in the press and snipped by desperate Dan.
> While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older) light
> bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
> programs.
> That is the real "perspective".
> Important energy-saving initiative
> published: Saturday | May 27, 2006
> These bulbs which, ironically, are gifts from Cuba, manufactured in
> China by a U.S. company, have an estimated retail value of over $2
> billion.http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20060527/cleisure/cleisure1.html
> ( the data is in Jamaican dollar $2Bn Jamaican is about U$ 30 million.)
> Note that while Castro hands out light bulbs to people that have them (older
> ones) and food while the WFP programs to feed 773,000 people in Cuba were
> underfunded.
> Kinds of says what his priorities are, no?
> On the WFP aid:
> see:http://www.wfp.org/operations/curre...rations/current_operations/BR/100320_0411.pdf
> On the need of the Cuban people and the tons of food that had to be
> provided:
> Cuba
> (a) Drought continues persist in the eastern provinces, including the
> Province of Camag
On Mar 30, 2:20 pm, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or too lame
to bother with]

> > We are STILL waiting for your proof that this aid amounts to more than
> > a few cents per person per YEAR.

> It amounts to the diffrence between hunger and being fed comrade Dan.
> It amounts to the difference between diesease and decent life comrade Danj.


So, you STILL have no proof that it amounts to more than a few cents
per person per year. Thought so.

> >> While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older)
> >> light
> >> bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
> >> programs.

> > [snip]

> > It seems not even your mafia pals have bought into this wacky little
> > conspiracy theory

> (snip)
> No conspiracy theory comrade Dan.
> A fact reported in the press and snipped by desperate Dan.


Almost a year later, mo one but you, not even your mafia pals in
Miami, are suggesting that Cubans went hungry to pay for these light
bulbs. But you always were a bit of a loose cannon weren't you, Mr.
Lobbyist? (Hee, hee, hee!)

> These bulbs which, ironically, are gifts from Cuba, manufactured in
> China by a U.S. company, have an estimated retail value of over $2
> billion.http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20060527/cleisure/cleisure1.html


These bulbs were not being sold, they were being given away. Retail
value is no proof of actual cost. Again, we are STILL waiting for your
proof that these light bulbs, manufactured in China and also
distributed cost-free to Cuban households, cost the government
anything all.

Until you can produce the required evidence to support any of your
outrageous claims above, do not expect a reply from me on these

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at
On Mar 30, 2:20 pm, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or too lame
to bother with]

> > We are STILL waiting for your proof that this aid amounts to more than
> > a few cents per person per YEAR.

> It amounts to the diffrence between hunger and being fed comrade Dan.
> It amounts to the difference between diesease and decent life comrade Danj.


So, you STILL have no proof that it amounts to more than a few cents
per person per year. Thought so.

> >> While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older)
> >> light
> >> bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
> >> programs.

> > [snip]

> > It seems not even your mafia pals have bought into this wacky little
> > conspiracy theory

> (snip)
> No conspiracy theory comrade Dan.
> A fact reported in the press and snipped by desperate Dan.


Almost a year later, no one but you, not even your mafia pals in
Miami, are suggesting that Cubans went hungry to pay for these light
bulbs. But you always were a bit of a loose cannon weren't you, Mr.
Lobbyist? (Hee, hee, hee!)

> These bulbs which, ironically, are gifts from Cuba, manufactured in
> China by a U.S. company, have an estimated retail value of over $2
> billion.http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20060527/cleisure/cleisure1.html


These bulbs were not being sold, they were being given away. Retail
value is no indication of actual cost. Again, we are STILL waiting for
your proof that these light bulbs, manufactured in China and also
distributed cost-free to Cuban households, cost the government
anything all.

Until you can produce the required evidence to support any of your
outrageous claims above, do not expect a reply from me on these

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at
"ljsprojects" <T.Schmidt.Teddy@gmail.com> wrote in message

> Only an idiot cannot see a difference between starving to
> death and 3.000.000 having limited food supply.

Only an idiot can deny that before Castro there was no hunger in Cuba as
Castro himself has admitted that.

"Cuba, the "Pearl of the Antilles," though by no means a paradise, was not,
as many believe, an economically backward country. Castro himself admitted
that while there was poverty, there was no economic crisis and no hunger in
Cuba before the Revolution. (See Maurice Halperin: The Rise and Fall of
Fidel Castro, University of California, 1972, pgs. 24, 25, 37)
Note on the author Maurice Halperin:

"For many Cubans, the problems with the system include inadequate public
transportation, crumbling housing, food shortages and soaring prices."

Like Mugabe Castro has destroyed the Cuban food production.
Just one example: rice, the staple food of Cubans

The story of rice in Cuba:

Castro's destruction of nutrition.
Rice is the staple of Cuban food. Cubans where no bread eaters. they ate
"After WW2 imported rice was difficult to obtain and costly, so Cuban
farmers had an incentive to grow rice. In 1949 Cuba produced 10 percent
of domestic consumption. In 1960, the year after Castro came to power, the
Cuban rice harvest was 400,000 metric toms, making Cuba for the
first time self-sufficient in rice. During the decade of the fifties, Cuban
producers had successfully adopted the latest methods of rice farming
employed in Louisiana and Texas. From the point of technological expertise,
rice production outstripped that of any other branch of Cuban agriculture;
and in terms of money value, rice became one of Cuba's major crops.
By 1962, with Cuban agriculture socialized, the rice yield was reduced by
50%. The same year, as has already been noted, the rationing of foodstuffs
was introduced, with the rice ration set at 6 pounds per person per month.
.... That lowered per capita consumption by two thirds... More over, for
low-income Cubans, for whom rice formed amore substantial part of their
diet, the reduction was even greater."

M. Halperin, Return to Havana, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 1994,

A well functioning free market ensured that from a shortage in 1949 break
even was achieved by 1960. Castro ruined the industry by 1962. In
two years 50% of the annual need in rice were no longer met.

In 1966 the rice ration was again reduced by half to 3 ponds per person per
month. that is down from 18 to 3 ponds since the start of the
The reason was: the deal that Castro himself had made with China on the
supply of rice fell through when Castro didn't deliver the promised
support in their "polemic" with the SU.
(for details on the rice Crisis and the Cuba - China quarrel see: M.
Halperin, Taming of Fidel Castro, Berkeley: University of California Press,
1981, p. 195-207.)

"Thus in 1965, Cuban rice production had dwindled to 50,000 tons..."
M. Halperin, Return to Havana, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 1994,

Why did Castro need to reduce rice productions even further: to grow more
sugar to reach his (foolish) goal of 10 million tons of sugar in 1970.
He never made it, but destroyed the production of a staple food while at it.
Gross incompetence. Criminal negligence.

At the end of 1989 the rice ration was 5 pounds. Down from an average
consumption of 18 pounds before the revolution.
Last I saw that is still the same outside Havana with a 20% larger ration of
6 pounds in Havana.

>You are waisting your time.

you are wasting your timr old racist.

On Mar 30, 2:20 pm, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or too lame
to bother with]

> Again the standard reply to your "lobbyist" lie:
> Quote me


You would like us to forget all about your little indiscretion here
some years ago -- you actually boasting about your lobbying exploits,
the schmoozing, the golf games, etc. Too bad! It is now a matter of
public record. In addition to your own words here, we have your
prodigious production stats here and at other forums.

For all the quotes and details, see the thread "Top Official: US Wants
Cuba 'Liberation'" where our Mr. Lobbyist here obligingly runs through
almost his entire repertoire of desperate lies, distortions and
evasions, including those here, each debunked by yours truly at:


Really, isn't it time for you to come clean on this matter, Mr.
Lobbyist? Your continued denials only serve to undermine what little
credibility you have left. Until you can do so, and if you are simply
going to keep repeating your tired old lies and evasions, do not
expect a reply from me on this matter.

> Do you deny that in your posts you put some snippets from the report
> quoted below and on your site you also falsely claim about the same
> report
> that:

> "Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
> denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
> its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
> sanctions"http://members.allstream.net/~dchris/CubaFAQ215.html


That was 4 years ago. As AI reiterated only two months ago:

"Amnesty International has called for the US embargo against Cuba to
be lifted, as it is highly detrimental to Cubans' enjoyment of a range
of economic, social and cultural rights, such as the right to food,
health and sanitation - particularly affecting the weakest and most
vulnerable members of the population. According to UNICEF, the
availability of medicines and basic medical materials has decreased in
Cuba as a consequence of the US embargo against the island." (AI

Also see featured article, "Is the US embargo a form of genocide?" at
my website.

Mr. Lobbyist would actually have you believe that AI would support
these cruel sanctions of his for as long as it takes for certain of
his "preconditions" to be met. Yes, he is that desperate, that stupid
and that cruel! Whatever it takes, right, Mr. Lobbyist?

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at
"Dan Christensen" <dchris@netcom.ca> wrote in message
> On Mar 30, 2:20 pm, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> [snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or too lame
> to bother with]
>> Again the standard reply to your "lobbyist" lie:
>> Quote me

> [snip]
> You would like us to forget all about your little indiscretion here

There is no "indescretion" comrade Dan Christensen and your constant
inablility to post
direct quotes with links shows that you know you are lying Mr. Cyber-Liar
and Cyber-Stalker.

> http://groups.google.com/group/soc....111a2?lnk=st&q=&rnum=1&hl=en#da566b8afe2111a2

Nothing there comrade Dan. No links and quotes. Just you repeating your

Again the standard reply to your "lobbyist" lie Mr. Cyber-liar:

Quote me comrade Dan. You claimed you can and you never did.
We both know you can't.

Try something like this:

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary measures.
In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping less
worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in the
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining these
so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are morally
justified under the circumstances."



You lie about me as you lied about Wayne Smith, Amnesty
Genocide Watch, ..........

Still waiting for the "Geneva" proof comrade Dan.
That "episode" clearly exposes your lies.

As I said comrade Dan.
Every time you post that lie about me I post the truth about you.

Remember the lie about "lobbying in Geneva" while I actually was on
vacation in Cuba (as the source IP address of my posts in SCC at that
time prove).
This was your false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Your inability to substantiate any of it is the best proof of your lies.

Nothing more than another example of your lies and misquotes like the
ones below:

YOUR LIE about Wayne Smith
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

HIS own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the Cuban
government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,'' Smith said
during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the United States:
Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and Solutions.
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.

Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

YOUR LIE about Amnesty International.
Another example of the same lie: putting words in people's mouth.

Do you deny that in your posts you put some snippets from the report
quoted below and on your site you also falsely claim about the same

"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel

Link to the "report": (the one you didn't give until I shamed you in to it)

They aren't calling for an "immediate and unconditional" end to the
trade sanctions in that report, are they?
Do you deny you snipped the words "immediate and unconditional" from
these sentences in the report (THE ONLY PLACES WHERE THEY ARE USED):

"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
conscience(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."

and added to those snippets your own words to create this sentence on
your lying website:

" Amnesty International has explicitly denounced the US embargo on Cuba
in humanitarian terms, and made clear its support for the immediate and
unconditional lifting of these cruel sanctions"

that sentence:
1. isn't in the report
2. isn't supported by the tenure and the conclusions of the report

You snipped two three words used by Amnesty to condemn the Castro
regime and abused them in a sentence to imply support for your cause: a

What the report actually recommends about the "embargo" is:

"Amnesty International calls on the United States government
- to immediately suspend decisions on any measures that could toughen
the embargo.
- to review its foreign and economic policy towards Cuba, with an aim
towards ending this damaging practice.
- to place enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns in developing new policy towards Cuba."

Clearly no immediate and unconditional end is demanded as Dan claims.
The request is for not stiffening the sanctions and to review a policy
that places "enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns".


Lies and more lies from comrade Dan Christensen, the resident Canadian
propagandist of SCC.

>> "Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
>> denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
>> its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
>> sanctions"http://members.allstream.net/~dchris/CubaFAQ215.html

> [snip]
> That was 4 years ago. As AI reiterated only last month:
> "Amnesty International has called for the US embargo against Cuba to
> be lifted,


But NOWHERE and NEVER Amnsety calle for an immediate and unconditional end
to the trade sanctions comrade Dan.
that is your lie.
A lie you admit to every time you fail to post any corroboration.

"Dan Christensen" <dchris@netcom.ca> wrote in message
> On Mar 30, 2:20 pm, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> [snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or too lame
> to bother with]

By which comrade Dan means he snips what he can't refute.

The WFP only steps in in case of need.
According to Granma over 3 million Cubans have received WFP aid over the

>> > We are STILL waiting for your proof that this aid amounts to more than
>> > a few cents per person per YEAR.

>> It amounts to the diffrence between hunger and being fed comrade Dan.
>> It amounts to the difference between diesease and decent life comrade
>> Dan.

> [snip]
> So, you STILL have no proof that it amounts to more than a few cents
> per person per year. Thought so.

I have shown it amounts to thousnads of tons of food.

>> >> While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older)
>> >> light
>> >> bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded)
>> >> WFP
>> >> programs.

>> > [snip]

>> > It seems not even your mafia pals have bought into this wacky little
>> > conspiracy theory

>> (snip)
>> No conspiracy theory comrade Dan.
>> A fact reported in the press and snipped by desperate Dan.

> [snip]
> Almost a year later,


and nobody has denied the facts except you.

>> These bulbs which, ironically, are gifts from Cuba, manufactured in
>> China by a U.S. company, have an estimated retail value of over $2
>> billion.http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20060527/cleisure/cleisure1.html

> [snip]
> These bulbs were not being sold, they were being given away.


Bought by Castro and given away to Jamaicans that had food an light bulbs
while the WFP had to feed the Cuban people.
ANY DOLLAR spent was criminally diverted from a needy Cuban people.


While Castro is handing out light bulbs to Jamaicans that have (older) light
bulbs and food, people in Cuba need food and depend on (underfunded) WFP
That is the real "perspective".

Important energy-saving initiative
published: Saturday | May 27, 2006

These bulbs which, ironically, are gifts from Cuba, manufactured in
China by a U.S. company, have an estimated retail value of over $2

( the data is in Jamaican dollar $2Bn Jamaican is about U$ 30 million.)

Note that while Castro hands out light bulbs to people that have them (older
ones) and food while the WFP programs to feed 773,000 people in Cuba were

Kinds of says what his priorities are, no?
On the WFP aid:

On the need of the Cuban people and the tons of food that had to be

(a) Drought continues persist in the eastern provinces, including the
Province of Camag
Once the same crap is enough Candian Stalinist Dan Christensen.
Don't flood newsgroups.
On Mar 30, 2:27 pm, "ljsprojects" <T.Schmidt.Te...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Dan
> Only an idiot cannot see a difference between starving
> to death
> and 3.000.000 having limited food supply.
> You are waisting your time.

Thanks for your concern, but where else would you get to kick the butt
of an ultra-right-wing lobbyist like this on a daily basis? For only a
few minutes a day, it's fun and socially productive at the same time.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at
Dan Christensen wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2:27 pm, "ljsprojects" <T.Schmidt.Te...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [snip]
>> Dan
>> Only an idiot cannot see a difference between starving
>> to death
>> and 3.000.000 having limited food supply.
>> You are waisting your time.

> Thanks for your concern, but where else would you get to kick the butt
> of an ultra-right-wing lobbyist l


Not "ultra -right wing": Christian democrat. You just hate the
"democrat" part, Candian Stalinist (quotes can be provided of his
admiration of "worker's democracy" under Stalin if he dnies this fact)
No lobbyist, hat is just your frequently exposed lie.

Again the standard reply to your "lobbyist" lie Mr. Cyber-liar:

Quote me comrade Dan. You claimed you can and you never did.
We both know you can't.

Try something like this:

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary measures.
In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping less
worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in the
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining these
so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are morally
justified under the circumstances."



You lie about me as you lied about Wayne Smith, Amnesty
Genocide Watch, ..........

Still waiting for the "Geneva" proof comrade Dan.
That "episode" clearly exposes your lies.

As I said comrade Dan.
Every time you post that lie about me I post the truth about you.

Remember the lie about "lobbying in Geneva" while I actually was on
vacation in Cuba (as the source IP address of my posts in SCC at that
time prove).
This was your false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Your inability to substantiate any of it is the best proof of your lies.

Nothing more than another example of your lies and misquotes like the
ones below:

YOUR LIE about Wayne Smith
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

HIS own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the Cuban
government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,'' Smith said
during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the United States:
Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and Solutions.
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.

Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

YOUR LIE about Amnesty International.
Another example of the same lie: putting words in people's mouth.

Do you deny that in your posts you put some snippets from the report
quoted below and on your site you also falsely claim about the same

"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel

Link to the "report": (the one you didn't give until I shamed you in to it)

They aren't calling for an "immediate and unconditional" end to the
trade sanctions in that report, are they?
Do you deny you snipped the words "immediate and unconditional" from
these sentences in the report (THE ONLY PLACES WHERE THEY ARE USED):

"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
conscience(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."

and added to those snippets your own words to create this sentence on
your lying website:

" Amnesty International has explicitly denounced the US embargo on Cuba
in humanitarian terms, and made clear its support for the immediate and
unconditional lifting of these cruel sanctions"

that sentence:
1. isn't in the report
2. isn't supported by the tenure and the conclusions of the report

You snipped two three words used by Amnesty to condemn the Castro
regime and abused them in a sentence to imply support for your cause: a

What the report actually recommends about the "embargo" is:

"Amnesty International calls on the United States government
- to immediately suspend decisions on any measures that could toughen
the embargo.
- to review its foreign and economic policy towards Cuba, with an aim
towards ending this damaging practice.
- to place enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns in developing new policy towards Cuba."

Clearly no immediate and unconditional end is demanded as Dan claims.
The request is for not stiffening the sanctions and to review a policy
that places "enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns".


Lies and more lies from comrade Dan Christensen, the resident Canadian
Stalinist propagandist of SCC.

On Mar 30, 4:08 pm, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> Once the same crap is enough Candian Stalinist Dan Christensen.

Poor pathetic lobbyist...

> Don't flood newsgroups.

Just having some transmission problems today, but thanks again for
confirming just how utterly desperate you are by trying to make
anything of it. I guess this is what you are reduced to when the truth
is so seldom of any use to you.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at
Dan Christensen wrote:
> On Mar 30, 4:08 pm, "PL" <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
>> Once the same crap is enough Candian Stalinist Dan Christensen.

> Poor pathetic lobbyist...

That lie has been expose over and over again.

Again the standard reply to your "lobbyist" lie Mr. Cyber-liar:

Quote me comrade Dan. You claimed you can and you never did.
We both know you can't.

Try something like this:

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary measures.
In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping less
worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in the
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining these
so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are morally
justified under the circumstances."



You lie about me as you lied about Wayne Smith, Amnesty
Genocide Watch, ..........

Still waiting for the "Geneva" proof comrade Dan.
That "episode" clearly exposes your lies.

As I said comrade Dan.
Every time you post that lie about me I post the truth about you.

Remember the lie about "lobbying in Geneva" while I actually was on
vacation in Cuba (as the source IP address of my posts in SCC at that
time prove).
This was your false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Your inability to substantiate any of it is the best proof of your lies.

Nothing more than another example of your lies and misquotes like the
ones below:

YOUR LIE about Wayne Smith
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

HIS own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the Cuban
government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,'' Smith said
during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the United States:
Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and Solutions.
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.

Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

YOUR LIE about Amnesty International.
Another example of the same lie: putting words in people's mouth.

Do you deny that in your posts you put some snippets from the report
quoted below and on your site you also falsely claim about the same

"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel

Link to the "report": (the one you didn't give until I shamed you in to it)

They aren't calling for an "immediate and unconditional" end to the
trade sanctions in that report, are they?
Do you deny you snipped the words "immediate and unconditional" from
these sentences in the report (THE ONLY PLACES WHERE THEY ARE USED):

"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
conscience(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."

and added to those snippets your own words to create this sentence on
your lying website:

" Amnesty International has explicitly denounced the US embargo on Cuba
in humanitarian terms, and made clear its support for the immediate and
unconditional lifting of these cruel sanctions"

that sentence:
1. isn't in the report
2. isn't supported by the tenure and the conclusions of the report

You snipped two three words used by Amnesty to condemn the Castro
regime and abused them in a sentence to imply support for your cause: a

What the report actually recommends about the "embargo" is:

"Amnesty International calls on the United States government
- to immediately suspend decisions on any measures that could toughen
the embargo.
- to review its foreign and economic policy towards Cuba, with an aim
towards ending this damaging practice.
- to place enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns in developing new policy towards Cuba."

Clearly no immediate and unconditional end is demanded as Dan claims.
The request is for not stiffening the sanctions and to review a policy
that places "enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns".


Lies and more lies from comrade Dan Christensen, the resident Canadian
Stalinist propagandist of SCC.

>> Don't flood newsgroups.

> Just having some transmission problems today,


as you "have" so very often, no?
Wasn't it you that claimed he was being "blocked" by shadowy "owners" of
SCC in the past until you had to admit that it was yoiu screwing up again?
I can of course quote you.

On Mar 30, 4:28 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> Dan Christensen wrote:
> > On Mar 30, 2:27 pm, "ljsprojects" <T.Schmidt.Te...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > [snip]

> >> Dan

> >> Only an idiot cannot see a difference between starving
> >> to death
> >> and 3.000.000 having limited food supply.
> >> You are waisting your time.

> > Thanks for your concern, but where else would you get to kick the butt
> > of an ultra-right-wing lobbyist l

> (snip)
> Not "ultra -right wing": Christian democrat.

Yeah, right! No one like you, who supports murder, torture and
genocide, can call themselves a "democrat" of any kind.

> You just hate the
> "democrat" part, Candian Stalinist (quotes can be provided of his
> admiration of "worker's democracy" under Stalin if he dnies this fact)

You want your fascist butt kicked on this one again? Be my guest, Mr.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at http://www.netcom.ca/~dchris/CubaFAQ.html
Dan Christensen wrote:
> On Mar 30, 4:28 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
>> Dan Christensen wrote:
>>> On Mar 30, 2:27 pm, "ljsprojects" <T.Schmidt.Te...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>> Dan
>>>> Only an idiot cannot see a difference between starving
>>>> to death
>>>> and 3.000.000 having limited food supply.
>>>> You are waisting your time.
>>> Thanks for your concern, but where else would you get to kick the butt
>>> of an ultra-right-wing lobbyist l

>> (snip)
>> Not "ultra -right wing": Christian democrat.

> Yeah, right! No one like you, who supports murder, torture and
> genocide,


I don't.
You do.
You support a regime that:
- does not allow freedom of speech
- imprisons opponents (even having it's own concentration camps in the
past:the UMAP)
more about the UMAP:
- violates human rights
- persecuted gays until very recently
- burns books
- uses harsh repression against its people and has a sophisticated
system of social control

You are the true "fascist"
and of course there are your own words that show you attitude:
"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well worth
fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary measures. In this
case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping less
worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in the
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."

"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At this
time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to send death
squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and Colombia. Again, the
actions of the Cuban government in detaining these so-called dissidents seem
quite mild in comparison and are morally justified under the circumstances."

The only supporter of a genocide are you Stalinist Dan.
Castro regime has is and has been for years on "Genocide Watch"'s list:

More see:

>> You just hate the
>> "democrat" part, Candian Stalinist (quotes can be provided of his
>> admiration of "worker's democracy" under Stalin if he denies this fact)

> You want your fascist butt kicked on this one again?

You are the red "fascist" comrade Dan Christensen.
I see you don't deny the fact that you praised "workers democracy" under

Again the standard reply to your "lobbyist" lie Mr. Cyber-liar:

Quote me comrade Dan. You claimed you can and you never did.
We both know you can't.

Try something like this:

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary measures.
In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping less
worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in the
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining these
so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are morally
justified under the circumstances."



You lie about me as you lied about Wayne Smith, Amnesty
Genocide Watch, ..........

Still waiting for the "Geneva" proof comrade Dan.
That "episode" clearly exposes your lies.

As I said comrade Dan.
Every time you post that lie about me I post the truth about you.

Remember the lie about "lobbying in Geneva" while I actually was on
vacation in Cuba (as the source IP address of my posts in SCC at that
time prove).
This was your false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Your inability to substantiate any of it is the best proof of your lies.

Nothing more than another example of your lies and misquotes like the
ones below:

YOUR LIE about Wayne Smith
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

HIS own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the Cuban
government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,'' Smith said
during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the United States:
Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and Solutions.
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.

Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

YOUR LIE about Amnesty International.
Another example of the same lie: putting words in people's mouth.

Do you deny that in your posts you put some snippets from the report
quoted below and on your site you also falsely claim about the same

"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel

Link to the "report": (the one you didn't give until I shamed you in to it)

They aren't calling for an "immediate and unconditional" end to the
trade sanctions in that report, are they?
Do you deny you snipped the words "immediate and unconditional" from
these sentences in the report (THE ONLY PLACES WHERE THEY ARE USED):

"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
conscience(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."

and added to those snippets your own words to create this sentence on
your lying website:

" Amnesty International has explicitly denounced the US embargo on Cuba
in humanitarian terms, and made clear its support for the immediate and
unconditional lifting of these cruel sanctions"

that sentence:
1. isn't in the report
2. isn't supported by the tenure and the conclusions of the report

You snipped two three words used by Amnesty to condemn the Castro
regime and abused them in a sentence to imply support for your cause: a

What the report actually recommends about the "embargo" is:

"Amnesty International calls on the United States government
- to immediately suspend decisions on any measures that could toughen
the embargo.
- to review its foreign and economic policy towards Cuba, with an aim
towards ending this damaging practice.
- to place enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns in developing new policy towards Cuba."

Clearly no immediate and unconditional end is demanded as Dan claims.
The request is for not stiffening the sanctions and to review a policy
that places "enjoyment of the full range of human rights at the
forefront of its concerns".


Lies and more lies from comrade Dan Christensen, the resident Canadian
Stalinist propagandist of SCC.
