"Morning-After" Pill Sales Double



WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Sales of the Plan B "morning-after pill"
nearly doubled in the past year, exceeding expectations after the U.S.
government allowed adults to buy the emergency contraceptive without a

Plan B pills contain higher doses of progestin, a hormone used in
prescription birth-control pills for 35 years.

A three-year battle ended last August when the Food and Drug
Administration decided that women and men 18 and older could buy the
Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc. product without a doctor's order if they
showed proof of age at a pharmacy.

"More women know about it, and it's just becoming much more part of
their mainstream reproductive health care," Planned Parenthood
President Cecile Richards said.

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Hey ... I'll bet those horny TEENAGERS are getting
those pills somehow ! Can't have them having FUN
without punishment from gawd ! Better put a DEA
task force on the case !!!

. . .

Truthfully though, you'd think EVERY woman of
impregnable age would have at least one packet
of the pills to cover rapes and other emergencies.

The question is how many are using them, improperly,
as a replacement for ordinary contraceptives. Thanks
to our purofascist heritage, you still run into a
lot of girls who's knee-jerk reaction to a peer on
"the pill" is to shout "Slut !". Morning-after pills
would seem to convey the impression that Sweet Polly
isn't EXPECTING to have sex, and therefore isn't
a "slut".

Problem though, The MAP is a very high-dosage pill
and if you're "not expecting" to have sex, say five
or six times a week, that's an awful LOT of hormone.
Better getting one of the long-lasting pills or shots
and just not telling the girls ....