Moron terrorists and their acts of desperation and/or total stupidity.


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Group claims it kidnapped U.S. soldiers

AP - 1 hour, 41 minutes ago BAGHDAD, Iraq - An al-Qaida-linked group claimed Monday that it had kidnapped two American soldiers reported missing south of Baghdad, where 8,000 Iraqi and U.S. troops were conducting a massive search. The umbrella group, called the Mujahedeen Shura Council, said it was holding the two privates � one from Texas and the other from Oregon � as well as four Russian diplomats kidnapped June 3 in Baghdad. It also claimed to have killed a fifth Russian.

Read the above and then see if you can figure out the logic in it. Read the highlighted sections of this and tell me why it is that the Russians (as ignorant as they obviously are) would continue to support countries like Iran (where these insurgent ******** are getting arms and equipment) when these terrorist puke sacks are abducting and murdering RUSSIAN DIPLOMATS.

This type of total and complete stupidity by the terrorists is unconcionable; however, the Russian's continued support of people they used to be at war with is totally unbelievable. (Yes, the Soviet Union did fight a war in Afghanistan)

This kind of stupidity should be grounds for Russia's removal from the UN Security Council.




New member
It’s another ploy to get Russia to back down. That’s what terrorist do. They want you to put your tail between your legs and run.
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