Most Floridians Unlikely to Vote for Jeb Bush as President


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
Poll: Most Floridians Unlikely To Vote For Jeb Bush

POSTED: 12:48 pm EST November 16, 2005
UPDATED: 2:14 pm EST November 16, 2005

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A growing majority of Florida voters disapprove of the job President George W. Bush is doing and say it's unlikely they would vote for his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush, if he seeks the presidency in 2008, a poll released Wednesday shows.

Russell Schweiss, a spokesman for Jeb Bush, responded to the poll by Quinnipiac University of Hamden, Conn., in a brief e-mail saying only "The governor is not running." That just reiterated what the governor repeatedly has said, but if he should change his mind the poll indicates he could lose his home state.

Fifty-eight percent of Florida voters polled said they probably or definitely would not vote for the governor in a presidential race while only 33 percent said they probably or definitely would vote for him.

The governor still could rely on Republicans -- 62 percent of them said they probably or definitely would vote for him while 26 percent indicated they likely would not do so. However, he would draw little support from Florida's Democrats and independents. The poll shows President Bush's job approval rating continuing to slide in Florida as it has nationwide.

Thirty-seven percent of Florida voters disapproved of the president's performance, while 61 percent approved, his lowest rating in any Quinnipiac Florida poll. His approval has steadily dropped from a high in September 2004 when 50 percent of Floridians polled gave him a favorable rating and 47 percent did not.

The overall disapproval mirrors the way Floridians responded to a question about the president's handling of Iraq. Florida voters disapproved 64 to 31 percent. Sixty percent of Floridians also said going to war in Iraq was the wrong thing to do while only 36 percent said it was the right thing.

Floridians also favor two New Yorkers for the presidential nominations in their respective parties, Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton and Republican Rudy Giuliani, New York City's former mayor. The poll question listed only likely candidates and did not include Jeb Bush.

Florida Republicans favored Giuliani with 56 percent over Arizona Sen. John McCain with 27 percent and Virginia Sen. George Allen with 9 percent. Clinton was supported by 50 percent of Democrats over Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry with 26 percent and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards with 18 percent. Kerry was his party's nominee last year and Edwards was his running mate.

Giuliani would defeat Clinton 50 to 44 percent and McCain would beat her 48 to 42 percent.

Quinnipiac University surveyed 855 registered Florida voters by phone Nov. 8-13. The poll had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

The poll included 305 registered Republicans with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.6 percentage points and 281 Democrats with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.9 percentage points.

I wonder if Jeb will thank his bro for his contribution to dashing his hopes at becoming the next President??? Christmas at the ranch should be interesting.
I know of Jeb Bush, but I don't know if he's a credible guy? Any background info? Any other source than GF would prolly be BS. :D
Hamza123 said:
I know of Jeb Bush, but I don't know if he's a credible guy? Any background info? Any other source than GF would prolly be BS. :D

he is a bush....

that means he has the innate ability to be brainwashed, intellectually overcame, and not even worthy of our WYPO idiot box.........

so untill the day i hit complete rock bottom and start doing crack......

ill have to say NO
He has done some good things here in Florida, not the least of which is having his head pulled out of his ass in order to KNOW hurricane is coming and what to do to prepare. He has taken some good stands on laws pertaining to sexual predators HOWEVER, he is a Bush.

I think he will do what is politically expediant at this point in order to someday get into the white house. Then once he has us by the balls, it will be George all over again.
I find it funny that a person could say he has done a lot of good things and generally has good policies, but I wouldn't vote for him because of his name. Then there are the others that flat out say they wouldn't vote for him even though they are not from Fl and have no idea what his policies even are. I have a feeling there are a lot of people who will vote for anyone as long as they are not Republican, and will badmouth anyone who is.
I don
I personally think GWB is a great president! I think his brother is sucessful considering his state is filled with NY city retirees, mostly liberal and negroes, mostly liberal and Cuban imigrants beat up by the liberals in the Clinton administration...

My money is on Newt G. (SP) I think anyone who has held office and succeeded in liberal territory such as FL, CA, NJ or NY can only buy theirselves into office.

Florida really sucks and outside of Disney I wouldn't live there! Their water stinks, the land is flat and it is just full of liberals and liberal negroes with a hand stuck out for a hand out.

Disney sucks too after a day or two...

To vote for Jeb would be like voting for John McCain who is even a bigger joke to portray himself as a conservative!
ToriAllen said:
I find it funny that a person could say he has done a lot of good things and generally has good policies, but I wouldn't vote for him because of his name. Then there are the others that flat out say they wouldn't vote for him even though they are not from Fl and have no idea what his policies even are. I have a feeling there are a lot of people who will vote for anyone as long as they are not Republican, and will badmouth anyone who is.
I don