New member
Does anyone else on these forums like motorcycles? I like them but only choppers. I hate crotch-rockets and rice burners. I really like Orange County Choppers and Martin Brothers Bikes. Martin Brothers Bikes aren't as well known as OCC but they make some really awesome bikes. They were on the World Biker Build-off on the Discovery Channel a few months back. It was Martin Brothers representing the United States, Billy Lane and the team at Exile Cycles representing England and the United Kingdom, and Scotty's Choppers representing Australia. Scotty's choppers built a bike out of pure aluminum alloy. EVERYTHING on the bike was aluminum alloy except for the electrical wiring system, the rubber on the tires, and the rubber on the seat. It was a really good looking bike. Exile Cycles built a very industrial looking bike, not personally my favorite style, but still a good bike. Martin Brothers built a very low profile bike that looks almost like a living creature. It was very cool. Very unique in the fact that I havent seen any other bike shops build anything similar. Anyways, Martin Brothers Bikes won the honor of the best bike in the world. Needless to say, they are a very overlooked bike shop. They deserve much more recognition then they recieve. I was just wondering if anyone else was into motorcycles. If you are let me know who your favorites are.