Moved back: For Muslims and their sympathizers


May 17th

The Admin Muslim sympathizer took this off because he can't stand people taking on Islam with facts. I put it back because open debate is what GF is all about. Be a man and let the Muslims answer in open debate.

For Muslims and their sympathizers


I've perused this mildly amusing site for several months in an attempt to get a feel for it. Just like other sites where one is invited to voice his or her opinion, I note that those who pay or achieve a certain status can censor the opinions or posts of others. A Quran parody over several threads comes to mind; no, I'm not the one who posted such musings, but I do notice that the politically correct proclivities of a young moslem fellow seemingly were at the forefront of such erasures. I guess his obtuse "god" was offended; I laugh at such superstitious stupidity - ask yourself this question: why aren't the religious folks able to offer any proof that their deities exist? I venture it is because they don't exist, and those so driven by such foolishness are honor bound to defend their insanity, no matter how absurd.

Okay, let's see this young moslem fellow truthfully refute the words posted on this site and its mirror:

I shall patiently await a response, but not one filled with pitiable excuses, insults, emotional diatribes, alleged "revelations of truth", expressions of "faith", or other such nonsense, which I am sure will follow, couched in yet another inane, subjective interpretation of life.

However, I won't hold my breath, and will only respond to factual, logical replies.

Have fun trying.