Movie taglines game


New member
Ok, I think all of us notice the movie taglines. They are those promotional sentences that they put in movie posters and that say something about it. So in this game, I'll go first and post a movie tagline. Then whoever comes next has to guess from what movie it is and can post a new tagline, and so forth. Let's try not to google it, shall we? ;)

Here we go:

"Change one thing, change everything."

What movie is this tagline from?



New member
Butterfly Effect
"He loved the American Dream. With a Vengeance"
Scarface woohoo \m/ (I hope I'm right, or else I'll be partying a wrong answer lol but I think that's it)

What about this one:

"Whoever wins... we lose"

This one's easy, let's see if some more people want to give it a try :p



New member
Well I dont know if it is Predator 2, but here it goes another:

"My name is Bond, James Bond." LOL I'm kidding ^__^

"I see dead people."

That's really easy.



New member
Ohhh ****.... I didnt watch it!

"This milk tastes like the cow got into an onion patch"
LOL funny... but I dunno....I was thinking about Men In Black I (when the "Et man" was at his house and his cow was outside with the navy) but it isnt...dont consider this an option! =P

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