Mr. President and Mr. Vice President and to whomsoever it may concern.

  • Thread starter Joseph R Loegering
  • Start date

Joseph R Loegering

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph R loegering" <JosephLoegering@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Dick Cheney" <>; "George Bush"
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: Honest questions.

Mr. President and Mr. Vice President and to whomsoever it may concern.

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

National Security update!

On the 4th of July 2007, CNN's Situation Room was interviewing US
Congressman Hunter, who was justifying the Iraq War and the removal of
Saddam by saying that anthropologists were digging up mass graves in Iraq,
where women and children were executed by being shot in the back of the head
with .45 slugs. If the execution of women and children being shot with 45
caliber bullets justifies War and the removal of the regime responsible,
then Congress should declare War on the regimes responsible, and remove them
from power.

CNN Transcript

With the number of weapons that the News Media sees in video everyday, they
should have realized something was wrong with Congressman Hunter's emotional
provoking statement and accusations.

Saddam's Army did not buy US or NATO weapons, he used mostly 9 mm pistols
and AK 47 weapons from the fallen Soviet Block.

If they were shot with 45 caliber bullets, they were shot by NATO forces

Has the News Media conspired with the Government to cover up crimes against
humanity, by not investigating and not reporting the true facts? What
actually killed those innocent people in those graves? Was it 45 caliber
bullets or other NATO bullets from NATO Weapons, or was it 9 mm bullets or
other Soviet style bullets from Soviet style weapons? Were these people
loyal to the US, and therefore were killed by Saddam because of being
betrayed into his hands by George Bush Sr., whom had urged Iraqis to rise
against Saddam in 1991, and then did nothing to help them? Or did the US
have Saddam kill these innocent people because that they were loyal to Iran
during the US backed Iran Iraq War?

At bare minimum, the US Government was not ignorant when these innocent
people were being murdered, and by not stopping it, directly or indirectly
the US Government and British Government and the UN is guilty of the murder
of these innocent people, but did the US Government and British and the UN
allow the murders of these innocent people to take place because the leaders
of the New American Century, the leaders of the Hew World Order, want to
reduce the Global Population by 80%? Has the News Media conspired to hide
crimes against humanity so that they will not be on the extermination list?

Or is it like when confronting anyone guilty of conspiracy to commit murder,
and or guilty of committing murder, the guilty parties will avoid the issue
when brought up, and or they will make up lies when confronted with the

If as they say of marked groups, they are terrorists because that they are
causing harm to innocent people for political gains, then by their own
definition, the US Government and News Media are terrorist organizations.

Does the NATO Governments and the News Media need to be handled the same way
that they say terrorists must be handled in order to get to the truth, and
stop the lying, and stop the violence, and get the innocent victims of the
crimes against humanity and or the poor, ture aide, in time so that they may
live? Like, confinement without trials, no lawyers, being held
incommunicado, numb chucks, water boarding, sleep depravation, attack
dogs, etc. etc.?

During George Bush's Presidential Campaign, while I was on Time Warner
Cable, who hacked into my computer and tried to set me up, to look like a
terrorist? Why knowing that I had a home, and knowing that I had a
computer, and knowing that I was not stalking Wolf Blitzer or Nancy Grace,
why would CNN falsely accuse me of being Homeless, and falsely accuse me of
stalking, and why would the Government not allow me to face my false
accusers in court, and take away a year of my liberty by force, as they
stopped me from hunting down Osama Bin Laden,. instead of helping flush out
Osama Bin Laden? Is CNN and Time Warner controlled by the CIA or the
Government, and does not want Osama Bin Laden found, so that they can
continue with their agenda of power grabbing in the name of security, so
that they can continue to set up their deceitful and destructive Global
Government? Are people being kid napped by the US Government or their
Agents, and are being used as suicide bombers against their will around the
world, so that they can con people into thinking that there are terrorist
out to get them, so they can continue their power grabbing in the name of
our security?

The Antiterrorist Stalin killed millions of innocent people in the name of
fighting terrorism, have organizations intent of doing the same hijacked our
Governments and News Media? When confronting anyone guilty of conspiracy to
commit treason, and or guilty of treason, and or guilty of conspiracy to
commit murder, and or guilty of committing murder, the guilty parties will
avoid the issues when brought up, and or they will make up lies when
confronted with the truth. Is it true that people that are paranoid and
delusional and have visions of grandeur are dangerous? You. promoters of the
New American Century, the US Democratic and US Republican Parties, are you
so paranoid of terrorists that you must destroy our Liberty to protect
yourself? Were you delusional about WMD in Iraq, so you used that as an
excuse to grab more power and control over the People of these United
States? Are you so insecure of your position and or your agenda, that you
are using this so call War on Terrorism, so that you can jail and or murder
innocent people who oppose you politically? Are you abusing your powers for
political or financial gains?

The Doctors are individuals that are as corruptible as Hitler's Doctors.

Like Hitler's Sanitariums the US Psychiatric Centers are becoming
Concentration Camps for innocent people who are often falsely accused of
being dangerous, as people on all levels of US Governmet and their licensed
Professionals, abuse their authority and confine multitudes of innocent
people that are no danger to themselves or to others. And you allow them to
do this, to get rid of your and their political opponents, that they falsely
accused of being dangerous, and the accused are not allowed to demand the
right to face their false accusers in court, so that your Neo Nazi Doctors
can promote their misdiagnose of them as a professional opinion, that cannot
be substantiated by scientific tests and true scientific facts, as they
get rid of them for you, forcing them to take antidepressants or
psychotropic drugs that cannot cure or help anyone, and the drugs just make
them more dysfunctional so that they can be controlled, and with prolonged
use, they will make them suicidal or murder suicidal, and you do this to
them in the names of safety to the public, and for the health of the
targeted victims. And the victims of these crimes against humanity like me,
cannot get any justice in any US Courts, for the crimes against humanity
done by some among the US Governments on all levels, and by some of their
licensed Professionals, and by some among the News Media, because they will
not allow us to get the cases into any Court. This form of Government
therefore has become destructive of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
happiness, and placed the People of these United States under the rule of
the designers and enforcers of tyranny and despotism.

Mr. President, some among your branch of Government, and some among the
Congress, and some among the Senate, some among both the Democratic and
Republican Parties, and some among your Industrial Military Complexes, and
some among your Medical Complexes, and some among you Judical and law
Enforcement Systems, and some among your News Media, are the most notorious
tyrants and the most deceitful criminals, and the most deceitful terrorists,
that have ever walked the face of the earth.

Are you going to respond with the truth and reveal the guilty parties, or
are you going to commit treason against the People of these United States,
and respond with lies to try to hide the crimes against humanity that are
being commited by trasitors of the People of these United States?

For the innocent victims of their deceit and tyranny, we stand united as one
nation under God indivisible.

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Rep. Mark Olson

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Sir, we know big Pharma Paid off some of our Politicians and the News Media
to defame you for your bold stance upon the truth, so we are honored to
stand with a man of integrity, against them, we are behind you 100% The
C.A.L.M. before the Storm would like to thank you for representing the
people of Minnesota in our Just Cause of Life and Liberty for the Mentally
Ill, the Autistic, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries!

One of my men just wrote me, "I heard yesterday that some segments of the
medical establishment have now started to routinely prescribe behavioral
controlling substances such as Ritalin... to four year olds !!! (What the
hell has happened to this country?)"

Four year olds don't have a behavior disorder, it is a Parent Disorder!
These Children have no choice but to be forced to take Dangerous Drugs that
cause brain damage even in adults with a fully developed brain.

I posted this on the Internet to help in the good fight!

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to the Doctors and Lawyers and Volunteers among the C.A.L.M. before the

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

One of our Representatives announced the studies of the links of School
shootings, and the useless Psychotropic Medications and Abusive Psychiatric
Treatment, and their stripping of our Rights by false Diagnosis, that
ultimately cause School Shootings, on Capital Hill. But too many Politicians
acted like he was crazy. Send it to your Representatives to stop the Neo
Nazi Use of Psychotropic Medications, and Abusive Psychiatric Treatment, and
their stripping of our Rights by false Diagnosis, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses and Iatrogenic Deaths, and destroy Americans, and crumble our
Economy by paying for Fraud Medical Treatment.

See Former Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out!


Big Pharma is paying the News Media to Brainwash Society in a Neo Nazi Mind
Control Program!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


This ballot gives you the right to choose between two evils, which do you
consider to be the lesser of the two evils?

Caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic enslaving
Medications, and Illegal Street enslaving Iatrogenic Medications, so that
either side that we choose we will become Iatrogenic Slaves owned by our
Drug Dealers, so which of the two groups of Iatrogenic Medical Slave
Masters, are the lesser of the two evils?

Lets see, if you choose the Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and
stop taking their Legal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream
that, "you are crazy," and can lock you up, and force the Legal Iatrogenic
Medicines upon you to keep you enslaved!

But if you choose the Illegal Street Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and stop
taking their Illegal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream, "No
don't go," and to try to keep you enslaved, they say, "I will give you a
free hit if you stay," but if you don't accept it, they can not lock you up,
and you are no longer enslaved, your are free!

Are you ready to Vote?

But wait a minute, didn't we have the right to choose the 13th Amendment,
just so that we could be free from Slavery? Did you guys forget to tell
these people that run our Society this way, about the accomplishments of the
Civil War? Oh wait, because of the Drugs that they forced upon me, I forgot
all about that guy that took the Presidency! Lets see, what was his name?

Was it George? Or was it Mud?

Us Iatrogenic Medical Slaves, say to our Slave Masters, give us Liberty, or
give us death!

For you deliberately conspired to do this thing, and you are now in
violation of the 13th Amendment of our US Constitution!

To the dishonest and greedy Racketeering US Doctors and US Medical Staff and
US Drug Manufactures and US Officials.

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

We have found that most Politicians and Judges and Lawyers and Police
Officers and the Media and the Public, do not even know what an Iatrogenic
Illness is! And we have found that some of you have deliberately taken
advantage of their ignorance, and you have conspired to use your Freedom to
say whatever you want to say, to influence and help them design and set up
our Hospitals and our Clinics and our Courts, just so that some of you can
try to get away with producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses. Just so that
you can make a Wealthy Lifestyle for yourselves, as you continue getting
paid for causing the Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses as Slave Masters of
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery! And we have found that many of you are
influencing or buying out the judgment of the FDA, or Politicians, or other
Officials, or of the Media, just to get them to approve and support the use
of Drugs, that often cause more harm than good, because they were developed
to make you the Slave Masters, and the Slave Owners, of those that you
deliberately targeted and bound in your Iatrogenic Medical Slavery!

Some of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses, are
not used for the category of Mental Illnesses, but are not cures of
sicknesses, they are classified as Treatments for Chronic Sicknesses. But a
majority of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses,
are used for the category of what they call Chronic Mental Illnesses. And we
have found that you have even been using the Mass Media, to play upon
people's ignorance of Mental Illnesses, to build fear in them, as you build
prejudice in them, so that you can motivate them to do your dirty works at
your will. And we found some of you have been deliberately brainwashing our
society for a long time, to get them to blindly support, and to blindly
follow along with your scam of Medical Racketeering. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
tricked them into giving you the authority to use force, even upon those
whom you falsely claim have a Dangerous Mental Illness. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
built prejudice in them, and often motivate them by your influence over the
collective social group, to use intimidation, as a fear factor, upon those
who you falsely claim need your Medications, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses. And some of you are deliberately abusing the authority to use
force, as you force upon people ignorant of Mental Illnesses, Medications
that cause Iatrogenic Illnesses, just so that you can enslave them in your
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery.

I have the Detailed Documentation of what they are planning and doing,
enough to get thousands of convictions, does anyone want it?


VA Tech, and the News Media Brainwashing Society with Prejudice against
Autistic, Mentally Ill, and the Traumatically Bran Injured, in our Schools.

It appeared for a while that the News Media was going to finally honestly
deal with Bullies and Piers Prejudice against the way Children with Autism,
Mental Illnesses, and Traumatic Brain Injuries, behave, and honestly report
that Psychiatric Treatment on these Children causes more harm than good.
This is so because the Medical Community sees the behavior of the Autistic
and Mentally Ill, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries, as being
unacceptable by Society, and then tries to use Mind Control Drugs,
experimentally handing each one different Drugs, trying to find what Drug or
Combination of Drugs would suit each individual, to correct their behavior,
instead of trying to find a cure for their disorder, or instead of helping
them live with their disability. So now after the VA Tech Killings, because
of the Public's Paranoid responses that will result brought about by the
Medical Community using the Media for Brainwashing the Public, and
motivating them with Fear, to try their Neo Nazi Mind Control Drugs, if your
Child has Autism, a Mental Disorder, or a Traumatic Brain Injury, to avoid
the Abuse from Authorities and Piers, parents should keep their Children
home from School, and get them in Private Schools built just for helping
them overcome their handicaps.

Because of the way Autism, Mental Disorders, and Traumatic Brain Injuries
come about, it would be impossible Scientifically, to give these Children or
Adults with these Disorders, a Drug, or a Combination of Drugs, to Cure
their Disorders. And the Drugs Scientifically cannot give them new
abilities, and make it easer for them to overcome their handicaps, and live
a more productive life. And because of the Side Effects of the Drugs, in
most cases the Drugs will cause them to become more dysfunctional, which is
often written off as, changing their behavior to the better, because being
more dysfunctional, their new behavior is said to be less Dangerous.

But because of the VA Tech killings in a School, the News Media is now
brainwashing Society to accept the Prejudice of Piers and Bullies, and send
them to Neo Nazi Doctors for treatment, or they say something like VA Tech
might happen. But the VA Tech Killings most likely were caused by such
Prejudice from Rich Kids and Religious Fanatics, who made so many complaints
that they sent the man to Psychiatrists, for useless forced treatment with
Dangerous Mind Control Drugs, Abusive Treatment and Drugs that without a
doubt, made his condition worse, and contributed to causing the killing

The News Media has become paid off by their sponsors to become totally
Biased by Neo Nazi Drug Manufactures, and Neo Nazi Doctors!

The VA Tech Killer was on antidepressants, that he was forced to take by the
Courts, even taking them is bad, but if the dose in their blood fluctuates,
and or they stop taking them, the withdrawals form those things, will drive
people crazy too. It is not the Disorder that drives them Crazy, it is the
fluctuation of the level of the worthless Drugs in their blood that often
causes Traumatic and Dramatic Drug Withdrawals that drives them crazy. But
did the ABC News Media say anything about that? No, why? Because against the
FDA findings, and against the major Medical Journal findings, right after
talking about the VA Tech Killer seeing a Psychiatrist by Court order, they
made an announcement saying, "in the most comprehensive study yet on
antidepressants," they say that the black box warnings don't mean much,
because the 27 studies, which were done by the Drug Manufactures, and the
Doctors that make money off the Drugs, they say that the good that they do,
outweigh the risks. But even the New England Medical Journal, and the US
Government, have found that those Medicines have no apparent benefit
whatsoever, and have bad Side Effects! The News was paid by the Drug
Manufactures to go against the FDA, and the major Medical Journals on
Antidepressants and Antipsychotics. And they are also paid by Political
Sponsors, to brainwash you, so that these Communist can do away with our
Rights on all levels of Government, and take over the Government from
within. They now can totally strip you of your rights by falsely accusing
you of being delusional, and Hospitalizing you, and being Hospitalize strips
you of your Rights. A Doctor Politicized my medical Care, and for Personal
and Political Reasons, tried doing that, and did it to me!

The News Media is sponsored by these Drug Manufactures broadcasting the you
should talk to your Doctors about their advertised Drugs that have no
benefit whatsoever, and experimentally take them without running any
Scientific Tests, to see what bad Side Effects you will experience from
them, and most of the bad Side Effects that you will experience from them
are not listed on the Labels, and the bad Effects that they will have on
your long term health are not listed there either. If you are giving them to
your Child among the millions of children being told to take them by their
ignorant Parents, you are running the risk of making your Child the next VA
Tech Killer.

As I get it written out, I will post accurate Scientific Information on how
the Brain develops naturally, and how these Medications cause abnormal
Neurons to develop that can only function while taking the Medications, and
stopping the Medications causes serious withdrawals from the useless Drugs.

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!