MSE icon taking longer than usual to turn green?



Hello, I have been using MSE on my new computer (windows 7 64-bit) for about 8 months now, and my system would usually take about 20-25 seconds to boot to desktop, with the MSE icon turning green at around 30 secs. However, starting last saturday,AFTER a routine disk defrag ("defrag and optimise" option that I do every week with Auslogics Disk Defrag to maintain system speed), I experienced a power outage. After the power outage, I booted up the system ("start windows normally), but then I realized that it was taking MSE longer (40-50 seconds) to turn green. Now, I'm pretty sure that the disk defrag ended before the power outage occurred (disk defrag usually takes 15 minutes, and I stepped away from the computer for at least 2 hours before experiencing a house-wide blackout that inturrupted my movie watching in the living room), meaning that it is impossible for the power outage to have corrupted files during defrag. I assumed that it was just the result of the power outage (I had experienced this before), and that boot speeds would return (and MSE loading times) back to normal after a few boots, allow time for superfetch to rebuild, etc) However, my concern starts to register when MSE continues to take 45 seconds or more to turn green, about 15-20 seconds later than usual, even after a few boots. I then began to suspect file corruption, so I did system restore to time before power outage...oddly, boot time for MSE is still at 45 seconds (compared to, as I mentioned above, the 30 seconds I typically experienced for the past 8 months), although the time it takes to boot to desktop is normal (20 seconds). It just seems that all other startup programs are loaded before MSE. I then checked MSCONFIG and confirmed that the three startup programs I had (hpsysdrv, MSE, and AMD Catalyst Control Center) were unchanged. Still, after numerous reboots over two days, the load time for MSE is still 45 seconds, which is frightening seeing that the system seems to load everything else, run at 0% for 10 seconds, then turn MSE icon to green. I checked the number of processes, which was unchanged (40 processes from purchase to now), and performed serveral full system scans with MSE and Malwarebytes (realtime protection disabled), which ruled out infection (which was unlikely, as this happened after power failure). I have made no system/hardware changes (slow MSE icon change from red to green started right after the power failure). I then checked the service status for Microsoft Antimalware service and NIS service, which seems to have started right away (which is nromal), even though the MSE icon remains red for 20 seconds after desktop screen loads, indicating that there seems to be no fault in the MSE program or files itself, it just that the icon stays red even though the antimalware services have started. I've tried double-clicking the red tray icon while MSE was still loading, and the interface was red, prompting me to click the start protection button. I did so, although I got the windows loading cursor for the same amount of time (until system boot was at 40 seconds), before it'd turn green. Concerned, I reinstalled MSE, however, and for the first two boots, times seemed back to normal (green after 25-30 seconds from boot) although starting on the third boot, it went back to 40 seconds again. I checked event viewer, and it shows that the Microsoft Antimalware Service starts right after desktop, (which is normal), but NIS service starts right before icon turns green (in this case, 40 seconds after boot---which I assumed, was because NIS is "Automatic-Delayed Start"). I also notice some errors...

Microsoft Antimalware Real-Time Protection feature has encountered an error and failed.
Feature: Behavior Monitoring
Error Code: 0x80004005
Error description: Unspecified error
Reason: The filter driver requires an up-to-date engine in order to function. You must install the latest definition updates in order to enable real-time protection.

...but these errors have been in the Event Viewer for almost every boot even BEFORE MSE boot suddenly slowed down.

Therefore, after trying almost everything (short of reinstalling, sfc /scannow, and a disk check---which i assume Windows would notify me if it found any errors in files anyway due to self-healing NTFS), I am forced to conclude that MSE does load and function properly (EICAR tested), but the MSE user interface is delayed in showing the green "protective checkmark castle"---both in the notification tray and the MSE user interface itself, for some reason? Should I be concerned? Is there any other way to fix this short of a OS reinstall? Thanks!

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