MS's Journal Ya'll


New member
yes...^ i agree, you should definitely just surprise her, 'cause if you tell her you're coming, she's probably gonna say something like: "i gotto go walk my dog in a minute" or something...haha..did you used to watch Dawson's Creek? 'walking your dog' means something else on that show... :p . anyway..yeah surprise her and then kick her and run away :D j/k


New member
lol.. she actually did bring part of the DVD today. She brought the box. And I'm just like "ah **** this!"

yeah.. I can't eggsactly go over to her house any time. She lives on the other side of canberra...



New member
:( I'm depressed now..

2 of my friends might get expelled or suspended from school for something accidental.. :(

They accidently started a TINY fire and made the whole school evacuate 10 minutes after the fire WENT OUT!



New member
*Drum roll* Presenting... THE PREVIEW OF MR STICK!

Read it backwards people!

The Japanese in the top corner says "Misuta sutiku wa shichi ji yon ju pun ni asa go han o tabemasu" which means "Mr stick eats at 7:45"



New member
Oh no, Mikes_Shadow fell of her (sorry) chair! OMFG! What shall we do? I know, we shall call the National guard to help this member, faster!


New member

This has probably been posted in fifi's, woody's and Anson's journals but I'll post it here

Yesterday me, Fifi, Sarah and anson met yesterday.. Trust me.. first time I have actually talked to anson o_O

But anyway.. me and fi were on the phone trying to find each other..

"Where are you" I said

"Look behind you" Fi said

and I let out a HUGE scream.. hee.. we ran up to each other and hugged..

We went down the escamilat0rz to meet woodeh and Anson.. Me and sarah huged.. lol.. LOTSA HUGS!!

We went up teh road to go to fif's new work... we took fotos outside *see the member pics thread*

Fi had to go to work so we all had a group hug and fi went inside..

Me, sarah and anson went to Utopia (best shop EVER!!!)..

btw, I had $140 that morning.. I ended up with 5c at the end of the day.. Most of the money spent at utopia!


We left to go meet my mum and sister.. I gave a salt packet to Sarah.. she later gave it to a hobo.. lmao.. anson was like "WTF!?" hehe

We got back to teh market city place (where Paddy's markets is.. stupid thing was CLOSED)

Mum got ****** off with me cause I was late XD

Me, sarah and anson said bye. :(

But about 5 minutes later sarah found a sticker photo thingy (we wanted to get the better ones but the stupid place was closed!.. stupid sydney) and we took sticker fotos!!! I WAS NOT PICKING MY NOSE!!! lmao

It was fun!!! ^____^



New member
My band (Jaded PPL) has 5 members now.. o_O we started off with 2!

New members:

Matt (keyboard)

Kandy (guitar)

it's gunna be really annoying with Kandy though... she goes to a different school..

I've named us all with Relient k nicknames.. *blush* I couldn't resist:

Me (guitar/vocals)-Matt Thiessen

Meghan (Bass)-John warne

Jayde (drums)-Dave Douglas

Matt.. lol-Matt Hoopes.. wahaha I changed his last name!!

Kandy-Jon Schneck

I was bored.. and very tired.. I was teaching kandy how to play Dammit by blink 182 (on the guitar) at the time..



New member
A stupid animation I made of my band:

From left to right: Kandy, Matt (that's actually a girl in the pic), Meghan, Me and Jayde ^_^

I also made this on a doll maker yesterday and showed it to meghan. She said it's matt:




New member

The pants on me there are better ^_^ (the shirt is cool too!)

left to right: Kandy, Jayde, Meghan (she wanted wings), me and matt.. he's a guy this time!



New member
I got bored and went to a palm reading site..

The things in red are my comments..

"Dear Katina, LIAR!! that's not my name!!

Here is your personal palm reading! This will be a general reading of your

palm, and what it says about you and your personality. Enjoy.

First let's take a look at your Life Line. You have the best kind of Life Line,

long and clearly marked. This shows that you will possess good health, vitality

and a very nice life expectancy. coughbullshitcough The wavey quality of your Life Line does seem

to indicate that you may experience variable health, and that you may not always

be very energetic.**** yes.. The wide swooping motion of your Life Line indicates

strength, enthusiasm and an improved love life. The little lines you see

extending upward from your Life Line are representative of your ability to

recuperate. The little lines you see extending downward from your Life Line are

indicators of your tendency to waste your energy. that's called being HYPER!! A chained Life Line indicates

various health problems, both physical and emotional. Many people with allergies

have such a line as well.

Now let's see what your Head Line had to say. The light and wavy quality of

your Head Line seems to mimic the way you think. since when do I think? While you don't necessarily

lack intellectuality, you don't always think about things in much depth, and

sometimes you may have problems concentrating on more than one thing at a time. haha liar.. *sarcasm*

The joining of your Head Line and Life Line at the beginning indicates that your

strong sense of mind generally rules over your body. You also look at childhood

with a cautious and fearful outlook.can I murder you?

The last line we'll look at is your Heart Line. A slight disregard to the true

meaning of love and its responsibilities are indicated by a Heart Line like

yours that starts between the middle and index finger. You tend to easily give

your heart away.x.x does this refer to the guys that I think are total hotties? o_O The small lines you may see extending upward from your Heart

Line are a good sign, as they illustrate happiness in love.coughnickcough Those little lines

you see running downward from your Heart Line indicate disappointments in love.hehe *above comment*

You posses a pointed hand.It's called a psychic hand you moron. This is the hand of someone who appreciates the

finer things in life. o.o You like to be surrounded with art and beauty, and you

tend to avoid manual labor. I love you You are interested in psychic matters, and may even

posses a heightened sense of perception. ^_^ I'm special Many people who poses this type of

hand become involved in the cosmetic or hair styling industry.Dude have you seen my make up collection!? O.O

We hope that gives you a little more insight into your personality, and your

palm. Thanks for visiting us.

Your friend, you *******.

The OFE Palm Reader "

haha I love that last comment

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