MS's Journal Ya'll


New member
Today was officially THE most BORING day of my life.

Seriously. all I did today was go on the computer and argue with people. and I wanted to go see saw 2 but for these reasons I couldn't: I'm not over 15, neither is kandy, Kyle didn't have his ******* ID card.. that *******, Mum was going out for dinner or something, Peri was away AND Justin doesn't live in canberra!

Oh brilliant -_-



New member
Yay last day of school! No more school for six.. whole.. weeks *dies of awesomeness*

now.. about my day.

Today was just a pathetic excuse to slack of.. it was so fun ^^

ah yay for slackers!!

Yeah, after school I went to the orthodonty guy to fix my braces.. theeeen I went to jamison and got an ice cream.. the silly boy at the counter kept flirting with me.. -_- I get the feeling he liked my shirt.. (teh new green day one)

Editations of DOOM: I just did my sister's boyfriend's hair ^^ he looks so gay

another edit: ahaha I just remembered what else I did today.. during japanese class I was calling people random names from Queer as Folk.. ahaha matt and meghan are getting married!! (meghan is brian and matt is justin) XD



New member
Most of the stuff I'm doing on the holidays has to do with music or my band.. or Ian.. o_O and bewitched <3

Yeah.. My band is making the harry potter movie.. and we're gunna perform the theme song in like.. hardcore punk rock ^^


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