MTV - Music Tele Visionaries


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
K basicaly this is a new series (in the format of a script) that i plan to do after spontaniously deciding to make it in the hottest band thread! YAY!

Episode 1 -> New Kid
Part 1 of 3

*jack voice over*
Hey i'm Jack, i'm a college graduate from Los Angeles, my major? Well that pretty simple...... I wanted to be a journalist! Always have done, always will and nothing will ever change that. The appeal for me was just the things they got to see and people they got to talk to, that really did appeal to me. Today I have a job interview at MTV to become a article writer on their website, I see this as a great opputunity ya know and be a step up for my writing career.

// Jack enters the lobby of the MTV HQ //
// Jack walks towards the receptionist looking slightly confused//

Jack: Hi

// Louise looks up and stares vacently at Jack//

Louise: Sorry did u just say something?
Jack: Err yea errm hi, im lookin for

// Louise interupts //

Louise: Have u ever found that most receptionists my age tend to get distracted and lost
Jack: Yea b
Louise: I mean thats why im speical my pa always said I could never think about more then 1 thing at once
Jack: Right
Louise: So I guess that means im special I mean thats what other people tell me all the time

//Jack proceeds to look on a nod//

Louise: Anyways where were we, sorry whast ur name again?
Jack: I never said my name
Louise: U didnt? O

// Louise looks down at magazine and continues reading //

Jack: Excuse me

// Louise looks up //

Louise: Hi welcome to MTV how may I help u
Jack: Right i'm here about a job
Louise: About My Job!?!?!?!
Jack: No not....
Louse: OMG I knew he was out to replace me, I mean whats the harm in calling up members of My Chemichal Romance after hours & asking to have their love babies. I Just dont understand the problem.

// Jack looks on getting angrier and angrier //

Jack: LOOK! Im not here bout ur job im here bout the posistion at the web page.
Louise: O of course
Jack: ...... well were do i go?
Louise: Sorry go where?
Jack: For the interview
Louise: O right...... first right
Jack: thanks
Louise: Then up the stairs past the fountain take a left then jump over the table go down the stairs take anohter left then another left which should take u to a corridor... take another left which should lead back here. Then u go threw the door just on the right there.
Jack: Why dont i just go threw the door on the right then?
Louise: O thats totally not in fashion, walking more then u have to is sooo in right now. U mean to tell me ur not up on the trend? Maybe u dont belong here.

// Jack shakes his head and walks threw the door on the right //

Episode 1 Part 2 Of 3
(New Kid On The Block)

*office door opens*

Jack: Hello?
Murdoc: Hi
(A Long silence breaks out)

Jack: Anywas im hear bout the job
Murdoc: Yes I know

(another long silence)

Jack: Yea so...
Murdoc: It's fairly simple can u type?
Jack: Yes
Murdoc: Do you enjoy music
Jack: Yes
Murdoc: Do you have ur own opinion on fashion and music?
Jack: Yes of course i do
Murdoc: Then ur over qualified please leave
Jack: What O_O
Murdoc: Sorry but we cant be dealing with ur sort round here.
Jack: U mean the type that actually think
Murdoc: Yessss thats exactly what im saying
Jack: Is the anyway I can change your mind

Murdoc: Well the is...... 1 way... its rather drastic but if you really do want this job then...
Jack: It would mean everything to me to get this job! What is it
Murdoc: Ooooo nothing lets just call it an attitude course
Jack: Attitude course?
Murdoc: Don't worry about it just follow me

*walks along corridor*

Murdoc: So why do you want this job
Jack: Well I have longed to some sort of journalist or colomnist & I love music so this seems like the natural move for me. It just seems like the perfect job for me, ya know?
Murdoc: Hmmmm so what music do are you into.... what bands?
Jack: Well I'm mainly into my alternative music I really love this band called The Neautral Milk Hotel
Murdoc: Who?
Jack: Well they are this real interes....
Murdoc: Stop right there sunshine! We dont do interesting, what sort of image they got?
Jack: Kinda folky I guess... bu
Murdoc: Okay from now on your faviroute band will be whatever is on the cover of every magazine understood?
Jack: No way.. I
Murdoc: Do you want this job?
Jack: Fine I guess I could deal with that
Murdoc: O trust me u will deal with it just fine

*Murdoc and Jack reach a silver door, its a very sterile look to it almost as if it came from a different building*

I love the fact that you are pointing out how MTV only believe in the "hip" the "now". Thank you very much for this chapter! I love the story so far.