Multimedia 10.06.07 issue: Junta's Roadmap Trap




A Campaign Journal for Human Rights of All Ethnic Nationalities in



Junta's Roadmap Trap

Contents [ Read more on ]

I. " UN supervision on Junta's Roadmap"_ Editorial: Dr. San Oo Aung

_ There will be no difference whether we just boycott or
cast our vote in the coming referendum and elections, as SPDC will rig
the results. In the last election of 1990, Myanmar Military stayed
neutral and lost heavily. They are not that naive or ignorant to
forget about that or to let it happen again.........

II. " Indispensable Suu for Burma's Future" _ Candid Commentary: Dr.

_ It will definitely be not exaggerated to say that any
attempt by Burma's military junta to force through their so called
seven-stepped democracy road-maps, whether they are hoax or sincere,
without any involvement of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in the process, will
be very much like former apartheid regime in South Africa making
attempts to form a puppet African government without Nelson

III. " Totalitarian and Isolation: Different Sides of the Same Coin" _
Feature Article : Nyi Nyi Lwin

_ To end Burma 's isolation, there are many exits. One of
the exits is tri-partite dialogue in Burma -ruling generals, the
opposition National League for Democracy and Ethnic Nationalities
Council should talk to find a common ground. And, China, India , and
ASEAN should discuss Burma's problem during the coming APEC meeting
this year. The US and Europe can facilitate the talks. In broader
sense, the United Nations should sponsor for 6 Party Talks; ASEAN,
Burma, China , India, Europe, and the United States of America ,
without preconditions...........

IV. " Anecdote on Free Market in Burma" _ Feature Article: Ko Sala

_ No doubt, the military junta is evidently controlling
the economy and the apparent rise in poverty is not due to the lack of
free market policies but it axiomatically suggests that the state is
failing to act responsibly. In absence of coherent data on government
spending on health, education and other social and economic
developmental activities, one cannot decisively determine if free
market policies would cure the deteriorating economic conditions in
Burma. ..........

V. " Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand" _ Special Feature: Cedric

_ Why have so many Burmese workers come to Thailand to
look for work? Is it to get a better-paid job? No. In general, it is
in order to survive. The military government of Burma has destroyed
not only the economy but, what is probably more important, the social
fabric of society. They have done this in many ways, including forced
relocation of communities, confiscation of land, destruction of
villages, forced labour that disrupts the agricultural cycle, and
disruption of communal decision-making by militarily-imposed
orders.. ............

VI. "How to improve digital freedom in Burma" _ Opinion: AKS

_ New regulations in Myamar (Burma) requires the internet
cafes to snap screen shots of what users are browsing every 5 minutes
and send to Myanmar Teleport at the end of the month. That is
ridiculous and that is big-brotherly . .........

VII . "How people are remembered"_ Opinion : JORDBUR

_ The recently passed away British lady, Monica Mya Maung,
who married to Burmese man seems to have served her adopted country
better than a Burmese fatty General from Kyauk Se` who is messing up
the country with his cunning tactics and brutally oppressing his own
country men. .... .....

VIII. "U Aung Hla in Rulings and U Aung Hla in History " _ History &
Legal Review: Gamanii

_ It is distressing to see legal scholars and courts in
Burma of nowadays referring to such outdated verdicts which are still
valid in those volumes of rulings and digests-especially when they are
used by the ruling military junta for oppressing and eliminating on
opposition politicians....... .....

IX. "Begging for Education " _ Cartoon: Feraya

X. "New Faculties & Clarification for Matriculation Examination " _
Special Report: AEIOU Programme

_ Once you passed both the written and oral examination,
we can provide only the travelling cost and nothing more. But once you
reach Chiang Mai we take care of you. Those appearing in the
international centres and inside Burma will have to take care of
themselves of their travelling documents. ........

Video Diaries

I. " Prayer for Daw Suu and all political prisoners " _ Nanda Kyaw

II. " Peace Walk in USA" _ Ashin Sopaka

Photo Diaries

I. " Demonstrations in Tokyo for Suu's Freedom " _ Khin Soe & Thet

II. " Forgotten Friends from Burma" _ Benny Manser

III. " Peace Walk in USA " _ Ashin Sopaka

IV. " Burmese Women's Conference" _ Thangjalun

Internet Radio (In Burmese language)

I. "Long-lost Human-rights" _ Song followed by Daw Suu speech

II. " Daw Suu Speech 2"

III . "Bad Habits in Burma" _ Song followed by Daw Suu speech 3

Burmese Language Section
( Burmese Fonts )

Human Rights Literature Award nominations May 2007 _ 2007

I. "Fight Together Against Sham National Convention"_ Editorial: Khin
Ma Ma Myo

II. " Suggestions on National Convention" _ Feature Article:
Amyotheryei U Win Naing

III. "Last Session of Sham National Convention" _ Feature Article:
Lwin Aung Soe

IV. " Jar Aye Military Government" _ Commentary: Myo thu

V. " The Reality inside SPDC Army, part 37" _ Serialized True Story:
Captain Nay Thu (retired)

VI. " Democracy & Human Rights Movements around the World, part 4" _
Serialized Article: Lwin Aung Soe

VII . "A River, part 7" _ Serialized Novel: Khin Ma Ma Myo

VIII. " Noisy Frog Min Swe" _ Rebuttal: Harry

IX. " Final Battle" _ Poem: Khin Ma Ma Myo

X. " Daw Suu or Mother Peacock" _ Poem: Thet Oo Maung

XI. " Marvellous U Nu" _ History Review: Nyo Tun (& Tun Tun Aung)

XII. " Inside News" _ Gisspa & Thaung Nyunt

XIII. " Sham Convention" _ Statement: DPNS


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