I am currently making a time sheet in excel 2010. I found a format that was on the internet and is set up as date, log in, lunch out, lunch in, log out, regular hours, overtime hours. I have a IF statement in regular hours and overtime hours which for regular
hours will only go up to 8 hours. Anything in excess of 8 hours is put into overtime hours. I would like to have the time rounded in the log in through log out columns to nearest 15 minutes by a factor of 8 minutes. However I cannot make two forumlas
in same cell (have tried parenthases and commas and havent been able to work it out). For example if the tieme is 6:40 id like it to be 6:45. If time is 6:37 id like it to go down to 6:30 and so on.
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hours will only go up to 8 hours. Anything in excess of 8 hours is put into overtime hours. I would like to have the time rounded in the log in through log out columns to nearest 15 minutes by a factor of 8 minutes. However I cannot make two forumlas
in same cell (have tried parenthases and commas and havent been able to work it out). For example if the tieme is 6:40 id like it to be 6:45. If time is 6:37 id like it to go down to 6:30 and so on.
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