Multiracial Britain 'Confuses Poles'




Multiracial Britain 'Confuses Poles'
Immigration; Posted on: 2007-04-15
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Church is mobilised to warn immigrant families after claims of racist
behaviour in the classroom

Anushka Asthana and Mary Fitzgerald

It is a difficult social and cultural problem: what to do when tens of
thousands of immigrants from an almost wholly white country arrive in
a nation that has a fierce pride in its multicultural mix?

It is an issue affecting the many Poles coming to Britain, who are
being warned to be ready for a country where being black or Asian is
not unusual and it is wrong to react 'negatively' to people of
different races. The message has been spread through Catholic priests
in Poland and is aimed at families moving to the UK from all-white
towns and villages. The Polish Educational Society of London
approached the priests following claims of racist behaviour among
Polish children and their parents. Headteachers reported that pupils
were moving their desks away from Asian and black children in fear and
saying that white people were superior.

In one case Polish children drew pictures of apes sitting in palm
trees and claimed this was what their black classmates looked like,
while in a school in Acton, west London, a group of teenagers hurled
daily abuse at non-white staff and pupils. According to headteachers,
some parents asked whether their children would be taught by 'darkies'.

Aleksandra Podhorodecka, president of the society, which runs Saturday
schools for Polish children, said she hoped that the priests would
'pass on a simple forewarning that it will be a multicultural society
and they need to behave appropriately'. She said: 'It is difficult to
blame the children, because a lot come from rural societies in eastern
Poland where there are very few immigrants and some children have
never seen West Indians or Asians in the flesh. So to suddenly be
thrown into a school with 100 different languages, cultures and
religions is a cultural shock.' In a minority of cases, she said,
children would react aggressively, but she insisted that most Polish
families were very tolerant.

Ania Heasley, who runs a recruitment and employment agency for Polish
people, said there were parents whose main criterion when moving to
the UK was to find a place to live and a school for their children
where there were fewer black people. 'I try to argue and say, if you
do not like the racial makeup, why do you come here?' said Heasley,
whose company is called Ania's Poland. 'Everybody is white in Poland,
apart from a few students. If you see a black person in the street
everybody turns their head because they look out of place.'


One effective multicult tactic is to demean their enemies; this
article, speaking as it does of the supposed "ignorance" and
"confusion" of Poles, plays to the "dumb Pollack" slander which, along
with "redneck," is still "acceptable" to the politically correct, who
like to think of themselves as urbane sophisticates. And only a
Guardian grunt would pretend there is a "fierce pride in [the UK's]
multicultural mix": anti-immigration sentiment is at an all-time high,
as reflected in the record number of British National Party hopefuls
on ballots up and down the UK in the upcoming elections. Even Prime
Minister Tony Blair has decried the literally homicidal efffect of
black life in the UK. (And imagine a headline like "Law Against Murder
Confuses Blacks"!)

The fact is that the Poles have not been beaten down by generations of
engineered chaos, and rose in resistance to overthrow their own
oppressors, the communists. So powerful is the threat of Poles and
other Eastern Europeans to the antiwhite status quo that the UK's
"diversity Tsar" has attacked them for their native "intolerance" before.

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News Source: The Guardian

2007 European Americans United.