Mundo's Poetry


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
Death of an Angel

Deep the scent of Scarlett fear
A black memory deep in me
As raindrops fall like pearly kisses
My perfect insanity

Surrounding are the steps to Heaven
Reigning high above us all
As I gaze upon a withered tree
Her last leaf, floating to the floor

Dead she is in front of me
Not a word to me she speaks
With wonder I feel her hollowed darkness
I know will haunt her as she sleeps

Empty she sits alone on her bed
Hiding amidst the Demons in her room
She feeds the wrath of a sinner's soul
As I once ate it in her womb

Twisted remnants of a past forgotten
Shrouded in the blue of her lover's eyes
Yet still she waits for his return
Under concrete colored skies

Defeated her heart, shattered alive
Decaying before my very eyes
The end of another secret confession
And the last of our goodbyes.
She'll Take Her Life

Past those childish tears
And into the virgin mind
She's plagued with your idea
That she'll never be so divine.

She'll jump the highest balcony
Rather having the pavement be
The last thing running through her
The last thing to cradle and see

She'll embrace her own bullets
Rather then your gun
She'll face her very own ending
Instead of seeing yours and run

She'll drown herself in the waters
In the secrets that should be kept
At least she's safe in believing
The water is what took her breath

She would cut her own wrists
Instead of following your plans
To see her blood on the floor
Instead of on your hands.
Game Of Death

Falling through the darkness
Coming close to destiny
As I spill out my emotions
But you're too blind to see

We're just playing a game
And the winner takes all
In this sick & twisted game
The loser takes the fall

Playing for life or death
Shadowed by a knife
By the time night falls
One will have lost a life

With every harsh word spoken
Being beaten with verbal abuse
Now you're falling to the ground
Your teardrops are of no use

So take your final hit
As blood rushes to the floor
With a sigh of relief, I smile
Now you can't come back for more.

cha....thats all for today hehe :D
The Prisoner

Here sits the prisoner
Shackled in his cell.
He wrestles with his demons,
In this private hell.

Life was much too tough for him,
And no one understood.
He tried to accept the world,
But knew he never could.

So the prisoner cut himself,
To flee back to the womb.
He thought there would be peace,
Down there in the tomb.

But death was no escape,
He even failed at this.
Saved by those who guard him,
Pulled from the abyss.

Yet failure didn't stop him,
He cut himself once more.
But again death was cheated,
Just like it was before.

The jailers watch him closely,
There's no escape today.
Perhaps he'll try one more time,
When they look away.

But the jailers dearly love him,
They are his family.
They want him to be happy,
And find his destiny.

Yet he stays in his dungeon,
His private tragedy.
Trapped within this prison,
Where he holds the only key.

So here sits the prisoner
Shackled in his cell.
Wrestling with the demons,
Of his private hell.
Awaiting The Phoenix

Trees begin to dress in Autumn splendor.
Evening air brings the faint scent of logs on the fire.
Light of the harvest moon dances across a rippling river.
Do you remember the day we met?
A memory etched with lovely clarity
Lives in the chalice of my soul.

Early morn reveals the glittering majesty of Winter's crystal palace.
Each branch and blade blessed with Nature's diamond dust.
While flakes float silently toward the earth
But quickly melt where our lips meet.
No sound is heard but for the beating of two hearts.
Do you remember our first kiss?
One moment, frozen in time's cruel grasp.
The die is cast, no turning back.

Ah, Spring, the Noah's Ark of seasons.
Everything marching two by two, he by she.
Young lovers hand in hand, old lovers the same.
The time for new beginnings.
Fresh bliss for continuations.
Do you remember our first "I love you"?
In the late hours of darkness, in treasured dreams
I hear the words so softly spoken.

Reality so quickly snatched away the seasons of our love.
And now, here we are, two souls
Christened in the fires of passion
Buried in the ashes of loneliness
Awaiting the Phoenix once more.
My Love, My Demise

You are my missing link
My own personal dream
You are my everything
And everything in between
You are my passion
My wisdom from within
You are my one true friend
A bond that will never bend

You are my understanding
My truth among your lies
You are my test of time
When everything has gone awry
You are my solace
My little slice of bliss
You are my infatuation
And you have caused all of this

You are my only failure
My never-ending anguish
You are my only fault
For this I must admit
You are my ending
My last and only love
You are my demise
A last, your work is done
Last Breath

All is lost
got nothing to gain
every day is misery
filled with so much pain

Nothing to look forward to
just depression and regret
Everything is black
and every day so dead

Darkness and nothing
is all i am now
never thought this would happen
but it did somehow

Life used to be so good with you
so happy and so great
But now its just so empty
I think its time for my fate

Put a gun to my head
jump off a bridge
swallow some pills
or put a knife to my wrist

As i make this decision
im feeling really glad
I'll no longer have to suffer
no longer have to be sad

So as i finish this verse
so close to me is death
tonight is when i die
Ive now taken my last breath...
My Worst Friend, My Best Scar

I'm looking in this window and it's the closest thing to home.
I closed my eyes to block the pain and found myself alone.
I held you close to me and I took you in.
You lie you steal, my scars won't heal and you call yourself my friend.
I won't cry when you are gone.
You're the one who did everything wrong.
You trade your happiness for pain when things dont go your way.
Its all a lie, everything you say.
I'm not sorry for the way things are.
You are the one that set us apart so far.
I might miss you, but it's all worth going insane.
Until then Ill dwell in my own pain.
Look who you've become, I don't know who you are.
You are my worst friend and my best scar.
So hold your breath and plug up your ears.
Don't listen to me and run from your fears...
For now Ill just pretend that youre still here.
Garden of Shadows

Come on in
To my garden of shadows
See what grows within

Black roses
As far as the eye can see
Twisting vines
Wrapped around the trees

Stone edge walls
So tall and high
Victims of the past
Can you hear their cries?

And heres the waterfall
So crystal clear
Gaze at your reflection
In this river of tears

Oh and look at the birds!
Black ravens perched on a tree
Inspecting their next victim
They like what they see

Follow the winding path
Made of human bones
Crunching beneath your feet
Like small, fragile stones

The best part is yet to come
The highlight of my show
Gravestones grey with age
Peaceful visitors rest below

Tall and looming trees
Casting shadows everywhere
Its easy to get lost here
In my garden of despair

You should stay longer
Wait until its night
The garden looks breath taking
When bathed in the moon's light

The fountain of blood
Is over there to your right
Isn't it wonderful?
Such a beautiful sight

Why do you look scared?
Don't you like it here?
People always seem to
Treat my garden with fear

I haven't finished the tour
See there's the old stone well
My sister was playing there
And accidentally fell

Its so cold & damp
And such a long way down
My little sisters body
Was never even found

And look over at that tree
See that wooden swing?
My mother used to sit there
Gaze at flowers and sing

Its such a shame she fell
And cracked her skull on the ground
It was strange, when i buried her
She was still making sounds

My father tried to burn my garden
What a silly thing to do
He said that it was evil
Now of course thats not true

Hes with mother now
Beneath this very ground
Again another body
That was nowhere to be found

I haven't left my garden
In many, many years
I shall remain here till i die
I will be buried right here

My beautiful garden
My only home
Its only me here
But I'm not alone
hehehe thanx guys. this is really where I can actually express my writing like this. no one really reads it on myspace, and i dont like ppl reading it in my notebook...glad ya'll like them though :)
Even The Dead

"I will wait for you forever",
Her promise rang loud and clear.
And true to her words she kept,
Until the day her death drew near.

He never came back for her,
His words were an empty promise.
But still she waited for his arrival,
Cherishing memories of his kiss.

She never knew he got married,
Had a few children of his own.
When they were moving on together,
She was waiting for him alone.

Now her ghastly figure stood,
Draped in the purest of white lace.
In the midst of all the gravestones,
Still in searching of his face.

He heard of her death years later,
But the news didn't bother him one bit.
He just brought his children along,
For an over due visit.

When she saw him with his family,
Her heart stopped at a final end.
Who would have ever guessed,
Even the dead can die again.