Music Poll Again

What do you pay more attention to when you listen to music?

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New member
Well, On the other poll I included Both as one of the options.......but that just screwed it up a little so, SB (ShinodaBear), PMed and told me he liked my poll so I should make another one with just the options "Lyrics or Beat."

So choose which one you listen to the MOST.

Lyrics or Beat.

Again I shall say I listen to beat because I think it's more out there. lol

And also, can someone close the other thread since there's this one now. =)

Thankx! ^_^



New member
i admit i do love dancing in the clubs and having a good time, however, the thing that usually gets me are the clever/catchy/depressing lyrics. So lyrics it is for me.

btw, awesome poll, i'm rep-ing you for this one. :thumbsup:


Hybrid Soldier

New member
I wont start listening to a song if i dont like the beat, but then if the lyrics suck, ill stop listening to it. So, I consider lyrics as more important(and thats why I dont like mainstream rap).

Suicide King

New member
When it comes down to it, the beat is what gets me, although lyrics are also very important. Bad lyrics = me stops listening to song.


New member
I picked the "Beat". I like catchy stuff and it's what gets me to listen to the song in the first place. Lyrics are really important though as well. I do like songs with both a great beat and lyrically well written better :)
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