Must have album (EP)


Active Member
Jan 23, 2005
Hey guys whats up I'm very new to the site lol firt post. I was gona se if anyone know where i can get my hands on a copy of hybrid theory ep. It can be the original or copied but not a download. Also is there any place I can get a gray daze album. I've looked all aver the place thanks alot everyone and nice to meet you. Peace :D
Hey i just saw EP ebay for 31 dollars but it said that it was a reissue from 2001 in a jewel case. What is a jewel case? and what is the difference between lpu 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4 and can i get all of those cds? thanks again peace

Now its way up to 130 dollars. I will never get that cd. Do you think they will ever make another release of it. Oh and if I join LPU now will there be a way to get the other undergrond cds. And one last thing are those cds in platics sleeves or jewel case thanks so much guys and girls peace :thumbsup:
They're all over Ebay. I saw an original Hybrid Theory EP on it, but it was like $200 and still had a lot of time to go. I just downloaded it.
one member here sold it for $650

they wont re release it because they alredii did in lpu 1.0 and thats slack to the people who have it because the value will decrease

can you please refer me if you are joining??

yeah u can get the other underground cds off ebay or refferal program...when you join in your package u will get the 4th one the cds come in a jewel case ....the same kind like meteora
Yeh i am joining in a little bit. And what or where is a referral progrom. Also for the record I hate those kind of case like meteora and live in texas and the collision course. I thought that jewel cases where plastic just thinner ok thanks soul