Mutant ****** Pedophile Michael Jackson Sued by Bahraini Prince


Patriot Games


Michael Jackson Sued by Bahraini Prince
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

He may be homeless, wandering, carting around three school-aged kids, but
Michael Jackson has a new friend: former imprisoned crack addict and
Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry. And that's good in a way because he is
being sued by an old friend, Prince Abdullah of Bahrain.

Jackson, according to my sources, has been spending time with Barry thanks
to their mutual friend and publicist, Miss Raymone Bain. It turns out that
before she represented Jackson, Bain was Barry's PR lady. She has been with
him the whole time, since the day he went to jail for possession of crack
cocaine in 1991.

Now, I'm told Bain has put her two most famous clients together. Imagine the

Barry, twice elected mayor in Washington, most recently pled not guilty to
driving under the influence and without registration in November 2006. He
was acquitted this past June on the drunk driving. His various other
"priors" included assorted drug and tax evasion charges over the years.

In 1990, he was arrested at D.C.'s Vista Hotel after he was caught on camera
smoking crack. He served six months in prison. In 2002, U.S. Park Police
said they found $5 worth of crack and a trace amount of marijuana in his car
parked at Buzzard Point in southwest Washington. Barry was never charged,
however. He accused Park Police of planting the drugs.

That's not all. At an IRS hearing in 2005, he failed the mandatory drug
test. He had cocaine and marijuana in his system. The following March he was
sentenced to three years probation for misdemeanor charges of failing to pay
federal and local taxes. The popular ex-mayor and city councilman claimed in
early 2006 that he was robbed in his home by a group of young men who had
helped him with his groceries.

On the face of it, Barry fits in nicely as Jacko's new B.F.F. Former friends
include: Leonard Muhammad, of the Nation of Islam; falsely accused rapist
Michael Flatley; Prince Jafri of Brunei; Uri Geller; and accused charity
absconder Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

Maybe the four-times-married Barry (wife No. 4 was Bain's good friend Cora
Masters) can give Michael some advice. After all, he's being sued by his old
pal, Sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

Prince Abdullah graciously took Jackson and his family in after the 2005
child molestation trial. He housed him, fed him, chauffeured him and even
imported Jacko's friends to Bahrain for a special Christmas in 2005.

All the prince wanted in return was to make a CD and start a record company
with Michael. Jackson agreed, as usual signed agreements he had no intention
of keeping, and then did no work. You may recall Two Seas Records, the joint
venture that Jackson agreed to, for example.

Now the prince is demanding in his lawsuit that Michael go to work for him
as agreed. Abdullah expects Jackson to make his record and put it out so the
prince can begin to recoup the millions he invested in Michael during their
friendship. Fat chance.

Jackson hasn't worked at anything in years - no performing, no recording.
Occasionally, he announces that he is making some kind of record, but so far
there's no evidence of this.

That Jackson is now being sued - in London, no less - by his former
benefactor is a bad sign for the singer. He has depended on the kindness of
Arab billionaires for some time now, but between this and what seems to be
his current nomad status, he may have exhausted his credit in the last place
where it still existed.