Mutilation for Porn!


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
U.S. Soldiers Trade Images Of Iraqi Dead For Porn
Thursday, 29 September 2005, 10:31 am
Article: Richard S. Ehrlich

U.S. Soldiers Trade Images Of Iraqi Dead For Porn

By Richard S. Ehrlich

BANGKOK, Thailand -- US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have posted on the Internet "several hundred" photographs of mutilated corpses from "the real war," in exchange for free online pornography, according to the owner of a Web site investigated by the Pentagon.

One of the images of hundreds that U.S. soldiers have been trading for porn.

"This is an uncensored view of the conflict going on in Iraq and Afghanistan," 27-year-old Christopher Wilson, owner of nowthats****, said in an e-mail interview.

"These pictures are taken directly from the cameras of the soldiers and uploaded to my site.

"Gory photos are not the only ones accepted for free access, and the gory section is clearly labeled so those wishing not to see it aren't tricked into doing so," said Wilson, based in Lakeland, Florida.

"If people don't want to see the REAL war, then they simply don't have to look. I receive an average of three death threats per day, and it makes no sense to me. No one is forcing them to see this stuff".

Who photographed or posted the hundreds of pictures, who killed the unnamed people portrayed, and the photos' authenticity have not been publicly confirmed.

"Obviously, it is an unacceptable practice," said Bryan Whitman, a spokesman for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Associated Press reported on Tuesday (Sept. 27).

An Army spokesman, Col. Joseph Curtin, said the military's Criminal Investigation Division recently began investigating the matter, according to A.P.

"I am probably one of the strongest supporters of free speech you will ever meet," Wilson said in the interview on Tuesday (Sept. 27) about his Web site, which is based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Anyone can view the photos of torn body parts and disfigured cadavers for free in the site's "gory" section, labeled "open access."

Set up in June 2004, the Web site originally offered only porn. Viewers gained 90 days' free access every time they sent in amateur nude photos or paid 10 U.S. dollars.

But voyeuristic U.S. military personnel based in Iraq and Afghanistan complained it was difficult to upload amateur nudity from their war zones or send payments from Baghdad and Kabul.

So about 10 months ago, Wilson invited them to send in pictures from their battlefields in exchange for 90 days' free access to the entire site.

Horrific, high-resolution, digital photos displaying close-ups of bullet-riddled, dismembered, burnt or blood-soaked corpses began appearing on his Web site.

Comments from contributors and viewers mocking and insulting the dead, cheering U.S. victories over Muslim enemies, cursing supporters and opponents of the wars, and other freewheeling chatter appear alongside the photos.

Pictures of shattered, mangled cadavers, often described as killed while fighting U.S. troops or from explosions, include body parts strewn on the desert, or dangling from twisted wreckage of vehicles.

Some photos include men wearing tan camouflage uniforms who are gawking, pointing, chuckling and posing amid the grisly human carnage.

Many of the uniformed men, however, do not display U.S. flag shoulder patches, unit markings, or name tags, though their faces are clearly identifiable.

"If you are asking why people [who] are standing around in the images have no patches or name tags, all I will say is the soldiers are being selective on what they upload," Wilson said.

"Apparently they can get in trouble for sending in these pics and they don't want to burn their fellow soldier or themselves by showing name patches etc.," Wilson said.

"We have just over 300,000 user-submitted images and videos taken of users' wives and girlfriends. As far as gory photos, I would say several hundred."

Weeding out suspected staged pictures is not impossible, but not fool-proof.

"I know pretty much the stuff to look for in these photos. That being said, I am human, and one may get by me that is a fake or a setup shot. If it was brought to my attention, the person that posted it would no longer be allowed to be a member of the site. They would be banned," Wilson said.

"The only [gory] photos I want on the site are from soldiers currently stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan."

One contributor of bloodied cadaver photos identified himself as zalzan kavol, and titled his offerings, "Don't **** with the U.S. Army".

He captioned his pictures: "Some more insurgents sent to explain themselves to Allah. Killing is never a casual occurrence, but I would kill a thousand to save one American life.

"I am not responsible for the enemy casualties shown here," zalzan kavol added.
SegDawg, a viewer, replied: "Don't see enough burns or mangling for rocket damage. Looks more like 50cal fire, maybe even 20mm gunship cannons. Very nasty."

GringosDeMierda, however, warned: "So, have you learned what the Iraq people feel? I like American weapons too, but those aren't toys. You are like bastards laughing and thinking war is a Xbox game.

"Osama is alive and you poor assholes won't find him. Just wait for another 9/11," GringosDeMierda concluded.

Wilson, meanwhile, insisted he is not anti-war: "I fully supported attacking whoever was responsible for the attacks on us on 9-11-2001. Beyond that, I will just support our troops no matter where they are sent whether I agree with the reasons why they are there. I'm not very political, I voted for Bush in the last election."

Controversy over his right to free expression versus demands for censorship by critics of his Web site worry the American online publisher: "I carry a concealed weapon on me at all times. I always have, even before any of these death threats. I don't consider any of the threats viable, but I do carry, just in case."

Richard S. Ehrlich, a freelance journalist who has reported news from Asia for the past 27 years.


WOW! HOW HEROIC!!!! I bet this makes you real proud! :mad:
BTW,the sick images were plastered all over the papers in the UK.
One example is here:

1 picture traded for Pleasure!

If you still believe that your troops have done so much good in Iraq then I doubt you have a heart.
I think the people who are doing this are seriously ****ed up. I certainly don't think they represent the whole of the forces at war but the mere idea of tying in pornography to carnage makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with these people. Does their train of thought follow something like

"Geez i need to jack-off but I'm unable to provide the proper payments to my pornography supplier. BOY GOLLY I know, i'll go and take pictures of unfortunates people torn to bits and cut in 3 by chains of M60 fire! That'll solve my problem in a jiffy!"

I just hope it isen't the taking to those pictures that leaves them in the need for "Sensueal Release"... And for christs sake, they don't NEED to dishonour the dead (by plastering them up on PORN site) just so they can get their fix from this BS site, customer loyality really has its limits...
"If people don't want to see the REAL war, then they simply don't have to look. I receive an average of three death threats per day, and it makes no sense to me. No one is forcing them to see this stuff".
If you still believe that your troops have done so much good in Iraq then I doubt you have a heart.

WTFF???? Read between the lines people.
AIG has no brain... Do you actually expect her to "read between the lines"? Hell, she can hardly even think, much less make an analytical observation!
MRH if anyone thinks they can just ignore war! Well you take it from there...I will rage to hard.:mad:
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
AIG has no brain... Do you actually expect her to "read between the lines"? Hell, she can hardly even think, much less make an analytical observation!

Oh,I'm sorry.Will you help me read between this line....''U.S. Soldiers Trade Images Of Iraqi Dead For Porn''?

Please MRIH, I really want to know (cos I'm really dumb) where exactly I should read between the lines?!
Oh,I'm sorry.Will you help me read between this line....''U.S. Soldiers Trade Images Of Iraqi Dead For Porn''?

What are you denying that what is happening is true? Is ''read between the lines'' the best excuse you can come up with to justify these sick actions.

The thing that made me most sick was that the soldiers actually posed with mutilated bodies with huge grins on their faces.

Isn't this the vilest trade ever?!

Please I really want to know (cos I'm really dumb) where exactly I should read between the lines!

"If people don't want to see the REAL war, then they simply don't have to look. I receive an average of three death threats per day, and it makes no sense to me. No one is forcing them to see this stuff".

Why did you particularly sigle out this,sixes?

You are a freaking dingbat! People are dying on both sides! Cry me a river AIG. This debate is played out!
OK, I'm just going to be blunt with this (blunt in size 5 font that is)

I AM VERY PROUD OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN OVER IN IRAQ, AFGANISHTAN, QATAR, KAUWAIT, ETC. The people you are talking about are a few people even if its a hundred its not the MILITARY! Its a couple of ****ed up individuals who havent got laid and thats all they can offer so they can jerk off. Thats not everyone. YOU want me to say ALL MUSLIMS or even middle-eastern people are terriorist. I mean cause I can its just like you generalization. I for one know MY HUSBAND is not doing this and hes in the military, so.....
Msixty said:
OK, I'm just going to be blunt with this (blunt in size 5 font that is)


YEP! I'm really pissed about how Arabics twist everything we say and do and broadcast it all over Aljazera or whatever! We say "Today in Iraq ,Ten Soilders died saving the life of 2 familys" . They say today "1O american pigs go to hell, for taking away Iraqie civil rights!" **** Them.
Msixty said:
OK, I'm just going to be blunt with this (blunt in size 5 font that is)


YEP! I'm really pissed about how Arabics twist everything we say and do and broadcast it all over Aljazera or whatever! We say "Today in Iraq ,Ten Soilders died saving the life of 2 familys" . They say today "1O american pigs go to hell, for taking away Iraqie civil rights!" **** Them.
sixes said:
YEP! I'm really pissed about how Arabics twist everything we say and do and broadcast it all over Aljazera or whatever! We say "Today in Iraq ,Ten Soilders died saving the life of 2 familys" . They say today "1O american pigs go to hell, for taking away Iraqie civil rights!" **** Them.

Ha ha ha,how predictable! How the hell do you know what you are being told in america has not been twisted??

That's it,blame everything on al-jazeera.A channel that writes, every piece of news word for word.I do compare the british news to Al-jazeera and they come out exacly the same.
You just hate it when the truth is uncovered and shown to the whole world.I don't blame you,even I would be pissed off.
sixes said:
You are a freaking dingbat! People are dying on both sides! Cry me a river AIG. This debate is played out!

Oh but has any Iraqi traded for porn? Oh wonder,wonder
And remember,no one begged your troops to put themselves in danger.
Oh but has any Iraqi traded for porn? Oh wonder,wonder
And remember,no one begged your troops to put themselves in danger.

Yeah you're right, No Iraqi even looks at porn I'm sure. They are all saints right? We are the baby killing scum?.. I will show you a link of an American Soilder holding a dead little girl from Iraq an crying! A dead little girl Iraqies killed themselves! You are turning into everything you hate AIG! You think you're part of some soultion! You're part of the ****ing problem! Go blow yourself up!
Gray~Gal said:
YOU want me to say ALL MUSLIMS or even middle-eastern people are terriorist. I mean cause I can its just like you generalization. I for one know MY HUSBAND is not doing this and hes in the military, so.....

Um,isn't that what's been said about Us?That we're all terrorists or associated with terrorism? Aren't the muslims paying,just cos for once america tasted an equivalent of a splinter of the suffering they've caused around the world.

I haven't said that all the troops are the same.One or two are probably good people.Oh your husband makes is three.BRAVO!

So now you people are actually thinking about ''generalisation''. :rolleyes:
Ha ha ha,how predictable! How the hell do you know what you are being told in america has not been twisted??

That's it,blame everything on al-jazeera.A channel that writes, every piece of news word for word.I do compare the british news to Al-jazeera and they come out exacly the same.
You just hate it when the truth is uncovered and shown to the whole world.I don't blame you,even I would be pissed off.

This is so absurd I dont even know how to respond to it. You are lost AIG .
sixes said:
Yeah your right, No Iraqi even looks at porn I'm sure. They are all saints right? We are the baby killing scum?.. I will show you a link of an American Soilder holding a dead little girl from Iraq an crying! A dead little girl Iraqies killed themselves! You are turning into everything you hate AIG! You think you part of some soultion! You part of the ****ing problem! Go blow yourself up!

Yes,I'm not saying that all of them are the same.I know it was a group that did this.I'm attacking the fact that Iraq has become a place of bloodshed and currently a ''porn trade society''.Nothing good has come out of it(apart from saddam leaving).

No,I don't think Iraqis(in Iraq) look at porn at the moment. :confused: This isn't about looking at porn,but the way it is aquired!

I know that some of your soldiers commited suicide cos of the attrocities they have seen.

And what about all these prisons where innocent men are held without trial?
They are tortured,their religion is not respected.
Their are many of your soldiers that do so many horrible things,they shadow any good human amongst them.That's my point.You call them all heroes,remember?
Yes,I'm not saying that all of them are the same.I know it was a group that did this.I'm attacking the fact that Iraq has become a place of bloodshed and currently a ''porn trade society''.Nothing good has come out of it(apart from saddam leaving).

No,I don't think Iraqis(in Iraq) look at porn at the moment. :confused: This isn't about looking about porn,but the way it is aquired!

I know that some of your soldiers commited suicide cos of the attrocities they have seen.

And what about all these prisons where innocent men are held without trial?
They are tortured,their religion is not respected.
Their are many of your soldiers that do so many horrible things,they shadow any good human amongst them.That's my point.You call them all heroes,remember?

I dont think you know what the hell you're saying! If I could die just to shut up radicals like you. I would in a hearbeat! The problem is you're just to damn stupid! Alfa- Roger ~ Foxtrot on AIG!
sixes said:
This is so absurd I dont even know how to respond to it. You are lost AIG .

Oh that's fine, just say that I'm lost. Please answer my question.How do you know what american news tell you is the truth? And why do you believe that anything a muslim says couldn't possibly be true? Cos I know that's the reason you constantly attack Al-Jazeera.

If I tell you about any piece of news,you immediately wave your hand and say ''she's lost,Al-jazeera contents!''. why..oh..why(I wish Off Topic Forum had a more serious looking,roll eyes smiley).
Plus,I never tell you news I've gotten off al-jazeera.ALL BRITISH NEWS!.Their white and christian sixes,you can trust them, right?
Oh that's fine, just say that I'm lost. Please answer my question.How do you know what american news tell you is the truth? And why do you believe that anything a muslim says couldn't possibly be true? Cos I know that's the reason you constantly attack Al-Jazeera.

If I tell you about any piece of news,you immediately wave your hand and say ''she's lost,Al-jazeera contents!''. why..oh..why(I wish Off Topic Forum had a more serious looking,roll eyes smiley).
Plus,I never tell you news I've gotten off al-jazeera.ALL BRITISH NEWS!.Their white and christian sixes,you can trust them, right?

In America AIG we find our own truth. We dont need someone to explian it to us. We are a free nation. We believe actions speak louder than words. Your actions are that of a Idiot!