My condolences


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Yes, my wife's grandfather died the other day.... like I give a **** ...

This **** sucker never accepted her as part of the family, probably because she was actually his step- grand daughter. Always told her she would never amount to ****..NEVER did a damn thing for her or even acknowledged her

I guess that explains why we own 3 properties and his other grand daughter who he constantly praised, is living on welfare in a 12x60 trailer with 3 kids and a husband that doesn't work.:rolleyes:

What a total piece of **** snob.

Here is a link to his actual obituary:

Followed by a screen shot of the condolence I left for the old buzzard in the guest book.. I wonder if they will post it.:rolleyes:

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I am not really sure what to say here.. I feel bad that that your wife had to grow up with him for a grandfather..

Who wrote the actual obituary? his wife?
I'm glad you said it, I don't buy this whole attitude about not speaking ill of the dead. Some things need to be said.

Its pretty funny that they were dumb enough to post it without reading it.
Nope...not posted still. I think i went to school with one of his grand children...isn't she the one that has the kid w/ the guy in prison for murder? Not trying to be a smart ass, that was a legitimate question.
gotony! said:
Nope...not posted still. I think i went to school with one of his grand children...isn't she the one that has the kid w/ the guy in prison for murder? Not trying to be a smart ass, that was a legitimate question.
Uhm, yes... that would be my wife ... duh.. :rolleyes:
Lethalfind said:
I'm glad you said it, I don't buy this whole attitude about not speaking ill of the dead. Some things need to be said.

Its pretty funny that they were dumb enough to post it without reading it.

Here's one...

Custer was a ****. The end.
Fair shout I think. Sounds like he was a right *******. I had a few of them in my family. Glad they're dead too.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Never met the guy, only went by what my wife told me. I miss him like I miss that TV show "COP ROCK" :rolleyes:
Uhm, yes... that would be my wife ... duh..

I knew she looked familiar in your pictures! I always liked her, haven't seen her in a long time. I would say sorry for your loss but it doesn't sound like it is too much of a loss. That really sucks people like that live for so long. Seems like the good ones always go first and the assholes that are full of piss and vinegar live forever. One of my friends' grandpa is a total *****, he is like 95, and one of his grandchildren said he will live forever cuz not even God wants him. I guess in some cases, that must be true.
phreakwars said:
Yes, my wife's grandfather died the other day.... like I give a **** ...

This **** sucker never accepted her as part of the family, probably because she was actually his step- grand daughter. Always told her she would never amount to ****..NEVER did a damn thing for her or even acknowledged her

I guess that explains why we own 3 properties and his other grand daughter who he constantly praised, is living on welfare in a 12x60 trailer with 3 kids and a husband that doesn't work.:rolleyes:

What a total piece of **** snob.

Here is a link to his actual obituary:

Followed by a screen shot of the condolence I left for the old buzzard in the guest book.. I wonder if they will post it.:rolleyes:


Might I suggest you leave small pieces of meat around his grave, the animals will constantly try and dig up his grave and it will be a fitting way to exact revenge, short of a stool or urine attack.

A chicken head is rather aggressive too, provided you have a proper voodoo prayer to curse him withy.
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That's ****ing hilarious, I'll do it, then post pics !!

Now would be a good time to do it too... the dirt is still fresh.
Oh wait... can't do that, they cremated the old koot and sent his ashes to San Fransico... he must have been an in the closet homo.:rolleyes: