My Drug/Homless Persons PSA


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It's an early morning. Abour 7 o'clock. My mom wakes me up. I brush my teeth and put on some clothes. I hop into my car and drive down to my church. I have to do some community service hours. I'm forced to go with the church's local youth group. I know no one. Our mission. To Become More Educated On The Live's of a Homeless Person.

dispossessed: physically or spiritually homeless or deprived of security
We arrive at Andrew's Place. It's a "shelter" for Men who need a nap and a shower (the upstairs anyways) and the bottom floor is a place for women to come sit, relax, make phone calls and get something to eat with their children.

We take our bags and put them in designated lockers. As would a homeless person who needed to take a shower. They spare no time burdening us with work. I join a group with a kid named Jacob and another dude named Kyle. There are three rooms. Three groups. My group gets to work we clean the matresses and everything and work hard. As we clean we find things that are just sick. The beds have pee stains, the windows are covered with black dust and filth. All sorts of **** underneath the beds. And this rooms for anyone who just needs a place to sleep. No A/C, no feeling of cleanliness. But my group finishes first while the other groups lag behind honestly not taking this whole thing seriously enough. But whatever **** them. Next, we -since being the first ones done- have to clean down all the chairs. Now that sounds easy. But let me tell you this. 50 chairs that had a layer of dirt of them was no easy task. And yet we are still done before both groups even come close to finishing their rooms. (lazy *** m*******) So basically you get the point. We clean alot. Then we have to take a shower there. Far from glamourous but we do it and then go for a tour.

We first meet a columbian lady named "Rosey". She's nice but is not exactly well educated in the English language. She came to America...and got married, as most people do. Well, it was an abusive relathionship. Her husband beat her constantly and she could do almost nothing what-so-ever to stop it. She was afraid of being hurt even more if she left. Not only that but she has not real acceptable education and counted on her husband for everything. If she left the house she wouldn't make it and would essentially become homeless. Well that's what it came down to. She left and lived on the streets. Not for long until she found Frienship House (where I was located at and working). She slowly fought herself through transitional housing and got to where she is at now. She does not have a stable job and works at Friendship House's Clothing Bank. She is a manager. When you look at her face and the just wonder how could she have ever been homeless?

A common misconception is that a homeless person is just some lazy dumbass who doesn't want to work and perfers to just drink all day. Wrong. Noone says oh, let's be homeless. That's retarded. Infact the majority of people are homeless do to abrupt changes in their lives. Such as Job loss, divorce, family deaths, ect. Family deaths? To some people a family is their home. Without them they are:

spiritually homeless or deprived of security
Alot of times this then triggers some sort of drug use. Be it alchoholism, depressents, stimulants, ect. Then a domino effect takes place where since they are hook on the drug and get fired. Cannot suppourt thier lifestyle and end up loosing everything.

Another misconception is that any old homeless person can just get a job if they neaten up. Wake up dumbass you cannot get a job if you don't have a house. Next yeah you can stay at certain shelters and you are alowed to use the shelter's address but you have to remember. When you live on the streets people still ****. The homeless do steal from the homeless. It's a game of survival. And they steal wallets which may have one's ID in it. So you wan't to get your ID back. Well you need a birth certifcate copy...but the dude stole your wallet which has your birth certificate which you need to get your ID. So you say hey! Let me just go get another copy of my birth certificate. Well, the funny thing is that you need your ID to get your birthcertifcate. But you don't have an ID or Birth now you have to pay like 30 bucks for the people to track down your identity. 30 usd? Fairly cheap right? Your homeless! The whole point of all this hassel is to get a job becuase your broke and have no cash. So how the **** are you going to get 30 dollars? AND THEN, if you came here like Rosey the **** is she going to get her birth information all the way from Columbia? So now do you still think any old homeless dude could get a job? Not mention disabilities which most homeless people have. That only makes the job search that much harder.

The next day we go to a house and remove everything from it. It is going to be restored and used as transitional housing. I meet a man named doug. He lives in the YMCA. He is a veteran of Desert Storm. He has a personality disorder and a straying eye. He father whom he cared for very much died. This started him off in his alcoholic route. After a while alchohol got boring. So he tried weed which soon didn't provide him with enough high so he tried uppers get the picture. Then he got married. He and his wife seperated. Meaning he had to leave his two children. He never saw his kids again. Well at least not his duaghter. She was hit and killed by a drunk driver. He was devestated. This nice guy dealing with two devastating blows. Now his family wants nothing to do with him. They all abandoned him. He is slowly fighting to get somewhere in life but he has alot of health issues and a personality's tough to work around. And yet he actually tries so **** hard. He's stoped the substance abuse and everything and he cannot get anywhere in life. What type of **** is that?

See you meet these people and they all just want a second chance that they are struggling to get. And here we are ******** when we gotta share a room with a sibling. Picture sleeping in a room with 175 people. Thats what the Sunday Mission Breakfast Center has nightly. I mean this is a dried out Cliche' that is used so often that if it was a girl it would have a sloppier ***** then Courtney Love, but I mean it is so true. You just have to actually dive into the belly of the beast and expirience these peoples lives in order to realize that this **** is true. It is. I mean ****. You may go oh wow this **** is serious I didn't know. That what I did when I read about it. But the truth is that even if your hear, watch a movie, or read something about homelessness you still don't truelly know it. You have to spend time with these people. Hear there stories and expirience their lives for youself. Only then can your truely know what it is and just how serious this **** really is.

Now for all you aww **** them I got my own life to look after's out there read this. The man who basically set this whole friendship house thing's name is Bill Perkins. Possibly the nicest guy you will ever meet. He was one a preacher but then quit so that he could get married. He still is a man of ***. He went all over living with various indigneous tribes under standing various cultures and becoming educated. He then completed 4 masters degrees. He had a fairly decent job but decided that wasn't for his. He then proceded to putting out his own money and own hard work to set up a place for these homeless people to get something to eat he worked and worked and worked until he could buy 4 transitional houses 3 feeding and home shelters and employ workers. When ever they have to cut budgets he cuts his own small income salary so that everyone can make more money. General Colen Powell awarded him 10,000 dollars for his work. 10000 usd for him to spend on himself...and what did Bill do? He just gave it all to Friendship House. He is a legend on the streets for doing anything he can to help anyone he can. This guy has nothing what so ever to gain from the **** he does but he does it anyways. Why? Becuase it's right. I am not saying you have to be like this man and sacrafice your life but I mean do something. Don't just sit on your *** and donate money. Volunteer. They need volunteers more than they need money.

This is for the dudes who say WEED doesn't screw up anything and is perfectly fine. So theres this guy Ricky. He was the ultimate student. Straight A's, all state in basketball, and band. He was begged by other high schools to attend their school. Everyone though he was this clean life. The problem was he was living a double life. Behind the scenes he was smoking mad pot. Any true weed smoker will tell you after a while the same amount of puffs and blunts that take you to get high increase as time progresses. That's what happened with him. But **** he cheated the rules. He could do drugs and be succesful. But after a while marijuana got lame so he moved onto coke...**** got expensive when he needed more. So he'd casually steal from his wife...then his kids...then his own mom. Soon they started to realize what was going on. He then sold his house when he became pressed for cash. Slowy as he got older he changed the effects got up to him...he needed more. Everything he had cheated out cuaght up to him. His own family abandoned him and left him. It took him until he was 30 somethin years to feel the side effects and man was it tough. He spent years trying to catch back himself but I mean imagine that. He played the honor student/drug addict role and still ended up homeless.



New member
The majority of people I met where all homeless do to substance addiction, verterans, and divorced women. Majority of that was substance abuse. It's funny how basically everyone using drugs gets ****** in the long run.

Anyways this isn't like one of thoes things with an Agenda. I frankly could care less if you do something. I just thing instead of fighting for gay rights, freedom to use drugs, and burning flags there are more important things like this we should be fighting for. I have always supported anything that can benifit the homeless. This expirience actually hearing stories, wittnessing what they really had to go through, learning so just pushed me even more. When you wonder why I fight against **** like Drug Use, Abortion, other bullshit. It's becuase they all tie in to homelessness. And you may be that one dickwad who doesn't give a **** and I congradulate you for being one of the dumbest people on the Planet Earth, but I mean like I matter who you are you definately do not know what it is like until you sit down for lunch and eat what they eat. Wittness what they live through.

I am trying (real hard) to go on a street retreat. That's when you spend the night on the streets and live with the homeless a whole night and do everything they do and basically learn exactly how hard it is. Lemme tell you. It's no camping trip. Anyways, just thought I'd educate the close minded and unaware on the forums about a somewhat serious issue we just slowly ignore more and more. Even though its growing like an epidemic.

It's a long thing I know. I went over the text



New member
azem, i love you and all...but **** the is like whole afternoons reading for me...

*starts reading*

ok, ive read it now. i didnt really know it was that bad and i really felt sorry for Doug. :(

why doesnt your government fund more of these friendship houses?

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