My first 3-wheeler


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2012
New Port Richey, Fla
This was my first 3-wheeeler back in the day...Then I bought the same year trike 20somthin years later.....


I've always got my eye out for a trike.. Waiting for one to just appear in the shop, lol

Buddy of mine had a 250R when we were kids... Like 12, lol. Surprised we aren't dead.
I also have a 86 250r in the back yard... Pretty much junk.... The head and Jug appear to be ported some... Also have a IMS tank for it... Need to sell that stuff...
Ahh the good old trikes. I don't miss those things at all! Like everyone else, it's what I started out riding on .... took my garage out with one when I was a little guy. Good thing I jumped of just before impact! I do like the TPC 450 though (that's the converted trike, right?).
yea, when I took it out to a place we ride, some guy said I was crazy riding that 3 wheeler... Then I pulled a long wheelie in front of him... Alls he said when I came back is "better you than me"...There only dangerous if the person controlling them is new or stupid...
There is no real argument about the safety a 3 wheeler lacks. Sure they have been ridden for years, started something that we all love so dearly today, but there is a reason that they don't make them anymore. The unstable-ness of them just made them sketchy for a lot of people. I agree, they are only as safe as their rider is smart, but in the event of a situation where quick maneuvering is needed, the lack of the 4th wheel just adds a certain level of danger that the average consumer doesn't want to risk. Still a game changer though, so like em or hate em, gotta show some respect for them.
The only reason I went from 3 to 4 wheels is it is very hard to ride in trails rutted out by 4 wheelers..It did lack stability there..

That's another issue with those things. Not only the ruts, but when we used to take them in the woods upnorth, any decent sized rock or branch would really throw you off, sometimes litterally!
I wanna go out drinking with this guy... Space tape.. from G'pan...:rotflmao::rotflmao:
