my friend..

Solid Snake

New member
Right.....o_0 Is this "Friend" your alter ego? Why don't she make an account and get to knows us better^_^ We all will be good friends.....I bet she's cute^_~


New member
Right.....o_0 Is this "Friend" your alter ego? Why don't she make an account and get to knows us better^_^ We all will be good friends.....I bet she's cute^_~
Don't be so sure *strokes chin*



Active Members pointless. Does this thread have a subject or are we going to continue playing the dumb 'online multiple personality disorder' game?


New member
Wocky: I AM NOT AN ALTERNATE PERSONALITY!! besides i like GC...

Jayden: dont listen to her she is a nutcase... other than the part about the alternate personality *goes on with a rant about owls*

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