My Gothic Beauty


New member
Just a tribute to my Girlfriend :p

My Gothic Beauty

Candles on the windows still,

Dripping wax on the sill.

The flames shine brightly,

Showing me every part.

They never hide anything,

And that why,

I keep them.

Seven black candles on the window,

Counting down the days till I,

See my Gothic beauty one more time,

I swear I’ll make you mine…

One candle at a time.

I saw you today,

Never forget that face,

You were shopping for new collars for your boyfriend,

Ready for the day,

My black rose fades away,

The day he tramples on my flower.

But I am not discouraged,

Downhearted or ignored,

For one day I know,

You’ll come running through my door,

But until then I wait once more,

Counting my candles…

Counting the days…

Till I see you again.

You say we’re too different,

You wear black and I wear white,

There nothing wrong with I try to say.

You stand and talk at me,

But I’m not really home.

I’m staring at the wonder of the world,

I’m staring at….

My Gothic beauty.

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