my odd obsessions

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New member
I have an odd obsession.. on MSN i keep on eating people's arms and calling them llamas... dont you think thats WEIRD!?


New member
I have an odd obsession.. on MSN i keep on eating people's arms and calling them llamas... dont you think thats WEIRD!?
i call ppl buttmonkeys or pooperscoopers or goobers...

or whatever i can come up with and call gurls kittens

and guys sexi ones



New member
LOL that reminds me of the pictures-of-your-feet thread we started a while back XD

But yeah... My obsessions are constantly changing. LP will always be my obsession 4 life! :D



New member
whoah people... this is spam.. you do know that right?! :D

This is one of the reasons this forum is going downhill...

don't kill me. ^_^



New member
yeah well lol this is mikes shadow we are talking about here.....

i have weird obsessions....but you already knew that



New member
I have an obbsession with dieing, flying out windows and cows and chickens..o_O

I also have an obbsession with making Grammy winning songs and acting like a girly girl.

Traumatizing,yes..I know..

Its just a phase, it will go away one day..hopefully.



Active Members
I don't think its odd, but I do think it looks like spam.

I have an obsession with chewing straws...but I'll also chew on toothpicks, paper clips, and pens...I don't even know why. I just started doing it a little while ago. But yeah..stay on topic guys. :p



New member
I don't think its odd, but I do think it looks like spam.
I have an obsession with chewing straws...but I'll also chew on toothpicks, paper clips, and pens...I don't even know why. I just started doing it a little while ago. But yeah..stay on topic guys. :p
Omg!! Haha,me too!

Thats funny.

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