My Weight problem!


New member
This problem about weight is probably different from others on here... I know not different from other peoples in other places.

Well I need to put weight ON! I'm 14 and I'm about 7:13 - 8:4. It ranges from time to time. Now I really wanna become at least 10 stone! But I have the will to eat and sadly when I come to eating I can't! I have no idea what it is... I don't eat everything on my plate which I know I have to!

I know this sounds stupid but is there any other way. I keep on trying and trying to eat but I can't. Maybe encouragment from people on this forum can help or advice... Just please hear my plea and help me in any way possible.



New member
If you dont like eating much try to concentrate on meals with a little higher fat content such as Dairy products. Eat more cheese, animal fat and protein and you should gain a couple pounds. Perhaps snacking more inbetween meals.

Another way is to spread your meals out instead of having 3 normal sized meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) spread your meals out say have someting first thing in the morning such as a small amount of cereal then have something like a breakfest bar about 2hrs later. When it comes to lunch eat and save dont throw away anything u leave and finnish it later (unless its a banana or applie cause they get yucky after 10mins). And for dinner put any unfinnished food in the fridge and eat it a little bit later if not the morning after or spread out dinner by having vegetables earlier then a sandwhich full of left over meat or something afterwoards.

It's suprising how eating smaller meals can help reaching ur ideal weight and also by doing it like that ur also unlikey to go over ur ideal weight.

I hope this helps :)



New member
Yeah, I'd go with what Stenners said about eating foods with a higher fat content, but maybe you're just one of those people who can't put on weight (like me).

You could try working out too I guess, try to build up muscle instead of fat.



New member
Don't eat a bunch of food! Eat normally, actully add more protein. And go to the gym! I know here in the states most schools offer a weight training class, I don't know about the UK though. You won't be healthy if you just start eating a ton, besides muscle weighes more than fat.


New member
UK not all the schools offerd weight training, I was in the lucky situation to be in a school that had recently turned into a sports college so not only did we have weight training we also had a free gym to use at before and after school as well as during lunch.

As ACDrules and I said protein is probably the main thing missing from ur diet as it developes muscles, tissue and other thingys.



New member
well im 10 and a half stone, it isnt much fun.

like everyone else has said just eating fatter foods.



New member
colour. America: 1! lol

that was really off topic, anywho. Maybe someone could post a conversion chart for us stupid americans. XD

EDIT: 1 stone = 14 lbs

So I weight 9.5 stone. hmm... gross.



New member
see, ive tryed working out but it dont help cuz i dont eat much... I will try stenners idea, eating more and at different times! personally i do find over time of leaving my plate on the floor i tend to want it again lol!

Well thanks guys ill tell you how it goes... 10 stone HERE I COME! :thumbsup:

Also, when you're trying to gain wait, don't stop trying. If you gain a couple of pounds and you're happy with the weight, keep the eating up for about 6 months. Your body has been about the same weight for a long time, so it's used to it. When you start to eat, your metabolism is going to speed up to compensate for all the extra food, to keep your body weight about the same, so just eat, and then eat some more. Have some protein shakes if you're not hungry. Also, don't just eat fat. People think if you're skinny, you're healthy. Not true. You can be the ideal weight for your height, and still be unhealthy. You have to get your nutrients. Eat meat, chicken or steak (if you're trying to gain weight, I would go with steak), but don't cut out the good stuff. Instead of cutting off the fat like you're supposed to, eat the fat and the skin. Eat high calorie foods, and stay with it for a long period of time. Don't quit after a week when you haven't gained some weight. Infact, if you don't gain a lot of weight after a while, eat more food. When you hit that weight, stay with your new diet for a while before cutting back some. If you start to gain a bit of weight after hitting your ideal weight, cut down the food a bit, and you're probably going to have stay with this new diet for the rest of your life, but you're probably going to be able to cut down the food a bit, but never to where you don't eat at all, or just a bit. Just remember, it's better to be a bit overweight, then to be underweight.


New member
Smoke weed. Get munchies. You won't have problems finishing your plate.

Just kidding, don't do that please.



New member
Smoke weed. Get munchies. You won't have problems finishing your plate.
Just kidding, don't do that please.
lol great advise, but as he/she says don't do it!!

as for eating food with high fat content that will do nothing but give you a heart attack!!!!

you need to eat alot of carbs, they are harder to digest therefore you put on wieght but not fat. i'm on a diet and i got told by my doctor to avoid carbs because they make you put on weight.

so eat lots of potatos, chicken, brerad and pasta.



New member

It actually takes more energy to eat a piece of celery then what it gives you.

That would make you loose weight lol.

Stay away from anything that contains high amounts of cellulose.


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