Myanmar situation / monks slaughtered


New member
if you follow the news you've heard this...

basically hundred thousand people gather on the streets and march in protest again the military government ruling there, and this morning reports came in that 5 buddhist monks had been slaughtered by the military and the police for protesting.

the government had said they'd use force, and there was a curfew today but still 10.000 people marched, and 5 were killed and around 150 are injured...

your opinions?

there is total tyranny in Myanmar...the military goverment has banned other political forces and controls all media, there's a democratic goverment in exile somewhere abroad, democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest for years...



New member
I love Suu Kyi, i was so happy to see her giving that speech from her balacony! and omg, did you hear that they also killed a nun!!!!

whats happening in Myanmar is aweful, but what is worse is the fact that Russia and China, its nearest big powers are reluctant to step in, well can you expect anything else from that ******* putin!



New member
I have two things to add

1. Myanmar ranked #2 on the new list for most government corruption (duh)

2. if the US was really honestly bent on overthrowing evil tyrant powers in government they would've invaded Myanmar already wouldn't they:)



New member
2. if the US was really honestly bent on overthrowing evil tyrant powers in government they would've invaded Myanmar already wouldn't they:)
excatley, none of their half arsed imposing sanctions, whats that suppose to do, other ppl with buy from them anyways, russia will always!



New member
lol true Fribs BUT ill add two things too

1.Myanmar doesent have oil

2.i dont thing USA knows Myanmar is even on the map (i didnt o_O )

um so where is it? in eastern europe?



New member
lol true Fribs BUT ill add two things too
1.Myanmar doesent have oil

2.i dont thing USA knows Myanmar is even on the map (i didnt o_O )

um so where is it? in eastern europe?
haha, it was called Burma under the British (i think) but they rightfully returned their name to the orginal, its in south east-asia near Laos i think, well thai-land!



New member
Myanmar shares boarders with China, India, and a number of other countries. it's kinda between India and Southeast Asia

and yeah Gradon, the oil was one of the things I was hinting at



New member
update: "riot squad" killed 9 more people this morning, at least...
i hope that the general rots in ****. i even more ****** off that its escalted this far without any serious intervention, jesus christ if it was a european country or a country with a heavy european communty something would have been done. i sitll cant believe that other neighbouring countries like china hvavnt opened their doors and let ppl iin.



New member
china isn't a democratic country...the government supports the military goverment in myanmar

I think I know why the UN won't do anything serious...judging by the response to this thread, nobody seems to give a ****



New member
or liek Josh they havnt heard about it which is shocking coz on tv here like im sure in iceland they keep om having massive updates about it and its the front page everywhere!

yes, i know china isnt democratic, they have major problems with brutalizing their monks too bc relgion is frowned upon under their regime its just a shame that other countries havnt opened their doors!

and whats this about Suu Kyi having to stay in detention longer, ridiclous, *** i have soo much respect for that woman.



New member
maybe...but I mean when they hear that 100 people got killed possibly (the exile Myanmar radio in Oslo says that that may be true) this morning I think they have to give a ****...

but yeah I guess that it's like Eddie Izzard said, if you kill your own people, everybody's sort of fine with that. "you killed a hundred thousand people?? wow, you must get up very early in the morning!"



New member

the only main problem is that according to rumour she has been placed in a big scary jail, well wont that just cause more riots. shes seen my the people of myanmar as such an iconic figure and a fighter for the people, wont it just angry them more if that actually happened. very bad move for the stupid military.



New member
ya there are no news of it here...

must be very bad to live in a communist country or one where the millitary has controle

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