NAACP drops honor for Clippers owner over 'racist' recording


Sports News

The NAACP civil rights group will not honor Donald Sterling with a lifetime achievement award after the Los Angeles Clippers owner was allegedly caught making racially disparaging comments, the organization's head said on Sunday. Sterling was severely criticized after the celebrity news site on Friday posted a 10-minute recording in which a person reported to be the NBA owner tells a woman not to post photographs of herself with black people online and not to bring African-Americans to Clippers games. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the oldest civil rights organization in the United States, had planned to give Sterling a lifetime achievement award at its May 15 banquet. "He is not receiving a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP that's coming up in the next few weeks," Lorraine Miller, the organization's interim president and chief executive, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" TV show.

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