National Football League concussion settlement gets final approval


Sports News

A federal judge gave her final approval on Wednesday to a multimillion-dollar settlement in a lawsuit brought by about 5,000 former National Football League players who accused the league of covering up the dangers of concussions. The settlement, approved by Judge Anita Brody, includes allowing for monetary awards of up to $5 million per claimant for serious medical conditions associated with repeated head trauma and could cost the league $1 billion over 65 years. "We look forward to implementing the terms of the settlement and continuing to work with our players, coaches and medical staffs to enhance the safety and benefits of football," NFL general counsel Jeff Pash said in a statement. "Despite the difficult health situations retired players face today, and that many more will unfortunately face in the future, they can take comfort that this settlement's benefits will be available soon, and will last for decades to come," co-lead counsels for the retired players, Christopher Seeger and Sol Weiss, said in a statement.

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