National Intelligence Estimate: - Future looks "precarious."


Doug Bashford

National Intelligence Estimate: - Future looks "precarious."

"Levels of insurgent and sectarian violence will remain
high and the Iraqi government will continue to struggle
to achieve national-level political reconciliation and
improved governance," the NIE said.

Asia Times Online, Hong Kong - Aug 24, 2007

New 'surge' report paints grim picture

According to the latest National Intelligence Estimate by
the US intelligence community released on Thursday, the
future looks "precarious."

Prospects for a political settlement to Iraq's multiple
internal conflicts - particularly between the Shi'ite
majority and the Sunni minority - appear bleak.
The Shi'ite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri
al-Maliki is likely to "become more precarious over the next
six to 12 months", according to the latest
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), which reflects the
consensus view of Washington's 16 intelligence agencies.

"Iraq's sectarian groups remain unreconciled; AQI [al-Qaeda
in Iraq] retains the ability to conduct high-profile
attacks; and to date, Iraqi political leaders remain unable
to govern effectively," according to the 10-page "Key
Judgments", the only section of the report that was

"We assess, to the extent that coalition forces continue to
conduct robust counterinsurgency operations and mentor and
support the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)...that levels of
insurgent and sectarian violence will remain high and the
Iraqi government will continue to struggle to achieve
national-level political reconciliation and improved
governance," it said.

The NIE, titled
"Prospects for Iraq's Stability: Some Security
Progress but Political Reconciliation Elusive",
comes as the administration of US President George W Bush is
preparing its own report on how well its "surge" strategy -
which added 30,000 US troops to the 135,000 who were already
in Iraq in January - has been working.