Nationalism FAQ


National Socialism

Archive-name: politics/nationalism
Posting-frequency: monthly

Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright 2002 LNSG-writers

This FAQ can be found online at:

Version: 1.0

I. What is Nationalism
II. Why is it useful?
III. How does it work?
IV. Nationalist Groups
V. Common Fallacies
VI. About the LNSG

I. What is Nationalism

1. Scope of Nationalism

Most beliefs address a certain area of the human socialization
process, but nationalism is a concept that applies in social,
cultural and political contexts together. It is not a system of
government, like democracy or totalitarianism, nor an economic
system, like socialism or capitalism, but it is a values system that
determines the goals and methods of a society. As such it is not
limited to being a form of "control" but is more a form of worldview
that, when shared by a population, avoids the modern disease.

As a worldview, nationalism also encompasses elements of philosophy,
sociology and spirituality. It both explains why humans behave the
way they do and suggests a sensible method in which actions can be
conceived and executed. As such, it is a design system, more than a
dogmatic or moral system, and can be applied at every level of human
existence. Furthermore it permits experimentation and variation
between its systems of government, social organization and
mysticism, so long as it adheres to the basic principles of

2. Definition of Nationalism

Nationalism is most conveniently described as belief in organizing
human beings by their evolutionary and cultural branch, the nation
(or meta-tribe). Nations are defined by those who founded them and
their genetic origins, which means that the only people forced to
associate with each other on a political level are those of the same
ethnicity. In a nationalist worldview, each person from every ethnic
group esteems his or her own ethnicity above all else, and stays
free from supranational groupings, organizations or corporations.

3. Humanity as Pantheism

Two essential spiritual views exist for those believe in mysticism:
(1) that there is an external source of control for this world which
manipulates it, to which at death we all go, and (2) that the source
of mysticism in the world is either the world itself, or within the
world - material, literal and "real" - as we know it.

Nationalism originates in a view that for the purposes of
government-making, we must operate according to (2) until we
discover a consistent means of exploring the intentions of any
"other worlds" which may exist according to (1). As such, it has a
pantheistic nature instead of a "dualistic" (believing in two
"worlds," the divine and the real) nature, and suggests that any
inspiration for our current actions must exist in appreciation of
the now, including the diversity of nature, which should be
preserved and nurtured through an attention spent keeping unique
groups separate, so they do not adulterate each other and produce a
compromise between their genetic stock, culture.

This objectivist view of the situation as presented by the history,
spiritual systems and unbiased scientists of our tribe, in the
current globalist political situation, is considered heresy and a
sign of "hate" - these are methods used to fight nationalism, and
have no basis in a scientific disagreement with nationalism. Most
people in the current time are conditioned to fear "Racism" in
anything which asserts genetic differences between populations are
extant. For them, we present a brief overview of racial theory here.

Race-Culture Theory

"A theory regarding race which supports both the historical theory
and the racial theory of the LNSG, 'parallel evolution,' is codified
under something known around here as Race-Culture Theory. This
theory states that race and culture influence one another through
development of a civilization; one might paraphrase it by saying
that cultural norms determine what traits survive, and race is a
record of the traits a culture has chosen; further, the implicit
corollary is that a culture will be changed by the introduction of a
new race within its population, as these people having been
conditioned with different genetic determiners of survival will have
been developed to exist in their culture, and will recognize living
outside of that ruleset will bring ambiguity and death.

In this concept, races do not exist on a purely linear construction;
they are the evolving populations of humanity which arose in
parallel and each carry distinct traits which are handily specific
to the culture and civilizations which produced each race. A few
more steps of analysis suggests that race-mixing produces then a
step back in evolution for members of all races, as they will have
replaced specific traits - characterists rendered by thousands of
years of evolutionary pressure toward a cultural ideal - with
generic traits, or compromises between potential traits in their
genetic profiles.

Thus the basis of the LNSG's position on race is formed: race is
culture is memory is values systems, and these are sacred to every
population. While we are pro-White, and acknowledge no goals other
than preservation of nature and our own tribe, we are committed to
honorable treatment of other populations and above all else,
honorable separation of the races and injunctions against
miscegenation (race-mixing), population-mixing and most of all use
of other races for chattel slavery and/or hired labor alike."

4. Nations as Ecosystems

In the nationalist view, localized nations of ethnic groups ruling
themselves are like human ecosystems in that, while they are fully
specialized for their location and its character, they have a high
degree of internal variation and different roles served by each of
their members. As there are mice and eagles in a forest, there are
leaders and implementors in any human society, just as there are
those who break down the old in any ecosystem and those who seek
opportunity for change, much as there are those creatures in nature
who burrow under the earth, make dams, eat detritus and destroy
other life forms to make paths of their own.

As such, there is no single appearance to people within a race, nor
is there a single genetic marker or composite, but these people
share among them the greatest commonality in genetics, adaptive
inclinations and cultural background. Thus it is sensible to keep
these ecosystems isolated as much is possible to prevent an
introduction of the alien to a large degree, which then destroys
these areas. Much as a forest in the hands of industrialized
humanity is helpless, so is humanity and its 15,000 years of
cultural heritage in the hands of its modern technological

5. Nature to Nation

Following the example of nature, we can adopt biological
organization systems for human use, as was common in the ancient
empires of Greek, Rome and Egypt (long before they collapsed shortly
after admitting non-ethnic citizens). Each tribe rules itself, and
the meta-tribe loosely unites them, enabling trade and exchange of
ideas. Tribes may interact with others freely, but if they choose to
intermix, they are exiled from the meta-nation. There are no
allegiances higher than nation, and each locality is ruled by the
people who live in it most immediately (in small groups) - people
who know each other as distant but vital kin - for whom land,
family, tribe and culture are interlocked, interdependent concepts.
In this type of system, the widescale pollution, over-development,
economic servitude to distant owners, and adulteration of culture is
stopped; as such, many people have correctly identified nationalism,
whether of democratic states or totalitarian ones, as the only force
that can consistently repel globalism.

Globalism, for the purposes of this essay, is defined as any system
in which nations are unified in trading or military groups, or
through the system of multi-national commerce, meaning that what
unites groups is dogma related to economic systems, with economics -
and not the people, their culture and heritage - as the primary
goal. At the time of this writing, a globalist state centered around
the interests of the United States and Israel seems likely, and will
quickly assimilate us all into the cultureless "trader's paradise"
of the United States, with only religiously xenophobic international
tribes keeping their identity protected for reasons of compassion.

II. How does it work?

1. What are its basic ideas?

Nationalism is built around the idea of parallel evolution, or that
people, plants, animals, ideas, concepts, and languages evolve in
multiple threads simultaneously. This encloses several ideas,
including that of meritocratic parallel elitism, by which multiple
sub-species of idea or organism refine themselves according to the
specific needs of their locality (or in the case of humans, cultural
goals). It also holds a concept of uniqueness and diversity by which
groups not individuals are the measurement of diversity, and they
are correspondingly isolated to keep them from being "averaged," or
combined with others in such a way only the compromise - lowest
common denominator - of their traits prevails. In a parallelist
system, mixing threads results in a decrease of specialized function
and thus a reduction of evolution.

Naturally, this runs contrary to the globalist and internationalist
ideas that, propelled by a worldwide liberalization making way for
larger populations and great profits, suggest we should all merge
into a generic population to become better consumers. Nationalists
hold that the ultimate extension of egalitarianism is conformity,
much as communism through its desire to mold people into generics
reduced the ability of cultures to compete where innovation was
required. Similarly, liberalism slowly bogs us down with social
pretense of equality and in effect, becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy that crushes individuality, destroys cultures and provides
only distant idealized leaders who most commonly facilitate
individual needs, not things of collective importance such as
environmental reconstruction.

2. How does this apply to government?

Government must serve the people, and the needs of the people as a
culture, as a part of a natural system, and as individuals.
Nationalism is accepting of any economic system and most political
ones, although its values as post-egalitarian will conflict in
varying degrees with democracy and communism. Most importantly,
nationalism as a political standard saves governments from having to
participate in global politics, and allows them to concentrate on
working for the people and local needs, including environmental
ones. As such, nationalism is a superior basis for civilization as a
whole - with its component disciplines of politics, society and
culture - and benefits any culture who adopts it.

3. How does this apply to society?

Society is the part of a civilization which exists outside of
official constraints, but is influenced by them and helps effect
them through its cultural and social tendencies. A nationalist
society would accept certain ideas, including those of ethnic
independence, meritocratic elitism, and specialization through
localization that would thwart the tendency of money, power and
religious symbolism to replace the goal with the method. In society,
this can be seen most clearly in how we value money more than the
sanity and health of our families, as evidenced by the increasing
pollution, lack of family cohesion and social disorder created in
the churning wake of our political and economic "advancement."

4. How does this apply to nature?

Local governments, composed of the people who live in an area and
are specifically adapted to its unique characteristics, are more in
touch with what is occurring in that area and planning for its
future than some distant organization which may see a piece of land
fit to be converted into a giant factory complex, resulting in
massive pollution and destruction of natural land for the benefits
of others, while a tiny portion of the profit goes back into the
local community. In a nationalist system, local governments would be
guardians of natural resources and ecosystems, and would be able to
fall into balance with a national economy that limited its imports,
reducing competition and allowing its economies to reach an internal
equilibrium, preserving higher salaries and making an ever-
increasing demand for money less of a motivation than the health of
the community as a whole.

5. How does nationalism relate to the superpower age?

Previous to the superpower age, the last gasp of nationalism was in
Europe and Asia attempting to resist cosmopolitanism,
internationalism and anti-meritocratic systems of government such as
communism. Through the help of mostly the United States, the
nationalists were defeated by a much larger force, mainly because of
political confusion in European nations leading to them being unable
to unite against the larger American and Soviet forces. Similarly,
Asia was too fractured by competing financial interests to see the
wisdom of the Japanese and Chinese nationalists who were fighting
for independent empires in that area. The version of nationalism
from the 1940s however barely resembles what it is today, which is
both more Traditional and modernized/post-modernized relative to the
older version of Nationalism. The Nationalism advocated in this FAQ
draws more from the Greco-Roman, Indic and Egyptian empires than it
does from China, Japan or Nazi Germany, although we recognize that
form of nationalism as being inspired by the same roots and thus an
ally in common.

III. Nationalist Groups

An extensive list of nationalist groups can be found here:

Groups recommended exclusively by this author:

1. The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party - a sensible,
emotionally controlled, traditionalist nationalist party which
incorporates the best and most citizen-nurturing ideas of the
past 5,000 years of human politics.

2. Overthrow/Bill White - this highly intelligent young man
writes about the importance of Radical Traditionalism and the
utility of National Socialism as a device to further develop
white culture and society. He is also a candidate in his local
area in Maryland.

3. The National Alliance - one of the oldest Nationalist groups
in America, this group has a National Socialist and traditionalist
flavor with a good understanding of the classic works, ideas and
actions of Indo-European culture.

4. British National Party - although heavy on patriotic elements
from the era of the nation-state, the BNP advocates a strong
nationalist platform with an eye toward tradition, reclaiming
the UK for the people who created it.

IV. Common Fallacies

1. "You're racists!"

While understanding that race is culture is ethnicity is heritage is
nation is part of nationalism, it is one part of nationalism and
without the sensible respect for others and cultural self-
determination that is part of any healthy nationalist outlook, race
becomes a dominant hot-button issue which is considered before all
others in a paranoid, reactionary backlash, whether anti-racism or
pro-racism. What we call "racism" today, or recognizing the
evolutionary differences between tribes, is natural to all people
but only those with bravery admit it.

2. "You're haters!"

It is important for any governmental system to be assertive about
doing what is healthy, even adamant or voilent about it, regardless
of how it inconveniences others. However, it is doubtful that
nationalists are propelled by hatred.

3. "You're anti-Semites!"

Every group has its national character, whether currently in their
nation or not. Each group must have a national ground as its home
nation, including Semites (Jews, Arabs, and many middle easterners).
In the context of Semitic Nationalism, we are pro-Semitic.

By the same token, however, no nation should allow alien populations
to reside within except as temporary visitors, and in our own
nations we do not want alien cultures, which for many tribes
(Africa, Asian and Indo-Europeans most notably) does not include
Semitic religions, psychology or philosophy. Semitic religions such
as Judaism or Christianity or Islam, Semitic cultures like Judaism,
and Semitic bloodlines belong in Semitic nations. This is a fair and
sensible action, because every culture, including Indo-European
tribes, deserves its right to tribal autonomy.

Some will say that nationalism excludes Jews, because since losing a
war in the land of Israel they wandered the world in a diaspora,
living in host nations while practicing the culture, religion and
mental outlook of a Semitic nation. In the minds of these people, it
is anti-Semitic to deny these exiles a home; in the view of a
nationalist, every tribe must preserve its own identity in its
homeland, thus Israelites must return to Israel or create a new
nation in one specific area.

"The Egyptians worship many animals and images of monstrous form;
the Jews have purely conceptions of Deity, as one in essence. They
call those profane who make representations of God in human shape of
perishable materials. They believe that Being to supreme and
eternal, neither capable of representation or decay. " Tacitus, on

4. "You're conservatives!"

Conservative is a modern definition which means someone who in a
liberal system embraces as much of traditional values as is
possible. To nationalists, this is a paradoxical outlook, as having
given up on nation and culture, the conservative has no leg to stand
on defending that society from its degeneration at the hands of race
adulteration, social reprogramming and cultural reduction. Thus, no
nationalist is a conservative, although nationalists are by
definition the strongest argument for Tradition and traditionalism.

5. "You're liberals!"

Liberalism arose from a belief in egalitarianism, or the equality of
all people in a political or religious sense, and became convenient
during the industrial revolution as a way of convincing the masses
they were "empowered" when in fact they had less power to ever
change the system around them. Liberal ideals such as democracy make
consensus on anything but the lowest common denominator changes
unlikely, thus one gets "panem et circensus" alongside sentimental
reforms based on grand statements of emotional commonality, not
logic. No nationalist is a liberal, although by its own goalset
nationalism embraces many liberal reforms such as: environmentalism,
diversity, cultural preservation and tolerance of the unique views
of other groups.

In the chronologue of history, the development of liberalism can be
traced from its origins in the Judeo-Christian religions, which
proclaimed an equality of man and the importance of certain "grand
absolute statements," such as morality and pity and equality and
social neutrality, over any of the values of the previous order,
namely those of tribe, honor, justice and independence. As we are
not of a Semitic tribe, we do not see it fitting to embrace Semitic
dogma, although Semites are welcome to if they so desire, obviously.

6. "You'll never achieve anything!"
Nationalism has been the dominant system on earth until the pax
judaica, starting with the adoption of Christianity as the official
religion of the Roman empire, creators of the previous era as
defined by historians, pax romana. Pax judaica has been home to the
most frustrating and destructive events in history, including
unchecked industry eating natural ecosystems, cultural and ethnic
dissolution, and globalist superpowers and corporations wiht
unprecedented control over nation-states and individuals. Change is
inevitable and nationalism has succeeded far longer than
"internationalism" has, so it is likely we as a species will switch
back to the previous working model, with some changes to keep

7. "There's proof races don't exist!"

From the LNSG:

We've heard this one many times; all of the arguments against race
so far advanced by the mainstream society centers around semantic
ideas of race. Thus, they are easily defeated if one looks at the
arguments being made, despite the flashy "proof" (facts and figures
unrelated to the actual question of race) being displayed by so-
called intellectuals.

A. "There must be a skin color gene which also includes
intelligence" - fallacy: race is a collection of traits linked only
by their presence in real world populations. It is not a symbolized,
denoted or signal-indicated thing in the human species. It is an
extant fact of what traits were accumulated in what localities by
each tribe (as opposed to a symbol, or marker, of what the grouping
- something humans must name - of those traits must be). Tribes are
like neanderthals and cro-magnons: different evolutionary branches
of the same organism, contributing different specialized DNA. As you
can see, this argument against race and its variants attempt to
confuse the reader with semantic issues, and then, constructing of
those semantic issues a fallacious argument attributed to those who
believe in race, demolishing the "straw man" and claiming to defeat
the original argument by extension.

An excellent example of this is Stephen Jay Gould's "the mismeasure
of man," whose basic argument against race can be summarized as,
"Because there is no clear marker of race, or clear links between
these traits indicated in the genes themselves, there is no race."
This is a clear fallacy, as all racists from the older tradition
have indicated that the grouping of traits is itself what defines
race, without requiring any symbolic confirmation from the DNA
itself, as the grouping already exists by producing individuals with
that DNA.

B. "Scientists recognize race doesn't exist" - not true, although
some vocals ones claim this. Pathologists can identify human bones
by race, and races achieve the same statistical results on IQ tests
regardless of socioeconomic background. Further, there are many
scientists who believe that race not only exists but is an important
biological and social determinant, but these do not seem to be
favored by the publishing, media or government industries.

C. "The white race is intolerant!"

If the Indo-Europeans were as a blanket policy "intolerant" of other
races, they would have eliminated the other races using the
technologies exclusive to white societies when they had a chance.
They did not, and in fact repulsed invasions of other tribes from
Europe and allowed intermarriage and citizen transplants to the
reasonable degree that occurred during normal commerce with other
nations; until the globalist agenda began advancing the idea of "one
world race" and culture, the Indo-European cause to begin racial
segregation was small. Today, however, commerce and media culture
threatens to merge the races into one of uniform traits, eliminating
all nationality and the uniqueness of local populations.

D. "You should feel guilty for having what whites do!"

Indo-Europeans designed and organized the culture of America and
Europe, and built it with almost exclusively white labor (slaves, as
fewer than a million of these laborers, accounted for very little of
this advance). There is no reason to feel guilty for the successes
of one's ancestors, nor to assume that giving the trappings of these
successes to those who could not create them for themselves is
anything other than a symbolical gesture out of pity, one which
exacerbates the problem after applying a short-term, temporary

E. "Racism was invented to justify slavery!"

If by "racism" you mean "racial awareness in a social and economic
context," there may be some truth to this, as economic systems were
working against the nationalist model when "racism" because a
fashionable justification for some of slavery. However, looking at a
definition of racism from the dictionary:

1 - The belief that race accounts for differences in
human character or ability and that a particular
race is superior to others.
2 - Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

This form of thought existed far earlier, and in our view, is
inherent to any species and its enclosed sub-groupings, races. In
order to specialize, one must resist breeding and thus notice what
is different about other groups. This demonization of unwanted
traits in others is both instructive to people in how to live as
members of that culture, and useful in keeping everyone from
becoming averaged, which by the nature of conflict traits reduces
any kind of overall organization to the individual, producing
someone with semi-random traits. This is the reason that
interbreeding with neanderthals in European areas was kept to a
minimum, and that ancient civilizations in Greece, India, Africa,
the Middle East, Asia and the Americas were rigorously racist in
construction of caste systems and racial hierarchies.

"The Germans, I am apt to believe, derive their original from no
other people; and are nowise mixed with different nations arriving
amongst them: since anciently those who went in search of new
dwellings, travelled not by land, but were carried in fleets; and
into that mighty ocean so boundless, and, as I may call it, so
repugnant and forbidding, ships from our world rarely enter.
Moreover, besides the dangers from a sea tempestuous, horrid and
unknown, who would relinquish Asia, or Africa, or Italy, to repair
to Germany, a region hideous and rude, under a rigorous climate,
dismal to behold or to manure (TGF: To cultivate) unless the same
were his native country? In their old ballads (which amongst them
are the only sort of registers and history) they celebrate Tuisto, a
God sprung from the earth, and Mannus his son, as the fathers and
founders of the nation. To Mannus they assign three sons, after
whose names so many people are called; the Ing