NBA player stabbed in New York vows to make 'a full recovery'


Sports News

(Reuters) - Indiana Pacers forward Chris Copeland was recovering at a New York hospital on Thursday after undergoing surgery on his abdomen and elbow from knife wounds and said he would "work hard to make a full recovery." Copeland, 31, and his former fiancée Katrine Saltara, 28, were stabbed at about 4 a.m. on Wednesday outside a nightclub in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood. Also injured in connection with the incident was Atlanta Hawks forward Thabo Sefolosha, who is out for the season. In a statement, Copeland, a three-year NBA veteran, thanked his fans, teammates and others for their support and apologized for being out late. "I also want to apologize to everyone, particularly the NBA and the Pacers for my bad choice at being out at that time," he added.

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