NCAA heads to U.S. appeals court over athlete pay


Sports News

By Dan Levine SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A group of athletes trying to win a slice of the billions of dollars universities reap from football and basketball will face a full court press on Tuesday from the NCAA, which is determined to enforce amateurism in college sports. The National Collegiate Athletic Association wants a U.S. appeals court to undo a ruling last year that allowed student athletes a limited share of revenue by allowing students to recover some revenue generated from use of their names, images and likenesses. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken in Oakland, California added to mounting legal, political and public pressure for colleges to give student athletes better benefits. It came in response to an antitrust class action against the NCAA filed by more than 20 current and former athletes, saying players should share in profits of college athletics.

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