Need a picture


New member
Im looking for a good picture of someone doing a power slide with dirt and dust kicking up... I want to put it on the top right of the forum....Id like it to be a Honda though..


Active Members
What about this... have a pic of the month contest... anything goes as long as there is a 450 based quad in the photo & no vulgarity or nudity

winner gets to be the "logo" for the month


El Mamito USMC

Active Members
What about this... have a pic of the month contest... anything goes as long as there is a 450 based quad in the photo & no vulgarity or nudity
winner gets to be the "logo" for the month
no nudity, WTF!!! :icon_eek: dude if you keep giving this ideas out, i migth have to go and sabotage your plane Sir...


good idea.. ill post some up once i get home...



New member
Yes gunny... Picture of the month? Thats why we have quad of the month....QOTM winners go on the front portal page...


New member
LOL..... how bout one with full ride gear(A SHIRT) and from the front.... Other than that, no problem....

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New member
eh shirts are overrated, but thats the only one i got. and its from an actual hq member, thats gotta be worth something
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